Tag Archives: England

Review: My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows

My Lady Jane by Hand, Ashton, and Meadows shows a girl looking over her shoulder and small, handwritten notes that say: "sometimes history gets it all wrong", "it's not easy being queen", and "off with her head!"

My Lady Jane
Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows
Harper Teen
Published June 6, 2016

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Edward (long live the king) is the King of England. He’s also dying, which is inconvenient, as he’s only sixteen and he’d much rather be planning for his first kiss than considering who will inherit his crown…

Jane (reads too many books) is Edward’s cousin, and far more interested in books than romance. Unfortunately for Jane, Edward has arranged to marry her off to secure the line of succession. And there’s something a little odd about her intended…

Gifford (call him G) is a horse. That is, he’s an Eðian (eth-y-un, for the uninitiated). Every day at dawn he becomes a noble chestnut steed—but then he wakes at dusk with a mouthful of hay. It’s all very undignified.

The plot thickens as Edward, Jane, and G are drawn into a dangerous conspiracy. With the fate of the kingdom at stake, our heroes will have to engage in some conspiring of their own. But can they pull off their plan before it’s off with their heads?

My Review

It took me several chapters to really get into MY LADY JANE. The comparison to THE PRINCESS BRIDE made me really nervous because I love that book, and while I totally see why MY LADY JANE gets compared to it, I felt like it made some of the spunk and jokes seem like a copy rather than letting them shine on their own.

I wasn’t crazy about Edward’s character at the opening of the book. Maybe because of the dying part, I guess I figured he was an intro character who would turn the story over to other characters in a chapter or two. Jane and “G” pretty much had me at hello, though. I’m kind of a sucker for those stories where characters have to get married even though they don’t like each other and then magically, unexpectedly (to them at least) fall in love. So in that way, it was a perfect read for me.

Also, some of the minor characters were hilarious. Jane and Edward’s grandmother is my favorite. She has that very pragmatic, very frank personality and also, she turns into a skunk when she gets angry.

I’m also kind of a fan of re-imagined historical fiction. MY LADY JANE reminded me a little bit of THE RING AND THE CROWN by Melissa de la Cruz or ROMANOV by Nadine Brandes, though both are in a much more serious tone. But both have magic plus re-imagined history.

On the whole, I enjoyed reading MY LADY JANE partly in spite of its weirdness and partly because of it. If you like really quirky books, this is a great one to put on your summer reading list.

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

All the characters are English, Scottish, or French.

Language Content
Mild profanity used twice.

Sexual Content
Kissing between a boy and girl.

Spiritual Content
Some references to the Church of England.

Some characters can transform into animals. Others believe this is a form of witchcraft, and that any who can transform should be burned at the stake.

At one point, a character is sentenced to be beheaded. (Other references to character who were beheaded, all happened off-scene.) Another character faces being burned at the stake. (Not shown on-scene.)

Some battle sequences with situations of peril.

Drug Content
“G” gets quite drunk the night of his wedding. Later on, his wife embarrasses him by stopping him from overindulging in his wine.

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Review: Ozland by Wendy Spinale

Wendy Spinale
Scholastic Press
Published on April 24, 2018

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About Ozland
With Everland and Umberland both destroyed, the survivors have taken refuge in a small village tucked within the shadows of the Bloodred Queen’s castle. Doc has found an actual cure for the Horologia virus, while Gwen, Pete, and Alyssa begin plotting the assassination of the queen with the help of Gail, an excellent huntress. But killing the queen won’t be enough. The world has been destroyed and its needs a ruler to set things right again. A ruler who is good, kind, and fair. Someone like the former king of Germany. But he’s dead … or is he?

There’s a rumor that the king has been hidden away in a secret land, where only the worthiest can find him. Desperate to end the war, a plan is hatched that could put everything right again, only before it’s set in motion, the village is burned to the ground, all survivors taken prisoner to the castle. Except Gail.

But is one girl enough to find a long-dead king, kill the wicked queen, and save the world?

My Review
Out of all three books in the series, I felt like this book is the furthest from any kind of retelling or story inspired by another tale (The Wizard of Oz in this case). I still enjoyed finding out what happened to characters from earlier books like the Lost Boys, Gwen, Lily, Alyssa and Maddox, as well as meeting some new characters, like Gail, the huntress and Ginger, the warrior.

There were moments where I would think, ah, that’s an element from The Wizard of Oz. Ginger seemed a little bit like a Glinda the Good type of character, for instance. But for the most part, Ozland picks up where Umberland leaves off and sets up a huge battle against the Red Queen, hoping to find a way to free the world from her tyranny.

I think of all the books in the series, Everland is still my favorite. I liked the younger characters with their pithy lines and comedic relief. Ozland is a bit darker and much more serious. The romantic entanglements are already well-established, so there’s no new tension in that arena. I still enjoyed reading it – but mainly because I wanted to see how the author would use The Wizard of Oz in this dystopian story world and because I wanted to know what happened to Pete and Gwen and the others.

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

Cultural Elements
Major characters are white (English or German). Lily is Indian.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
Brief kissing between boy and girl.

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
Flying hybrid monkey-slash-machines attack Gail and her allies. Soldiers whip Doc and Lily. One scene describes a character being burned with acid, others being shot and stabbed in detail.

Drug Content

Review: Umberland by Wendy Spinale

Wendy Spinale
Scholastic Press
Published on May 9, 2017

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About Umberland
They’re dreadfully fond of beheading people here…

Gwen, Pete, and the others have escaped from Everland. Except the safe haven they hoped to find at Alnwick Castle doesn’t exist. With the Queen of England on her deathbed, Duchess Alyssa has stepped in, but things have gotten worse as the cure Doc created for the Horologia virus has mutated into something even more deadly. The only possible solution he can think of is to go back to the virus’s origin: an extinct poisonous apple.

Legend has it, though, that a tree bearing the apple might be found at the center of an impossible labyrinth hidden deep within Germany. A place no one in their right mind enters. With no other options, Alyssa sets out with only her sword, her wits, and the help of Maddox Hadder, a wild boy who oversees the castle gardens. To get to the center of the maze, she’ll be forced to battle monsters more terrifying than her darkest nightmares.

But can anyone truly survive the madness of the maze? And what if there’s no apple to be found there?

My Review
I’m loving this series so far. I think I was pretty primed to like Maddox Hadder – something about that whole dark and misunderstood boy with a terribly tragic past tends to be irresistible to me – and I really did like him a lot. I think I expected there to be more of a sort of madness about him though? I think that was the only thing I felt was missing about Umberland. The Labrynth was a scary place for sure, but apart from a specific scene, there really wasn’t much of a madness element to it. I think I wanted more of that Wonderland flavor.

Even without that, though, I liked the new characters introduced in the story. And I liked that it carries forward the stories of Jack and Hook as well as Gwen and the Lost Boys. Cat, the heir to the English throne and sort of Cheshire Cat type of character, added a lot of depth to the story with her own plot to save Umberland through a very dangerous alliance.

I think Everland is still my favorite of these two books, but I enjoyed this one a lot, too. The story in Umberland didn’t feel like quite as much of a retelling of Alice in Wonderland as Everland did of Peter Pan. Lots of things were different. And there were also some Snow White-like elements mixed in with the poison apple and wicked queen. All in all, though, I’m glad I read it, and this seems like a fun series for readers looking for dystopian or fairytale mashups.

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

Cultural Elements
Major characters are white. Lily is Indian.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
Brief kissing between boy and girl.

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
Some situations of peril. Lizard -like people attack the castle where Pete and the others have taken shelter. A gunshot kills one boy. Alyssa and Maddox fight a huge machine.

Drug Content
Maddox and Cat host huge, indulgent parties each night in their garden. Guests with advanced-stage disease consume drugs and alcohol and end their lives at the close of the party. Maddox makes some vague references to sampling opium tea in the past.

Review: Fawkes by Nadine Brandes

Nadine Brandes
Thomas Nelson
Publishes on July 10th, 2018

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About Fawkes

Thomas Fawkes is turning to stone, and the only cure to the Stone Plague is to join his father’s plot to assassinate the king of England.

Silent wars leave the most carnage. The wars that are never declared, but are carried out in dark alleys with masks and hidden knives. Wars where color power alters the natural rhythm of 17th century London. And when the king calls for peace, no one listens until he finally calls for death.

But what if death finds him first?

Keepers think the Igniters caused the plague. Igniters think the Keepers did it. But all Thomas knows is that the Stone Plague infecting his eye is spreading. And if he doesn’t do something soon, he’ll be a lifeless statue. So when his Keeper father, Guy Fawkes, invites him to join the Gunpowder Plot—claiming it will put an end to the plague—Thomas is in.

The plan: use 36 barrels of gunpowder to blow up the Igniter King.

The problem: Doing so will destroy the family of the girl Thomas loves. But backing out of the plot will send his father and the other plotters to the gallows. To save one, Thomas will lose the other.

No matter Thomas’s choice, one thing is clear: once the decision is made and the color masks have been put on, there’s no turning back.

My Review

Nadine Brandes’ latest YA book was an incredible allegorical take on the conflict during the Protestant Reformation. It zeroes on just one of the many conflicts that went on at that time, and presents it in a new way with a fantasy slant.

What I loved:

  • Color magic
  • Emma. She is such a brilliant, fierce character.
  • The romance. This is exactly how YA romances should be—a balance between two characters, where they support each other and help each other grow.
  • That ending (!)
  • All the heart in this book.

So many YA books these days lack warmth and heart, so it was refreshing to get to read a book where characters cared deeply, loved fearlessly, and were genuine.

What I didn’t love:

  • It took a long time to get started. I wasn’t properly “hooked” till about 2/3 through.
  • All the indecision. Thomas would voice a belief in one thing, and then flip-flop about it in the next scene. It was very frustrating that it took him so long to find conviction!
  • Some of the sentences used very modern vernacular, and it threw me off. It didn’t happen too often, but when it did, it was jarring.

While I can’t say I loved this book as much as some of Brandes’ other work, it was still a great novel that is well worth the read. (That ending, people! It slayed me–in the best way. 😉 )

Recommended for Ages 14 and up

Cultural Elements
Infrequent use of the word “negro” in keeping with the time period. Characters also described as African. Mention of slavery, and mistreatment of Africans. Thomas sees an African for the first time, and is startled. MAJOR SPOILER: one main character is revealed to be of African and English descent. END SPOILER.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Some name-calling, and mention of “wh—houses” as a reference to prostitution. 

Romance/Sexual Content
Mention of prostitution. One non-detailed kiss. Mention of mistresses.

Spiritual Content
Faith isn’t explicitly mentioned, but the battle between Keepers and Igniters is implied to be allegorical take on the Protestant Reformation (including a brief mention of Luther). Spoiler: White Light could be interpreted to be a reference to the Holy Spirit. End Spoiler.

Violent Content
Semi-graphic descriptions of stone plague, injuries, executions. Some are fairly disturbing.

Drug Content
Characters consume wine and ale. Some minor characters are drunk. 

Note: I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Review: Duels & Deception by Cindy Anstey

Duels & Deception
Cindy Anstey
Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group
Published April 11th, 2017

Amazon | Barnes & Noble Goodreads

About Duels & Deception

Lydia Whitfield has her future entirely planned out. She will run the family estate until she marries the man of her late father’s choosing, and then she will spend the rest of her days as a devoted wife. Confident in those arrangements, Lydia has tasked her young law clerk, Robert Newton, to begin drawing up the marriage contracts. Everything is going according to plan.

Until the day Lydia―and Robert along with her―is kidnapped. Someone is after her fortune and won’t hesitate to destroy her reputation to get it. With Robert’s help, Lydia strives to keep her family’s name unsullied and expose the one behind this devious plot. But as their investigation delves deeper and their affections for each other grow, Lydia starts to wonder whether her carefully planned future is in fact what she wants…

My Review

Delightful. Absolutely delightful. Those are the first words that come to mind when I think about this book. The whole story was just one rollicking, playful adventure from start to finish, and I enjoyed every minute of it. It’s not quite ‘fluff,’ not quite serious romance, but all fun. One of the best parts was how the whole narrative kept up a tongue-in-cheek style of humor. I highly recommend this one, preferably with a glass of lemonade on a nice spring day.

Plot: Start with two dashes of witty characters, add in a scoop of mystery, and stir with a healthy dose of comedy. Voila! You have Duels and Deception, fresh and original. The mystery part was alright (I was in it for the characters), intriguing enough to keep me reading, but not nail-bitingly exciting. I did guess who might have perpetrated the kidnapping before the characters found out, but I wasn’t for sure. It was interesting to see how everything worked out. However, I was more interested in the blossoming relationship between Lydia and Robert. Oh, those two. They are absolutely adorable together. All those grins. The ending, while predictable, wrapped things up in a neat bow.

Characters: I’m sure you’ve realized I adore these characters. Lydia and Robert. Robert and Lydia. The sensible, practical young lady who loves her estate and irritating family gets kidnapped along with the equally sensible but slightly more impulsive apprentice-in-waiting. Oh, the fun that ensues. Their relationship is most definitely giggle inducing, as both are in love almost immediately, but it takes them most of the book to realize it. Plenty of swoon worthy moments keep the fire burning between them, even though it seems like anyone and everyone (including themselves) are conspiring to keep them apart.

Setting: I’m a Janeite, and as such, I wholeheartedly approve of the English setting. Particularly since it takes place in Bath. (Too bad we didn’t see any cameos from Jane Austen’s characters!) It was well written: clearly, the author had done her research, and it came through. It seemed authentic and believable, and was the perfect setting for the plot.

Overall, I give this book 4 stars. While not terribly life-altering (it leans more to the ‘fluff’ side than the profound), it was a delicious read, and as such, merits my approval. Fellow Janeites looking for a quick, easy read will enjoy this one.

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

Cultural Elements
Most of the characters in this book are English. 

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
Mentions ruining a woman’s honor–how and why is not alluded to. Hugs, touches, and embraces, along with a few kisses–slightly detailed.

Spiritual Content
Characters attend church.

Violent Content
Threats of duels, peril, kidnapping, being knocked unconscious, etc

Drug Content
Characters drink and serve alcoholic drinks. 

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Suspicion by Alexandra Monir

Alexandra Monir
Random House Childrens’ Books
Published December 9, 2014

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After her parents die in a suspicious fire at their family estate, Imogen wants nothing more to do with her family or her heritage at Rockford manor. When her cousin, once her closest friend and ally, also perishes, Imogen stands as the last relative capable of inheriting the property. She returns home alone to the site of countless childhood memories, of which she is now the last survivor. When police uncover evidence that her cousin’s death may not have been accidental, Imogen realizes the murderer must be among the faithful few left nearest to her. The truth will shock her.

This is one of those stories which begins at the climax and leaps back to its beginning to retell events as they happened. It’s not my favorite plot device, but it’s difficult not to invest in this story for its own sake. The pace is quick and the stakes only get higher, sort of like one part Princess Diaries, one part fairytale and one part suspense. It has this sort of otherworldly yet historical flavor to it. Seems odd, but in this case it turns out to be a great mix.

The storytelling is solid and the characters thoughtful and sometimes surprising. The plot is peppered with these really strange moments that at the time seem too bizarre to work into the plot, but the author does a great job of pulling all those odd moments together to make the whole story make sense.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
One instance of very mild profanity.

Sexual Content
Brief kissing.

Spiritual Content
Imogen has the power to cause plants to grow and flourish rapidly. There are rumors of a curse on the Rockford family from generations past and rumors of a secret hidden within the garden.

Police investigate the violent death of a teenaged girl. Few details given, but the cause of death was head trauma.

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
