Tag Archives: history

Review: The Paper Daughters of Chinatown (Adapted for Young Readers) by Heather B. Moore and Allison Hong Merrill

The Paper Daughters of Chinatown by Heather B. Moore and Allison Hong Merrill

The Paper Daughters of Chinatown (Adapted for Young Readers)
Heather B. Moore and Allison Hong Merrill
Shadow Mountain
Published April 11, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About The Paper Daughters of Chinatown

Based on the true story of two friends who unite to help rescue immigrant women and girls in San Francisco’s Chinatown in the late 1890s.

When Tai Choi leaves her home in the Zhejiang province of China, she believes it’s to visit her grandmother. But despite her mother’s opposition, her father has sold her to pay his gambling debts. Alone and afraid, Tai Choi is put on a ship headed for “Gold Mountain” (San Francisco). When she arrives, she’s forced to go by the name on her forged papers: Tien Fu Wu.

Her new life as a servant is hard. She is told to stay hidden, stay silent, and perform an endless list of chores, or she will be punished or sold again. If she is to survive, Tien Fu must persevere, and learn who to trust. Her life changes when she’s rescued by the women at the Occidental Mission Home for Girls.

When Dolly Cameron arrives in San Francisco to teach sewing at the mission home, she meets Tien Fu, who is willful, defiant, and unwilling to trust anyone. Dolly quickly learns that all the girls at the home were freed from servitude and maltreatment, and enthusiastically accepts a role in rescuing more.

Despite challenges, Dolly and Tien Fu forge a powerful friendship as they mentor and help those in the mission home and work to win the freedom of enslaved immigrant women and girls.

My Review

First let me say that this was a really easy book to read. It took less than 24 hours to finish it, and I’d guess it took me something like two and a half hours to read.

I really liked that so much of the story is told from Tien Fu Wu’s perspective, even though her story is heartbreaking. I liked getting to follow her through her recovery to the point where she decided to help rescue other girls and where she was able to use her own experience to understand how to comfort other girls.

All I can say about Dolly Cameron is that she must have been truly a force to be reckoned with. I loved the way her friendship with Tien Fu Wu developed and the growth they both experienced along the way.

I haven’t read the adult version of this book, so I don’t know what content was removed. One of the things I wish this book had given a little more background information on was why the president and his wife visited the mission home. I wanted to understand how that happened. How did they know about the mission, and was there something that prompted them to visit?

Other than that, I thought the book did a great job describing the lives of girls like Tien Fu Wu and the obstacles that Dolly Cameron and the women at the mission faced in order to help them.

I think readers who enjoy books about history will definitely want to check this one out. The writing style seems more like narrative nonfiction, but it’s classified as a novel. Something about it reminded me of a book called LI JUN AND THE IRON ROAD by Anne Tait.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 10 to 14.

Tien Fu Wu and some other characters are Chinese. Dolly is white.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
Vague references to brothels. One scene discusses a girl forced to work as a prostitute. (The book doesn’t describe what this means.)

Spiritual Content
Dolly and other characters are Christian. Some of the Chinese women they rescue convert to Christianity, though they are not required to do so. Dolly and the other leaders also include traditional Chinese culture and language in the lessons at the school.

Violent Content
Brief descriptions of abuse. For example, Tien Fu Wu’s owner burned her face with a hot poker and pinched her arms, leaving bruises.

Drug Content
As they walk the streets, sometimes characters smell opium being smoked in the buildings nearby.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of THE PAPER DAUGHTERS OF CHINATOWN in exchange for my honest review. All opinions my own.

Review: How to Go Anywhere (And Not Get Lost) by Hans Aschim

How to Go Anywhere (And Not Get Lost)
Hans Aschim
Workman Publishing Company
Published March 30, 2021

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About How to Go Anywhere (And Not Get Lost)

From journalist and adventurer extraordinaire Hans Aschim, here’s a lively and interactive book that gets kids unplugged and out of the house—and teaches them cool navigation techniques to use while hiking, camping, or just exploring the backyard or nearby park. 

With lively full-color illustrations and full-color photos throughout, HOW TO GO ANYWHERE (AND NOT GET LOST) combines fascinating history with fun hands-on activities that bring critical science, geography, and astronomy concepts to life. Readers will discover explorers and the tools they developed through the ages: from the ancient Polynesians who crafted stick charts to learn swell patterns in the water to navigate precise paths through the ocean; to Age of Discovery navigators who used compasses and maps to reach the New World; to the modern-day pilots who wield radar and GPS to soar across continents. Kids will also learn skills like taking their bearings with a compass; finding their way with dead reckoning; and locating their own latitude and longitude. 

And best of all: 17 activities—making their own sextant, compass, stick chart, chip log, and more—will turn all young adventurers into young navigators.

My Review

This book is part history, part DIY, and part love for the outdoors. Even though I’m not really a camping/hiking kind of person, I found I loved this book. I liked the approach the author took, walking readers through the history of navigation and navigational equipment. At each stage, the author describes how people used clues from nature and the stars, combined with basic math to figure out where they were and also where they were going.

The activities are integrated pretty seamlessly into the book, too. They’re directly related to concepts the author has explained, so they read like a, “now you know, go try it,” type of thing. I loved that, and I also really want to try out some of the activities myself and with my kids.

On the whole, this book was very easy to read. The sections of text are short and often broken up with sidebars or other short bits of information. The author scaled the information really well for young readers. I think anyone, nature enthusiast or not, could benefit from this book.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 10 up.

Briefly covers history of famous explorers or groups with a focus on navigational methods.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content

Violent Content

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Gender Inequality in Sports: From Title IX to World Titles by Kirstin Cronn-Mills

Gender Inequality in Sports: From Title IX to World Titles
Kirstin Cronn-Mills
Twenty-first Century Books
Published April 5, 2022

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Gender Inequality in Sports

“We trained just as hard and we have just as much love for our sport. We deserve to play just as much as any other athlete. . . . I am sick and tired of being treated like I am second rate. I plan on standing up for what is right and fighting for equality.” –Sage Ohlensehlen, Women’s Swim Team Captain at the University of Iowa

Forty years ago, US president Richard Nixon signed Title IX into law, making it illegal for federally funded education programs to discriminate based on sex. The law set into motion a massive boom in girls and women’s sports teams, from kindergarten to the collegiate level. Professional women’s sports grew in turn. Title IX became a massive touchstone in the fight for gender equality. So why do girls and women–including trans and intersex women–continue to face sexist attitudes and unfair rules and regulations in sports?

The truth is that the road to equality in sports has been anything but straightforward, and there is still a long way to go. Schools, universities, and professional organizations continue to struggle with addressing unequal pay, discrimination, and sexism in their sports programming. Delve into the history and impact of Title IX, learn more about the athletes at the forefront of the struggle, and explore how additional changes could lead to equality in sports.

“Girls are socialized to know . . . that gender roles are already set. Men run the world. Men have the power. And men make the decisions. . . . When these girls are coming out, who are they looking up to telling them that’s not the way it has to be? And where better to do that than in sports?” –Muffet McGraw, Head Women’s Basketball Coach at Notre Dame

“Fighting for equal rights and equal opportunities entails risk. It demands you put yourself in harm’s way by calling out injustice when it occurs. Sometimes it’s big things, like a boss making overtly sexist remarks or asserting they won’t hire women. But far more often, it’s little, seemingly innocuous, things . . . that sideline the women whose work you depend on every day. You can use your privilege to help those who don’t have it. It’s really as simple as that.” –Liz Elting, women’s rights advocate

My Review

At this point, I’ve read several titles published by Twenty-First Century Books, and I’ve enjoyed all of them. This one might have been the hardest for me to read, though.

I loved the information and especially the spotlighted stories of individual athletes and what they faced in order to compete. Some of the sections were a little bit dry, though. The sidebars were often really long, and it didn’t feel like there were very many of them. I think if the text had been broken up a little bit more with graphics or charts it might have made the book more engaging.

I learned a lot reading GENDER INEQUALITY IN SPORTS. There were lots of things I’d heard of (like Title IX), but that I didn’t know much about the history of, so I enjoyed learning more about those things. The text also raised some points that I hadn’t really thought about– especially in the section that compared television coverage of women’s versus men’s sports events. I even ended up having an interesting conversation with my dad about sports after reading the book, so I feel like just that alone made it worth reading the book.

On the whole, I’m really glad I read this book. I learned some new things, and I think it was a good resource to broaden my understanding of not just Title IX but professional sports and the disparities between the way people of different genders are treated.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

Includes stories of BIPOC women as well as transgender women and people.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
Brief mentions of violence, such as when a man rips a woman’s running number from her back during a race. Brief mentions of sexual abuse and harassment. For example, the trial against Larry Nassar is mentioned.

Drug Content
Mentions that some women athletes injected testosterone to try to give themselves a physical advantage in sports competitions.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of GENDER INEQUALITY IN SPORTS in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Black Ballerinas: My Journey to Our Legacy by Misty Copeland

Black Ballerinas: My Journey to Our Legacy
Misty Copeland
Illustrated by Salena Barnes
Published November 2, 2021

Amazon | BookshopGoodreads

About Black Ballerinas

As a young girl living in a motel with her mother and her five siblings, Misty Copeland didn’t have a lot of exposure to ballet or prominent dancers. She was sixteen when she saw a black ballerina on a magazine cover for the first time. The experience emboldened Misty and told her that she wasn’t alone—and her dream wasn’t impossible.

In the years since, Misty has only learned more about the trailblazing women who made her own success possible by pushing back against repression and racism with their talent and tenacity. Misty brings these women’s stories to a new generation of readers and gives them the recognition they deserve.

With an introduction from Misty about the legacy these women have had on dance and on her career itself, this book delves into the lives and careers of women of color who fundamentally changed the landscape of American ballet from the early 20th century to today.

From New York Times bestselling and award-winning author and American Ballet Theatre principal dancer Misty Copeland comes an illustrated nonfiction collection celebrating dancers of color who have influenced her on and off the stage.

My Review

One of the things I love about this book is that Misty Copeland talks about how she encountered the story of each dancer she profiles. Sometimes those stories include meeting her in person, and other times how she learned of their history and what it meant to her to discover it. Always, she includes biographical information about each woman and her career as a dancer as well as challenges she faced and how she responded to or overcame them.

At first I thought the book would simply be profiles of dancers of color, each page being a biography of a different dancer’s life. I think connecting them to Copeland’s personal experience really helped paint a picture of the dance world as a whole and how some things have evolved. It also showed areas where harmful prejudices still exist for dancers of color today, which is really important.

I loved the beautiful drawings of each dancer and the descriptions of their dance styles or the memorable roles they’ve played. I want to go back through the book and search for video clips of the dancers profiled in BLACK BALLERINAS so that I can hopefully see some of those incredible performances.

All in all, I highly recommend this book for dance fans and readers interested in women’s history.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 10 up.

This book tells the story of women of color and their careers in the professional dance world.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
Some brief mentions of racism and colorism.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog.

Review: They Called Us Enemy by George Takei, Justin Eisinger, Steven Scott, and Harmony Becker

They Called Us Enemy
George Takei
Justin Eisinger
Steven Scott
Illustrated by Harmony Becker
Top Shelf Productions
Published July 16, 2019

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About They Called Us Enemy

A graphic memoir recounting actor/author/activist George Takei’s childhood imprisoned within American concentration camps during World War II. Experience the forces that shaped an American icon — and America itself.

Long before George Takei braved new frontiers in Star Trek, he woke up as a four-year-old boy to find his own birth country at war with his father’s — and their entire family forced from their home into an uncertain future.

In 1942, at the order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, every person of Japanese descent on the west coast was rounded up and shipped to one of ten “relocation centers,” hundreds or thousands of miles from home, where they would be held for years under armed guard.

They Called Us Enemy is Takei’s firsthand account of those years behind barbed wire, the joys and terrors of growing up under legalized racism, his mother’s hard choices, his father’s faith in democracy, and the way those experiences planted the seeds for his astonishing future.

My Review

I’d heard of this book before, but it was mentioned again in George Takei’s biography in MORE AWESOME ASIAN AMERICANS, a book featuring 20 biographies of Asian Americans. I discovered my library had an electronic copy, so I checked it out and read it in one sitting.

The illustrator, Harmony Becker, did an amazing job focusing each panel in on the most critical elements. There are lots of panels that at first glance seemed very simple, but as I looked at them longer, I noticed how the illustrations often drew my eye to important features.

I also thought the balance between the illustrations and the stories was expertly done. The combination felt much larger than the sum of its parts. I found so many moments deeply moving.

The story bounces back and forth between Takei’s childhood, showing his experiences with his family, and then a more present-day version of himself, reflecting back on those days or speaking to an audience about his experiences.

The story also does a great job delivering personal moments as well as the historical events that impacted George Takei and his family. I loved the way that he spoke about his father throughout the book. I loved his admiration for his dad and the treasure of the lessons he learned from him.

All that is not to say the book is without shocking or hard moments. The reality of what he and 160,000 others endured was and is terrible. I think the authors did a wonderful job speaking truth in an engaging way, great for a young audience. I found the story deeply moving and inspiring, perfect for late elementary or middle school readers.

Content Notes for They Called Us Enemy

Recommended for Ages 10 to 14.

Major characters are Japanese American.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild profanity used a couple times.

Romance/Sexual Content
References to marriage.

Spiritual Content
Reference to a Buddhist faith leader being incarcerated.

Violent Content
References to and descriptions of racist behavior toward Japanese Americans. Some panels show soldiers carrying guns.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog.

Review: A Song for the Cosmos by Jan Lower and Gary Kelley

A Song for the Cosmos
Jan Lower
Illustrated by Gary Kelley
Creative Editions
Published August 9, 2022

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About A Song for the Cosmos

Blues guitarist Blind Willie Johnson led a hardscrabble life, but in 1977, NASA’s Voyager spacecrafts were launched, each carrying a golden record to introduce planet Earth to the cosmos, and his song “Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground” became the defining anthem.

Weaving together elements of Johnson’s biography with an account of how a team of astrophysicists, writers, and artists created the golden record for the Voyager mission, Jan Lower and Gary Kelley craft a tale that is itself A SONG FOR THE COSMOS.

Gary Kelley’s compelling, graphic-style art shares the poignancy of Johnson’s life and music. Kelley is an award-winning illustrator. His books include NEXT YEAR, HARLEM HELLFIGHTERS, and VIRGINIA WAS A SPY published by Creative Editions.

My Review

I like the way this book tells these two stories– the story of the Voyager mission, and the biography of Blind Willie Johnson’s life– together. At first I wasn’t sure how well they’d fit together, but I think both the writing style, which I loved, and the artwork pull the stories together to create echoes from one to the other.

The illustrations are striking, at times feeling a little but otherworldly or haunting as they show scenes from Johnson’s life or representations of other records included in the Voyager mission. By the end of the book, I was such a fan of the artwork and the idea of juxtaposing two stories together as one that I had to look up the other books by Gary Kelley. I really want to check out BACH AND THE BLUES: PABLO CASALS AND ROBERT JOHNSON, since it looks a bit similar.

In the back of the book, there’s a more detailed account of Johnson’s life as well as more information about the Voyager’s journeys. You can also find out where to listen to the sounds and music included on the record.

I think this would make a really great addition to a science or music curriculum. Readers who love biographies or music or space history definitely want to check this one out.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 9 to 12.

Offers biographical information about Black singer/songwriter Blind Willie Johnson. Briefly references that greetings in many other languages and music from a variety of cultures are included in the golden record, as it’s purpose was to represent the whole world.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
Mentions that Johnson married.

Spiritual Content

Violent Content

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of A SONG FOR THE COSMOS in exchange for my honest review.