Review: Where Dreams Descend by Janella Angeles

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Where Dreams Descend (Kingdom of Cards #1)
Janella Angeles
Wednesday Books
Published August 25, 2020

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Where Dreams Descend

In a city covered in ice and ruin, a group of magicians face off in a daring game of magical feats to find the next headliner of the Conquering Circus, only to find themselves under the threat of an unseen danger striking behind the scenes.

As each act becomes more and more risky and the number of missing magicians piles up, three are forced to reckon with their secrets before the darkness comes for them next.

The Star: Kallia, a powerful showgirl out to prove she’s the best no matter the cost

The Master: Jack, the enigmatic keeper of the club, and more than one lie told

The Magician: Demarco, the brooding judge with a dark past he can no longer hide.

My Review

This might be the best book I’ve read all year. I feel like I keep saying that, but honestly, there have been so many great books this year! WHERE DREAMS DESCEND is definitely near if not at the top of my list.

I loved Kallia. She’s a take no prisoners, driven, smart, savvy lady who never gives up. I loved her relationship with Aaros, the thief she takes under her wing to be her magician’s assistant in the competition. And of course, I loved DeMarco, too. (Fun fact– DeMarco was my great-grandmother’s name.)

This story hit so many perfect notes for me. The moral dilemmas. The mysterious dangers lurking throughout the competition and some characters’ pasts. The forbidden romance. The angsty magicians. The strong sisterhood of performers coming together to support one another.

The beginning started out a little bit slow for me, but once the competition began, I was completely hooked. I couldn’t wait to read every page, and I dreaded reaching the final chapter, too, because then it would be over.

WHERE DREAMS DESCEND is one of those books I’m going to want to read again like next week just to savor it all over again. I feel like I can’t even say enough how much I loved it. Seriously, if you can only buy one more book this year, pick this one!

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 13 up.

Kallia has brown skin and curly hair.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Profanity used somewhat frequently. (Approximately 35 times.)

Romance/Sexual Content
Intense kissing and desire between a man and woman. Some sensual dancing.

Spiritual Content
Some characters possess magic. At least one character is not human/mortal. Shadowy shapes seem to pursue some characters, possibly intending harm.

Violent Content
Situations of peril. One scene shows a monster. In another scene, characters are showered with broken glass.

Drug Content
Some scenes show characters drinking alcohol at social dinners and a bar.

Note: I received a free copy of WHERE DREAMS DESCEND in exchange for my honest review. This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support the costs of running this blog.

About Janella Angeles

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JANELLA ANGELES is a Filipino-American author who got her start in writing through consuming glorious amounts of fanfiction at a young age—which eventually led to penning a few of her own, and later on, creating original stories from her imagination. A lifelong lover of books, she’s lucky enough to be working in the business of publishing them on top of writing them. She currently resides in Massachusetts, where she’s most likely to be found listening to musicals on repeat and daydreaming too much for her own good. Where Dreams Descend is her first book.

Review: Foreverland by Nicole C. Kear

Nicole C. Kear
Published April 21, 2020

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Foreverland

Margaret is tired of everything always changing. Middle school has gone from bad to worse. Her best friend is becoming a stranger. And her family—well, it’s not even a family anymore.

So Margaret is running away to Foreverland, her favorite amusement park. Hiding out there is trickier than she expects–until she meets Jaime, a thrill-seeking, fast-thinking runaway who teaches Margaret how to stay one step ahead of the captain of security.

At first, this after-hours, all-access pass to the park is a dream come true: sleepovers in the Haunted House, nonstop junk food, and an unlimited ticket to ride. But as the runaways learn each other’s secrets, they must face the reasons they left their normal lives behind. With the Captain closing in and Jaime’s future on the line, can Margaret finally take control?

My Review

I can’t help being fascinated by books that take place in a theme park, whether they’re dark, like TWO CAN KEEP A SECRET or VANISHING GIRLS or sweeter, like THE MIXED UP FILES OF MRS. BASIL E. FRANKWEILER (okay, so that one is set in a museum, but I’m still counting it.).

FOREVERLAND is on the sweeter/lighter side of the spectrum. Margaret wrestles with fears and feelings of rejection and loneliness, but her friendship with Jaime helps give her a new perspective on not just her life, but herself. He sees her as this bold, courageous girl, which gives her an opportunity to reevaluate herself and see if she can find that courage and strength that he sees in her.

I’m pretty sure I saw the book on a list on Twitter and decided to order it to help support authors whose books have come out during the pandemic. We don’t always realize how much authors depend on school visits, book cons, and other big spring and summer events to get the word out about their work. With so many events canceled and so many students distance learning, it has not been easy for authors to reach new readers.

If you’re looking for a really sweet, uplifting book about friendship and courage, I absolutely recommend this one! You can find it on Indiebound and support not only the author but an independent bookstore near you, too!

You can also find other books for readers ages 8 to 12 that came out this year on this Goodreads list.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

Margaret has panic attacks and anxiety. Jaime’s grandparents are Puerto Rican.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
Margaret feels left behind and forgotten now that her older sister has a boyfriend.

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
Margaret chokes on a bite of food and someone helps her by knocking it loose.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support the costs of running this blog.

Review: Vote!: Women’s Fight for Access to the Ballot Box by Coral Celeste Frazer

Vote!: Women’s Fight for Access to the Ballot Box
Coral Celeste Frazer
Twenty-first Century Books
Published August 6, 2019

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Vote!: Women’s Fight for Access to the Ballot Box

August 18, 2020, marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, which prohibited states and the US government from denying citizens the right to vote on the basis of sex. See how the 70-year-long fight for women’s suffrage was hard won by leaders such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, Carrie Chapman Catt and others.

Learn how their success led into the civil rights and feminist movements of the mid- and late twentieth century, as well as today’s #MeToo, #YesAllWomen, and Black Lives Matter movements. In the face of voter ID laws, voter purges, gerrymandering, and other restrictions, Americans continue to fight for equality in voting rights.

My Review

Reading this book, right now, as Federal officers are deployed in Portland and potentially other places (I am writing this a few weeks before it goes live, so things may have changed) was really strange.

I didn’t know a lot about the fight for women to vote before I’d read this book. Here are some of the things I learned that stood out most:

  • Women’s rights and Black rights activists sometimes worked together and sometimes worked against each other. I want to know a lot more about the dialogue between the two groups and people who devoted themselves to one cause at the expense of the other or in opposition to the other.
  • Police attacked women’s rights protestors. I don’t know what I imagined those protests looked like, but there was violence.
  • The book also points out and spends several chapters talking about the rights of Black and POC women and the fight for their right to vote as well. I hadn’t deeply thought of those as two separate battles before, which really just points up more of my ignorance, honestly.

One of the things I love about this book is that it’s packed with personal stories of the women involved in women’s rights activism. I loved learning the names and approaches of these women. Lucy Stone and Fannie Lou Hamer stand out to me the most. I’d love to learn more about both of them.

August 18 marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. If you don’t know a lot about the struggle that preceded it, I recommend this book as a great introduction to the topic.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 10 up.

Follows the stories of women’s rights and civil rights activists.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild profanity used infrequently.

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
References to Christian faith as a motivator for some activists.

Violent Content
References to lynchings. Descriptions of police brutality against protestors. Descriptions of force-feeding prisoners who were on hunger strikes.

Drug Content
References to women’s rights groups that also opposed drinking alcohol and protested in front of bars and saloons.

Note: I received a free copy of VOTE!: WOMEN’S FIGHT FOR ACCESS TO THE BALLOT BOX in exchange for my honest review. This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support the costs of running this blog.

Review: Marie Curie: A Life of Discovery by Alice Milani

Marie Curie: A Life of Discovery (Graphic Novel)
Alice Milani
Graphic Universe
Published August 6, 2019

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Marie Curie: A Life of Discovery (Graphic Novel)

In her intensely researched, inventively drawn exploration of Marie Curie’s life, artist Alice Milani follows the celebrated Polish scientist from Curie’s time as a struggling governess to her years in France making breakthrough discoveries. Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two different sciences.

With skill and care, Milani traces Curie’s flight from Russia-controlled Poland, her romance with fellow scientist Pierre Curie, and Marie and Pierre’s stunning discoveries of the elements radium and polonium. Throughout this distinctive graphic work, Curie defies doubt and double standards to make an enduring impact on the scientific world.

My Review

Especially at the beginning, I found this book confusing. It had a short section about characters that didn’t come back into the story until much later. Even aside from that, the timeline of the story does jump around a bit. I feel like in terms of understanding what’s happening, if you’re already familiar with Marie Curie’s life, you’ll understand what’s going on much more easily.

Despite those few reading bumps, I enjoyed this graphic novel. I have only read/reviewed a couple of these before. I’m not an experienced reader by any means, so I feel like I can’t rate it in terms of other graphic novel biographies. The artwork was really expressive and helped to create characterization.

I learned a lot of things that I hadn’t known about Curie, too. I had read about her in elementary school, but didn’t know much beyond that she was a renowned scientist and studied radiation. So I hadn’t realized she was Polish and lived at a time when she would’ve been persecuted in her own country. I thought the part of the story that explored gender roles and the way the media portrayed her during her time was especially well done.

On the whole, I think this book would make a great addition to a grade 6 or 7 science classroom. It’s a quick read and I enjoyed it.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 10 up.

Marie Curie is Polish. Her family faced persecution for teaching in Polish during a time when speaking Polish in class was forbidden by occupying Russians.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild profanity used infrequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
Shows Marie Curie’s relationship with her husband, but focuses more on the scientific partnership than the romance.

Spiritual Content

Violent Content

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of MARIE CURIE in exchange for my honest review. This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support the costs of running this blog.

Review: This Book is Anti-Racist by Tiffany Jewell

This Book is Anti-Racist
Tiffany Jewell
Frances Lincoln Children’s Books
Published January 7, 2020

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About This Book is Anti-Racist

Learn about identities, true histories, and anti-racism work in 20 carefully laid out chapters. Written by anti-bias, anti-racist, educator and activist, Tiffany Jewell, and illustrated by French illustrator Aurélia Durand in kaleidoscopic vibrancy.

This book is written for the young person who doesn’t know how to speak up to the racist adults in their life. For the 14 year old who sees injustice at school and isn’t able to understand the role racism plays in separating them from their friends. For the kid who spends years trying to fit into the dominant culture and loses themselves for a little while. It’s for all of the Black and Brown children who have been harmed (physically and emotionally) because no one stood up for them or they couldn’t stand up for themselves; because the colour of their skin, the texture of their hair, their names made white folx feel scared and threatened.

It is written so children and young adults will feel empowered to stand up to the adults who continue to close doors in their faces. This book will give them the language and ability to understand racism and a drive to undo it. In short, it is for everyone.

My Review

It took me about an hour to read this book, so it’s a pretty quick, very straightforward read. It begins with asking readers to consider some facts about themselves– their race or their gender, for instance– and to think about how those things place them within our culture. Are you a member of the majority in that category? If so, how can you use that strength to empower others?

One of the most helpful things for me in reading the book were the practical tips for how to respond when someone says something racist or prejudiced in front of you. As with each chapter, the author breaks it down into simple, practical steps.

In the past, I’ve really struggled when someone says something inappropriate in this way. I tend to freeze up and feel panicked and then later wish I’d done something more proactive. Reading this book left me feeling as though I now have the tools to gently but firmly confront friends, family members, or coworkers when I need to. That feels pretty huge for me.

I would recommend this book especially for teens interested in this topic, but I think adults can stand to gain a lot from it, too. As I mentioned, it was a super quick, very practical read. I think it’d make a great place to dip your toes into learning about social justice and how you help.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 10 up.

The author is Black Biracial. The book is really aimed at any reader of any race or sexual orientation.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
References to faiths.

Violent Content
Offers tips for what you can legally do if you witness police brutality.

Drug Content

Review: Mindfulness and Meditation by Whitney Stewart

Mindfulness and Meditation: Handling Life with a Calm and Focused Mind
Whitney Stewart
Twenty-first Century Books
Published August 6, 2019

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Mindfulness and Meditation

From hormones to homework, parents to peers, health issues to bad habits, life can be a pressure cooker leading to anxiety and even thoughts of suicide. How can we find relief? Author Whitney Stewart introduces readers to the practice of mindfulness.

With its roots in ancient Buddhist teachings, mindfulness–the practice of purposefully focusing attention on the present moment–can change a person’s approach to stress, develop skills to handle anxiety and depression, and provide a sense of awareness and belonging.

Stewart guides readers through how to get started with meditation as well as provides specific exercises for examining emotions, managing stress, checking social media habits and wellness routines, and setting intentions to increase happiness.

My Review

This is actually the second book on meditation that I’ve read recently, though it’s the first I’m officially reviewing. I have been really interested in the practice especially lately, because I’ve noticed an uptick in anxiety since the pandemic began. Mindfulness and meditation are supposed to be helpful to address anxiety, so it seemed like a great idea to learn more about them and how to apply those practices to my life.

My favorite thing about this book is that it’s broken down into sections that talk about how a certain area of our lives can cause stress. It’s things like social media, being overtired, waking up in the morning, etc. In each section, there are sample mindfulness exercises that can be read aloud by a friend or recorded and played while you engage in them.

I found them to be really simple and helpful. I liked that there were often several to choose from. You could try different exercises and find what helps the best.

There are also some great resources in the back of the book, including a list of apps you can use to do guided mindfulness exercises. I’d heard of many of them before, but some were new to me.

On the whole, I feel like this is a great introduction to mindfulness that explains really well what it is and why it works. It’s got everything that you need to get started with your own mindfulness practice in your daily life.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

Text contains brief quotes from lots of different students.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
Mindfulness has its roots in Buddhist practice, so the author talks a little bit about Buddhist beliefs and practices. This isn’t a spiritual book, though. Mindfulness itself is not a religious practice. The author encourages readers to use it with their existing faith practices.

Violent Content

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of MINDFULNESS AND MEDITATION in exchange for my honest review. This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support the costs of running this blog.

Have you tried mindfulness or meditation?

Have you ever tried mindfulness or meditation before? Do you have a regular practice? If you do, what apps or books do you find helpful?

Also… how are you doing? Have you noticed an increase in your anxiety level this year? What do you do to help you relax?