About Kasey

Reads things. Writes things. Fluent in sarcasm. Willful optimist. Cat companion, chocolate connoisseur, coffee drinker. There are some who call me Mom.

Top Ten Tuesday: Books by My Favorite Authors I Still Haven’t Read

Top Ten Tuesay Books by Favorite AuthorsHappy Top Ten Tuesday!

Obviously the first challenge of a Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl) post like this is to narrow down to only ten favorite authors. That took a lot more time than I thought it would. Because there are SO MANY great authors out there, especially in the young adult and middle grade market. But I soldiered through and made my list of ten authors and from there, picking the books to share was pretty easy. Here’s my list.

Tragic Kind of WonderfulA … Continue reading

Review: The Benefits of Being an Octopus by Ann Braden

Benefits of Being an OctopusThe Benefits of Being an Octopus
Ann Braden
Sky Pony Press
Published on September 4, 2018

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About The Benefits of Being an Octopus
Some people can do their homework. Some people get to have crushes on boys. Some people have other things they’ve got to do.

Seventh-grader Zoey has her hands full as she takes care of her much younger siblings after school every day while her mom works her shift at the pizza parlor. Not that her mom seems to appreciate it. At least there’s Lenny, her mom’s boyfriend—they all get to live in his nice, clean trailer.

At school, Zoey tries to stay under … Continue reading

Review: Sadie by Courtney Summers

Sadie by Courtney Summers

Courtney Summers
Wednesday Books
Published on September 4, 2018

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Sadie

Sadie hasn’t had an easy life. Growing up on her own, she’s been raising her sister Mattie in an isolated small town, trying her best to provide a normal life and keep their heads above water.

But when Mattie is found dead, Sadie’s entire world crumbles. After a somewhat botched police investigation, Sadie is determined to bring her sister’s killer to justice and hits the road following a few meagre clues to find him.

When West McCray—a radio personality working on a segment about small, forgotten towns in America—overhears Sadie’s story … Continue reading

Review: Meet the Sky by McCall Hoyle

Meet the Sky by McCall HoyleMeet the Sky
McCall Hoyle
Published on September 4, 2018

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About Meet the Sky
It all started with the accident. The one that caused Sophie’s dad to walk out of her life. The one that left Sophie’s older sister, Meredith, barely able to walk at all.

With nothing but pain in her past, all Sophie wants is to plan for the future—keep the family business running, get accepted to veterinary school, and protect her mom and sister from another disaster. But when a hurricane forms off the coast of North Carolina’s Outer Banks and heads right toward their island, Sophie realizes nature is one … Continue reading

Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Fall To Be Read List

Fall 2018I feel like I’m always saying I can’t believe how quickly the months go by– and I really can’t! This week’s Top Ten Tuesday (meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl) post features the fall 2018 books I can’t wait to read– books I think you won’t want to miss, either!

Imposters by Scott Westerfeld (Uglies #5)

I was a huge fan of the Uglies series when it came out, so I can’t wait to dive into this new look at the story world and hopefully find out more about a few of the characters … Continue reading

Review: I Do Not Trust You by Laura J. Burns and Melinda Metz

I Do Not Trust You by Laura Burns and Melinda MetzI Do Not Trust You
Laura J. Burns and Melinda Metz
Wednesday Books
Published on September 11, 2018

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About I Do Not Trust You
Memphis “M” Engle is stubborn to a fault, graced with an almost absurd knowledge of long lost languages and cultures, and a heck of an opponent in a fight. In short: she’s awesome.

Ashwin Sood is a little too posh for her tastes, a member of an ancient cult (which she’s pretty sure counts for more than one strike against him), and has just informed Memphis that her … Continue reading