Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Fall To Be Read List

Fall 2018I feel like I’m always saying I can’t believe how quickly the months go by– and I really can’t! This week’s Top Ten Tuesday (meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl) post features the fall 2018 books I can’t wait to read– books I think you won’t want to miss, either!

Imposters by Scott Westerfeld (Uglies #5)

I was a huge fan of the Uglies series when it came out, so I can’t wait to dive into this new look at the story world and hopefully find out more about a few of the characters I left behind in the earlier books.

Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak

If you know me at all, you aren’t surprised to see this book on the list. I’ve been waiting for this book for like ten years or something. Fun fact: I once went on a first date with a guy right around my birthday, and he surprised me with a signed copy of The Book Thief (my favorite book) as a birthday present. I married him.

The Echo Room by Parker Peevyhouse

If you like twisty sci-fi stories, definitely check out Parker Peevyhouse’s debut, Where Futures End, which I loved! The Echo Room looks like a dark, suspenseful story about two people trapped alone who have to figure out how to escape and/or work together despite having no idea if they can trust each other.

The Benefits of Being an Octopus by Ann Braden

I saw a review of this book on LILbooKlovers and had to track down a copy for myself. The older sibling taking care of younger sibs appeals to me as well as some of its thought-provoking elements.

Born Scared by Kevin Brooks

I’m super curious about this book as it looks like it tackles some mental health issues and takes place during a blizzard, so it should have high stakes.

Flow Like Water by Mark Burley

Flow Like Water is the second in a suspense series about a parkour expert chasing down a creepy organization who’ve kidnapped his family. Love the action and parkour sequences.

Meet the Sky by McCall Hoyle

I really enjoyed Hoyle’s debut novel last year, so I knew I wanted to check out her next book. This features another natural disaster (hurricane this time) and a disabled sister. Looks like a great contemporary read.

Sadie by Courtney Summers

I pretty much knew I had to read this book as soon as I heard about it. Though I haven’t loved every book I’ve read by Summers, I can’t help but have tons of respect for her powerful writing and her desire to raise awareness of girls’ issues. This book makes me think of the series Vanishing Women and the girls who went missing from the Ohio town.

Wren Hunt by Mary Watson

Magic. Deception. High stakes. Wren Hunt sounds too good to miss.

The Chaos of Now by Erin Jade Lange

A teen hacker defending internet freedom. Internet bullying gone out of control. I’m so excited to read this.

What’s on your fall To Be Read list?

Are any of the books on my list also on yours? Any you hadn’t heard of that you’re adding after seeing them here? Or are there fall 2018 must-read books I need to add to my list? Comment below and fill me in on your picks!

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About Kasey

Reads things. Writes things. Fluent in sarcasm. Willful optimist. Cat companion, chocolate connoisseur, coffee drinker. There are some who call me Mom.

17 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Fall To Be Read List

  1. Great list of books here!! I read Sadie and really enjoyed it! I hope that you do too! Meet the Sky looks good! Adding to the TBR!

  2. I’m really looking forward to Bridge of Clay too.
    Happy reading 🙂

  3. Greg says:

    I haven’t read The Uglies but Impostors looks so good! And I’ll admit that cool cover has influenced me as well. 🙂 I didn’t know Erin Jade Lang had a new book coming out, but I liked her Rebel Bully Geek Pariah, so I can see reading The Chaos of Now. Especially since it tackles bullying- looks like a good one!

  4. I read SADIE a few weeks ago and … it was okay. I haven’t read anything else by Summers and I’m not sure I’ll read anything else. Oh well.

    I hope you enjoy it, though, and all the others on your list. Happy TTT!

    • Hmmmm. Yeah, if you find you don’t connect with a book, I don’t blame you. There are more books than one person could ever read. Better to go for the ones that really resonate with us. 🙂 Happy TTT! Thanks, Susan.

  5. I definitely want to read Bridge of Clay!

  6. I’ve seen Bridge of Clay on a couple lists this week!
    Looks like your fall will be filled with reading 🙂

    • Yes! I hope so. 🙂 I’ll also be moving to a new house, and helping a couple authors with book launches, so it’ll be full of lots of things, but I’m definitely hoping for lots of reading too. Thanks, Courtney!

  7. The Book Thief is my favourite book ever – I’m really excited about Bridge of Clay too and I keep hearing good things about Sadie! Great list 😊

  8. I’m reading “Meet the Sky” now and am really liking it. It’s different than most YA books I read, but I do like it. Here’s hoping I read the authors first book too!! 🙂

    Happy fall TBR-ing, Kasey.

    • Kasey says:

      I’m reading it now, too. I like the way she uses the Tennyson quotes. Her last book had a lot of Emily Dickinson quotes, so maybe it will be an ongoing thing. I hope so. Thanks, Rissi!

  9. I’m really excited to read Sadie! 🙂 Enjoy these books!

  10. Your story about The Book Thief is fantastic!

    I’m wanting to read Meet the Sky, too, and I keep hearing great things about Sadie—enjoy!

    • Thanks, Hallie. 🙂 I’m reading Meet the Sky now, and love the way the author uses Tennyson quotes throughout the book. Hope you enjoy them if you get a chance to read them.