All posts by Kasey

About Kasey

Reads things. Writes things. Fluent in sarcasm. Willful optimist. Cat companion, chocolate connoisseur, coffee drinker. There are some who call me Mom.

Q&A with Sentences Book Donations Founder Clinton Festa

Q&A with Clinton Festa, founder of Sentences Book Donations image shows a blue header with the title of the post over a faded image of three stacks of books.

Almost ten years ago, I spoke with Clinton Festa about a really cool charity he founded called Sentences Book Donations. Through Sentences, he helps people donate books to prisons and other similar facilities. He does all the research for you. Simply pop onto the Sentences Facebook and Goodreads pages to find a place accepting donations. He’ll list what types of books facilities are interested in and how to send them. Then, you simply box up your donation and head to the post office to send it directly to the facility.

It’s been so long since my original interview that I thought it would be fun to check in. I’m curious what’s changed and how the book donation ministry is going now.

Q & A with Sentences Book Donations Founder Clinton Festa

Welcome back! I cannot believe it’s been almost ten years since we first spoke about your ministry, Sentences Book Donations. Can you start us off with a quick refresher on the goal of Sentences?

Glad to be back! In 2014 I was just getting started, but the goal today is the same: to link book donors with prison libraries so they can donate exactly what the prisons need. We contact prisons directly to find out specifically what the residents are requesting, so the donors have reliable information and can make an efficient donation. Then we share that information on Facebook and Goodreads so that the donors can see what they have and are willing to donate, knowing their donated books will be read and enjoyed.

When we last spoke, Sentences was nearing the end of its first year of operation. Now, you’re coming up on ten years. What’s something unexpected that you’ve learned about the prison system and getting books into the hands of inmates in the last ten years?

How much the donation difficulty level varies from prison to prison. Some states have vastly different security measures, and some facilities have very specific policies. Others can be as easy to donate to as Goodwill. I guess they all have to determine their policies as needed, but if the donor needs to know anything to make a donation, I’ll include that in the posting for the facility.

I know each facility has its own guidelines or requirements for what they hope people will donate. The requests can vary a great deal. What are some common genres or formats you frequently see requests for?

The general rule is that if it’s popular on the outside, it’s popular inside the prison system. They also tend to like recently published fiction, just like the rest of us. However, there are a couple differences.  Although the height of popularity for the Western genre has long passed on the American book market, they’re still in very high demand inside prisons. They’re also usually thin, small paperbacks, which get worn out quickly, so if you have any Westerns, please consider donating! Many facilities are also in great need of Spanish-language reading.

Have you noticed any change in the last ten years? Is it easier or more difficult to donate books these days?

I’ve actually seen it get easier over time. When I started, there were usually more barriers to donating (depending on the facility or the state policies), like forms to fill out in advance, policies preventing sharing the information on social media, and just a general reluctance to receive books via USPS directly from unknown donors. Today it’s gotten less restrictive, which is great, but some places will still only receive books shipped directly from a vendor for safety and security reasons.

Are you in contact with facilities after they receive donations? Have you heard stories about the books’ impact on the inmates’ lives? Anything in that vein that you’d like to share?

Yes, and that all depends on the librarian. I’ve met some truly dedicated and passionate professionals who have been wonderful to work with.  The follow-up stories usually come not after I contact them to get their needs and donation instructions; it comes following a donation. I’ve got some really wonderful thank-you notes and e-mails over the years that I still hang on to. Anyone who donates may get one of these responses, depending on the individual librarian. It’s really nice when they do that. It makes it real.

When we spoke back in 2014, you calculated that hundreds of pounds of books had been donated through Sentences Book Donations. Have you continued to track book donations? What would you estimate has been donated from the beginning of the organization to now?

Great question. By now, it’s thousands, but I don’t have very accurate numbers. When I share the information, it’s up to the donors to bring their books to the USPS to donate. Always ask for the media rate! You can ship a ton of books across the country for surprisingly little money. But since the donors ship directly to the prisons, I don’t know how much they send unless they tell me or unless the librarian lets me know. If you do donate, I’d love to hear from you! If you have pictures of your donation before you send it, I’d love for you to post them on our pages!

Is there a process you prefer for donors to follow? Anything they should include in their packages when they send books?

Each posting may have specific instructions, so just keep an eye on that when you donate. Usually, just putting the books in a cardboard box, going to the Post Office, and asking for the media rate will work.  But always include a return address on the box. That’s a security thing; most prisons will have a policy that they’ll have to discard anything they receive if it doesn’t have a return address.

Are there any parting thoughts or resources you’d like to share?

I’d just like to thank everybody who has donated and encourage anybody who is considering it. If you have books on the shelf that are gathering dust, they can get new life and be greatly appreciated by people who have limited recreational options. Donating is very easy and not that expensive as long as you ask the Post Office for the media rate. Also, if you see a place you’d like to donate to on our page, but the instructions were posted over a year ago, feel free to reach out to me via Facebook and Goodreads pages. I’ll give the prison a call and verify the info is current. Thank you for donating!

Have you donated books through Sentences?

I recently donated the books pictured in the box above. I hope to donate another box before the end of the year.

Have you heard of Sentences before? If so, have you ever donated books using the listings on Facebook or Goodreads? Are you planning to, now that you’ve heard about it? Leave a comment and let me know.

Review: Plague Busters! by Lindsey Fitzharris and Adrian Teal

Plague-Busters!: Medicine’s Battles with History’s Deadliest Diseases
Dr. Lindsey Fitzharris
Illustrated by Adrian Teal
Bloomsbury USA Children’s
Published October 10, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Plague-Busters!

Smallpox! Rabies! Black Death! Throughout history humankind has been plagued by . . . well, by plagues. The symptoms of these diseases were gruesome-but the remedies were even worse.

Get to know the ickiest illnesses that have infected humans and affected civilizations through the ages. Each chapter explores the story of a disease, including the scary symptoms, kooky cures, and brilliant breakthroughs that it spawned. Medical historian and bestselling author Lindsey Fitzharris lays out the facts with her trademark wit, and Adrian Teal adds humor with cartoons and caricatures drawn in pitch black and blood red. Diseases covered in this book include bubonic plague, smallpox, rabies, tuberculosis, cholera, and scurvy.

Thanks to centuries of sickness and a host of history’s most determined plague-busters, this riveting book features everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the world’s deadliest diseases.

My Review

This book is filled with deeply fascinating information. From stories about the history of medical treatments for various illnesses to the development of hospitals and sanitary conditions, the text introduces readers to so many ways the medical field has changed. And some ways in which it’s still the same. We continually discover new treatments and uncover problems with previously established methods. We also continue to encounter new diseases.

I loved learning about the different medical issues represented in the book. From cholera to rabies, the plague, and smallpox, the book takes a close look at several diseases that had a huge impact on human history.

I was surprised that the book didn’t cover the influenza pandemic of 1918, which reportedly killed between 50 and 100 million people. It also didn’t mention the AIDS virus, which continues to have a huge impact on our population and has had a lot of medical breakthroughs since the disease was first discovered.

All in all, though, I enjoyed the upbeat tone and clear way the information in the book was presented. It made me think about a lot of things, and I think young readers interested in medical history and the history of diseases will find this book to be a deeply fascinating introduction to several major illnesses.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 10 up.

The text primarily focuses on pandemics and plagues in Europe, though other places are mentioned. Most of the medical professionals mentioned, or advancements covered are from Europe.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
One reference to a swear word, all but the first and last letter replaced with symbols. It’s from a quote of Doc Holliday’s last words.

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
References to churches and church leaders impacted by illnesses. Sometimes, church members gathered to repent in hopes of ending the outbreak of disease they believed was God’s judgment against their sins. References to monks caring for the sick.

Violent Content
Lots of descriptions of disease and fatalities due to disease. In one chapter, medical students arrange for the death of a doctor who tried to enforce a new policy requiring them to wash their hands before encountering pregnant patients.

Drug Content
Some of the early “treatments” for different illnesses we now know are poisonous (like mercury) or highly addictive (such as opiates).

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of PLAGUE-BUSTERS! in exchange for my honest review.

Marvelous Middle-Grade Mondays

I’m sharing this post as a part of a weekly round-up of middle grade posts called Marvelous Middle Grade Mondays. Check out other blogs posting about middle-grade books today on Marvelous Middle Grade Mondays at Always in the Middle with Greg Pattridge.

Review: Like a Charm by Elle McNicholl

Like a Charm
Elle McNicholl
Random House Books for Young Readers
Published October 10, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Like a Charm

After the death of her grandfather, neurodivergent tween Ramya uncovers a world of mystery and magic–and she’s the only one who can see it! From the award-winning author of A Kind of Spark.

“Ramya, you have something this city needs. And it’s something that’s going to change everything.”

Ramya Knox always knew she was different. Her dyspraxia makes her clumsy and prone to attracting the disapproval of her teachers. Ramya didn’t know she can see magic! But when a dog statue comes to life, Ramya follows the pup and discovers a world she thought existed only in fairy tales.

Trolls, witches, kelpies, vampires, and more lurk in the shadows of Edinburgh, hiding from the most dangerous creature of all: sirens. These beautiful monsters use their persuasive voice to convince those around them to do their bidding–for better or worse. As the sirens rise in power, it’s up to Ramya to save the day–or the Hidden and mortal worlds might both be at risk.

My Review

For some reason, I expected this book to be a portal fantasy, and it isn’t. It’s more like the world of magic exists within the real world, and only Ramya is able to see beyond that veil into the magic around her. Sort of like Amari and the eye drops that allow her to see supernatural beings around her in AMARI AND THE NIGHT BROTHERS. Once Ramya recognizes what she’s seeing, it seems like there’s magic everywhere she goes.

It took me a few chapters to orient myself to understanding Ramya. At first, she seemed sort of chaotically willful. Like, I wasn’t sure I understood why she did what she did. As I got to know her and to understand the magical world, it made so much sense, though. I really enjoyed the moment things clicked into place.

I also really enjoyed the relationship between Ramya and her cousin. Marley is so different than Ramya, so they make a good pair. He’s also one of the first people to trust her and follow her lead. The story explores a family broken apart by estrangement and lots of unspoken history. I absolutely loved the way the family history was revealed and how it changed the way that I saw each of the family characters.

The book ends with a possible setup for a sequel, which would involve both Ramya and Marley. I hope there’s another adventure with both of them in the future, because, if so, I would definitely read it.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

Characters are from England and Scotland.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
Some characters are magical creatures. A few characters can perform magic.

Violent Content
Situations of peril. References to murder. A battle between Ramya and an adult.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of LIKE A CHARM in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Don’t Look Back by Achut Deng and Keely Hutton

Don’t Look Back: A Memoir of War, Survival, and My Journey to America
Achut Deng and Keely Hutton
Farrar, Straus, & Giroux

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Don’t Look Back

In this propulsive memoir from Achut Deng and Keely Hutton, inspired by a harrowing New York Times article, Don’t Look Back tells a powerful story showing both the ugliness and the beauty of humanity, and the power of not giving up.

I want life.

After a deadly attack in South Sudan left six-year-old Achut Deng without a family, she lived in refugee camps for ten years, until a refugee relocation program gave her the opportunity to move to the United States. When asked why she should be given a chance to leave the camp, Achut simply told the I want life.

But the chance at starting a new life in a new country came with a different set of challenges. Some of them equally deadly. Taught by the strong women in her life not to look back, Achut kept moving forward, overcoming one obstacle after another, facing each day with hope and faith in her future. Yet, just as Achut began to think of the US as her home, a tie to her old life resurfaced, and for the first time, she had no choice but to remember her past.

My Review

As I read this book, I found myself thinking about the timeline of the author’s life. What was I likely doing while she fled for her life from soldiers intent on killing everyone in her village? How did I spend my time during the years she lived in the refugee camp in Kenya? It really made me think about how sheltered and safe my life has been and how far that is from the experience so many other people have in their childhoods and lives.

I think the authors did an excellent job describing a child’s view of the horrors of war and of the endless pressure of hunger and waiting during her life in the refugee camp. In the scene in which Achut hides in her closet, contemplating ending her life, the intensity of her hopelessness and feelings of being trapped were absolutely gripping.

All in all, it’s an excellent memoir that delivers a personal account of a child’s life during the war in Sudan, life in a refugee camp, and eventual immigration to the United States. Readers who enjoyed OVER A THOUSAND HILLS I WALK WITH YOU by Hanna Jensen or FINDING REFUGE by Victorya Krouse will want to read this powerful, true account.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Achut and her family are Sudanese. She and some of her family members live as refugees in a camp in Kenya for years before immigrating to the United States.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
References to women being assaulted by soldiers in villages and in the refugee camp. Later, an older boy sexually abuses Achut. Details are limited and focus on the horror and helplessness Achut feels.

Spiritual Content
Achut’s family have all been given Christian names, which they’re told to use. She never feels like her name, Rachel, suits her and prefers her family name, Achut, instead.

Violent Content
Soldiers fire guns at fleeing civilians, killing many. Soldiers fire rifles into people’s homes, killing some hiding there. In the refugee camp, Achut faces physical abuse by her guardians as well as starvation from rations being withheld. Diseases spread through the camp, killing many. Parasites infect Achut and others and must be pulled from wounds in their legs and feet. A poisonous snake bites a girl, causing her leg to swell painfully. Men who have been caught assaulting women are publicly punished by having their heads shaved roughly, so that they have deep cuts on their scalps. Officials rub salt into the wounds.

Drug Content
Achut’s cousin begins getting drunk to avoid his grief and anger. She worries this behavior will ultimately kill him.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of DON’T LOOK BACK in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Night of the Witch by Sara Raasch and Beth Revis

Night of the Witch
Sara Raasch and Beth Revis
Sourcebooks Fire
Published October 3, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Night of the Witch

A witch and a hunter. Vengeance is their mission. Love is their destiny.

Fritzi is a witch. A survivor of a brutal attack on her coven, she’s determined to find her only surviving family member and bring the hexenjägers—zealot witch hunters—to justice for the lives they ended. To do this, she will need to take down their leader—Kommandant Dieter Kirch.

Otto is a hexenjäger and a captain, the second in command to Dieter Kirch—but that’s just his cover. Years ago, the hexenjägers burned his innocent mother alive, and since then, he has been planning a move against the witch hunters that tore his family apart. And now, the time has come for them to pay for what they’ve done.

When Fritzi and Otto are unexpectedly thrown together, neither is sure they can trust the other despite their common enemy. But all they have is one another, and they both crave revenge. As truths come to light and trust shifts, Fritzi and Otto uncover a far more horrifying plot at the center of the hexenjäger attacks . . . but their own growing feelings for each other may be the most powerful magic of all.

My Review

The story alternates points of view between Fritzi and Otto. Fritzi is the daughter of a powerful witch, but she doubts her own power because of a mysterious voice in her head she’s been taught not to trust. Otto also doubts the authorities in his life. First, because his father was cruel and then because he doesn’t even believe witches exist. He is sure the people the soldiers burn are innocent. And he’s determined to save as many as he can.

I really enjoyed the way the story is anchored both in history and folklore. It felt very immersive. I also liked that Otto separated his trust in the church from his own personal faith. It allowed the story to explore ideas about faith as something separate from an institution. I really liked how the narrative explored that theme with both Fritzi and Otto.

Something about the story reminded me a lot of the duology that starts with GIVE THE DARK MY LOVE by Beth Revis. Plotwise, the two have very little in common. The fact that both stories contain a strong, magic-oriented heroine alongside a politically strong/savvy hero might be why I kept making that connection.

The story is also a bit dark– delving pretty unflinchingly into the history of the witch trials in Europe. It’s got a pretty fiery romance in it, too, so it’s not all grim.

In any case, I think fans of that duology or of European history in the late 1500s will find this an engrossing story. I am really glad I read it, and I think if there’s a follow-up book, I’ll be sure to read that, too.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Major characters are German.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Strong profanity used somewhat frequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between boy and girl. Kissing between two girls. In one scene, two characters have sex in a bathing pool.

Spiritual Content
Fritzi hears a voice telling her to sever her connection with the Well, which she has always been taught represents good magic, and draw from wild magic, which she’s been taught is evil. Fritzi and her coven worship three goddesses: the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone. Otto is part of a witch-hunting unit of soldiers under the Catholic church.

Violent Content
Situations of peril. Witches and suspected witches are burned at the stake. Most scenes reference this without describing it, but there are brief, graphic descriptions in a couple of places. Graphic descriptions of torture. One scene describes a boy torturing and killing a kitten. Battle scenes.

Drug Content
Characters drink beer as a part of their meals.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of NIGHT OF THE WITCH in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Secret of the Reaping by Kalynn Bayron

Secret of the Reaping (The Vanquishers #2)
Kalynn Bayron
Bloomsbury USA Children’s
Published October 10, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Secret of the Reaping

The Vanquishers are back and ready to defend their town against the undead in this spooky middle grade from New York Times bestselling author Kalynn Bayron.

Boog and her best friends, Cedrick, Jules, and Aaron–aka the Squad–stick together, no matter what. Now that vampires are back, they’ll need to take their Vanquisher lessons more seriously than ever. But who is behind this return of the undead?

When strange disappearances keep happening across their community and the Department of Vampire Affairs not-so-subtly warns Boog’s mom to keep quiet about vampires returning, it looks like uncovering the truth won’t be so easy. The Squad is eager to kick some undead butt, but will they be able to convince their parents they are ready to fight alongside the Vanquishers?

My Review

I’m really enjoying this series. I love the way the story is centered around families and family history. The book feels like a version of The Incredibles but with an all-Black cast and the addition of vampires. It’s high-energy and fun, and a very quick read. I read this one in a couple of sittings.

The story picks up pretty nearly where the first book in the series, THE VANQUISHERS, ends, and there are several references back to things that happened in the first book. If you haven’t read the first book in the series, I would start with that one first.

I loved the close-knit community featured in the book and the deep friendships between Boog and her friends. I’ll be continuing with the series and looking forward to the next installment!

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

Major characters are Black. One of Boog’s best friends in nonbinary.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
Vampires exist in the book.

Violent Content
Situations of peril. A young vampire drinks blood (from medical packets) and from small animals. A woman eats flies. Vampires and hostile people attack Boog and her family. Students at school bully Boog and her friends.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of SECRET OF THE REAPING in exchange for my honest review.