About Kasey

Reads things. Writes things. Fluent in sarcasm. Willful optimist. Cat companion, chocolate connoisseur, coffee drinker. There are some who call me Mom.

Review: Together for Never by Marilyn Kaye

Together for Never by Marilyn Kaye cover shows a girl looking in the mirror, holding up lipstick. The reflection shows another girl, standing behind her in a doorway, arms crossed.

Together for Never
Marilyn Kaye
Holiday House
Published March 14, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Together for Never

The Parent Trap meets Mean Girls when two polar opposites are squeezed into a tiny vacation house just because their parents are dating.

Charlotte is the queen bee of her 8th grade class—popular, confident, always wearing the trendiest clothes—and judging others for what they wear. Lily is a loner who dreams of becoming a writer—and she wants nothing to do with … Continue reading

Review: Skandar and the Phantom Rider by A. F. Steadman

Skandar and the Phantom Rider by A. F. Steadman cover shows a boy on a unicorn in the foreground with a wave forming into the shape of a unicorn in the background.

Skandar and the Phantom Rider (Skandar #2)
A. F. Steadman
Simon & Schuster
Published May 3, 2023

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About Skandar and the Phantom Rider

The Island shall have its revenge . . .

Skandar Smith has achieved his dream to train as a unicorn rider.

But as Skandar and his friends enter their second year at the Eyrie, a new threat arises. Immortal wild unicorns are somehow being killed, a prophecy warns of terrible danger, and elemental destruction begins … Continue reading

Review: This Place is Still Beautiful by XiXi Tian

This Place is Still Beautiful by Xixi Tian

This Place is Still Beautiful
XiXi Tian
Balzer + Bray
Published June 7, 2022

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About This Place is Still Beautiful

Two sisters. A shocking racist incident. The summer that will change both of their lives forever.

Despite having had near-identical upbringings, sisters Annalie and Margaret agree on only one thing: that they have nothing in common. Nineteen-year-old Margaret is driven, ambitious, and keenly aware of social justice issues. She couldn’t wait to leave their oppressive small-town home and take flight in New York. Meanwhile sweet, popular, seventeen-year-old Annalie couldn’t think of anything worse – she loves their town, and feels safe coasting along in its … Continue reading

Review: The Other Side of Infinity by Joan F. Smith

The Other Side of Infinity by Joan F. Smith

The Other Side of Infinity
Joan F. Smith
Feiwel & Friends
Published April 25, 2023

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About The Other Side of Infinity

THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END meets THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT in this YA novel by Joan F. Smith, where a teen uses her gift of foreknowledge to help a lifeguard save a drowning man―only to discover that her actions have suddenly put his life at risk.

It was supposed to be an ordinary day at the pool, but when lifeguard Nick hesitates during a save,
seventeen-year-old December uses her gift of foreknowledge to rescue the … Continue reading

Review: Me: Moth by Amber McBride

Me Moth by Amber McBride

Me: Moth
Amber McBride
Feiwel & Friends
Published August 17, 2021

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Me: Moth

Moth has lost her family in an accident. Though she lives with her aunt, she feels alone and uprooted.

Until she meets Sani, a boy who is also searching for his roots. If he knows more about where he comes from, maybe he’ll be able to understand his ongoing depression. And if Moth can help him feel grounded, then perhaps she too will discover the history she carries in her bones.

Moth and Sani take a road trip that has them chasing ghosts and searching for ancestors. The … Continue reading

Review: A Work in Progress by Jarrett Lerner

Work in Progress by Jarrett Lerner cover shows a boy walking to the right with a large black scribble cloud behind him.

A Work in Progress
Jarrett Lerner
Published May 2, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About A Work in Progress

A young boy struggles with body image in this poignant middle grade journey to self-acceptance told through prose, verse, and illustration.

Will is the only round kid in a school full of string beans. So he hides…in baggy jeans and oversized hoodies, in the back row during class, and anywhere but the cafeteria during lunch. But shame isn’t the only feeling that dominates Will’s life. He’s also got a crush on a girl … Continue reading