2020 Reading Stats: Finally Looking Back
I know it’s already almost March, but it’s been a rough go these last few months. I was kind of on a roll there with my lists and if-we-were-having-coffee posts, and then life threw me a pretty big curveball.
I’m doing better lately, but still having some rough days. Which is why it’s almost March and I’m only just now getting around to posting an abbreviated form of this amazing Annual End of the Year Bookish Survey from Perpetual Page-Turner.
So here it is, in all its belated glory. Let me know if you read any of the books on this list, completed the survey on your own blog, or want to talk about your favorites from last year.
Number Of Books You Read: 140
Number of Re-Reads: 3
Genre You Read The Most From: YA Fantasy
1. Best Book You Read In 2020?
Ooooh, this is tough. I’m going to break this into age groups.
Best middle grade book I read in 2020 is THE LOST TIDE WARRIORS by Catherine Doyle
Best young adult book that I read in 2020 is WOVEN IN MOONLIGHT BY Isabel Ibañez.
(Honorable mention to THE SOUND OF STARS by Alechia Dow.)
2. Book You Were Excited About & Thought You Were Going To Love More But Didn’t?

THE LOST CITY by Amanda Hocking and CINDERELLA IS DEAD by Kalynn Bayron.
I felt like THE LOST CITY read a little too much like a guidebook to the story world or that the world building sometimes dominated the story. So, I wasn’t expecting that, and I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more if the story had been more prominent.
I enjoyed CINDERELLA IS DEAD. I thought the concept for the story was really awesome, I think I just got too wrapped up in the hype. Maybe would have appreciated it more if I’d just read if fresh, no expectations?
3. Most surprising (in a good way or bad way) book you read?
THE MONSTER OF MARNMOUTH VALLEY by CJ Greene kind of shattered all my expectations. I loved the characters and found myself “just one more chapter”-ing my way through the whole thing!
4. Book You “Pushed” The Most People To Read (And They Did)?
Hmmm. Wow. I was not the best ambassador for books this year, since most of my bookish friends are real life friends and I’ve barely seen them. Maybe THE TIGER AT MIDNIGHT by Swati Teerdhala? Or maybe FINALLY, SOMETHING MYSTERIOUS by Doug Cornett?

5. Best series you started in 2020? Best Sequel of 2019? And Best Series Ender of 2020?
Normally I’m horrible about series, but looking over my reading from last year, I actually conquered more series than I thought, including some really big ones.
Best series I started in 2020… FOREST OF SOULS by Lori M. Lee.
Oh my gosh, this book was so good! It has so many things I love: fierce women, unpredictable magic, snarky dialogue, best friends. So, so good.
Best sequel of 2020… THE LOST TIDE WARRIORS by Catherine Doyle.
I love this series with all my heart. It reminds me so much of THE SCORPIO RACES, but for a slightly younger audience. And the relationships between generations are incredible. It’s a fabulous series.
Best series ender of 2020… A SKY BEYOND THE STORM by Sabaa Tahir.
I feel like that’s such a predictable choice, and yet, I think it’s deserved. This book was the one I needed to finish out the year. I longed for it because I wanted more of Elias and Laia’s story, but dreaded it because I knew not everyone would make it out alive, and I knew that was going to be heartbreaking.
6. Favorite new author you discovered in 2020?
I have to list two: Elizabeth Acevedo and Kiersten White.
Both have been writing books for a while, and I have owned books by both for a while. With Acevedo, I read WITH THE FIRE ON HIGH, and was just blown away by how immersive and unique and beautiful the story is.
For some reason I requested THE CAMELOT BETRAYAL on Netgalley. I think I was just gambling to see if I would even be able to get a copy of a book by an author as big as Kiersten White is. When I realized it was a sequel, I decided to read the first book in the series first, and I immediately fell in love with the gender-flipped Merlin/King Arthur story. LOVE!
7. Best book from a genre you don’t typically read/was out of your comfort zone?
I read a bunch of mysteries this year that I really enjoyed. I think my favorites are the series by Margi Preus: Enchantment Lake, A Clue in the Trees, and The Silver Box.

8. Most action-packed/thrilling/unputdownable book of the year?
WHERE DREAMS DESCEND by Janella Angeles. I felt completely swept away by this story. The magic, the romance, the danger. I dove in, and just couldn’t stop reading.
9. Book You Read In 2020 That You Would Be MOST Likely To Re-Read Next Year?
TODAY, TONIGHT, TOMORROW by Rachel Lynn Solomon. This book was such an adventure to read– I laughed so much. It was just perfect. I absolutely want to read that one again.
1. New favorite book blog/Bookstagram/Youtube channel you discovered in 2020?
I started following Bowties and Books on YouTube early last year, and I love the reviews, and updates, and more than that, I feel like I learn a lot from their takes on bookish world issues. From diversity representation to bookish drama, they always bring wise perspective that I deeply appreciate.
I want to expand my BookTube subscription list, so if you have any suggestions, please share them!
2. Favorite post you wrote in 2020?

My favorite post might be the one that is a list of 26 Asian-Inspired Fantasy books by Asian authors. Initially it was meant to be a reading list to help us get through another delay in the release of the movie Mulan, but after all the conflicts over the movie, maybe it’s really better as an alternative reading list.
3. Favorite bookish related photo you took in 2020?
I love lots of things about this photo. The Jane Austen quote. The colorful book spines. The diversity that the titles represent. The fact that I have all these books somehow, and that many of them came from independent bookstores or through review opportunities from blogging.
I’ve been kicking around this idea of doing a weekly community library in our neighborhood. Maybe load up a book cart or two and wheel them outside. Let the neighborhood kids pick through and borrow what they want and return things when they’re done. It’s still a dream at this point, but I’m hopeful, and this photo is at least partly what inspired me.
What are your best bookish thoughts about 2020?
Did you post a 2020 Bookish Survey? If so, please share the link in the comments! Also tell me if you read any of my favorite books, or which favorites you discovered last year that must be on my reading list.
Happy reading, y’all!