Review: White House Clubhouse by Sean O’Brien

White House Clubhouse by Sean O'Brien cover shows two girls standing back to back, a nature scene behind them.

White House Clubhouse
Sean O’Brien
Norton Young Readers
Published October 3, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About White House Clubhouse

From a former White House, a middle grade series following two First Daughters who team up with historical presidential children to save the nation.

Marissa and Clara’s mom is the newly elected president of the United States, and they haven’t experienced much freedom lately. While exploring the White House, they discover a hidden tunnel that leads to an underground clubhouse full of antique curiosities, doors heading in all directions―and a mysterious invitation to join … Continue reading

Review: The Adventures of Mo by Carol Patton

The Adventures of Mo by Carol Patton cover shows a pawprint with pastel colors

The Adventures of Mo
Carol Patton
November 20, 2022

Amazon | Goodreads | Author’s Website (free download)

About The Adventures of Mo

The Adventures of Mo is about an American Eskimo dog named Mo and a bird named Finchy that travel to each US state searching for the owner of a lost key who lives in Florida. But where is Florida? Each chapter reflects an adventure in a different state, touches upon state geography/history, and introduces cardinal directions. Readers guess which state the main characters are visiting based on clues in each chapter.

This is a do-good project. While anyone can download the … Continue reading

20 Fabulous Middle Grade Books Coming Fall 2023

20 Fabulous Middle Grade Books Coming Fall 2023

Usually, my review calendar is about sixty to seventy percent young adult and only thirty to forty percent middle grade, but this season, I’m split pretty close to fifty-fifty for what’s on my reading list. It’s hard to keep up with all the great books coming this season, but I’m going to do my best to try! Here are my 20 most-anticipated middle grade books coming fall 2023.

Since September is already almost over (How?!), I’ve linked a few of the books I’ve finished to my reviews below.

Marvelous Middle-Grade Mondays with Greg Pattridge at Always in the Middle Continue reading

Review: Wishes Are Free by Diana Mercedes Howell

Wishes Are Free by Diana Mercedes Howell cover shows a girl holding a dandelion, standing in front of a white picket fence with a cluster of buildings in the distance.

Wishes Are Free
Diana Mercedes Howell
Published September 15, 2022

Amazon | Goodreads

About Wishes Are Free

Friends are everywhere if you have a big heart and know where to look.

California, 1959. Spunky ten-year-old Rose O’Reilly feels abandoned when her best friend from birth moves two thousand miles away. Determined to find a new best friend, she turns to Grandpa, whose wife – his own best friend – has recently died. They hold chat cafes in the kitchen on Sundays and with Grandpa’s help, … Continue reading

Review: Beneath the Swirling Sky by Carolyn Leiloglou

Beneath the Swirling Sky by Carolyn Leiloglou

Beneath the Swirling Sky
Carolyn Leiloglou
Published September 12, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Beneath the Swirling Sky

A house full of paintings, a missing sister, and a family secret send a boy and his cousin into a world where art is the key in this fantasy adventure perfect for fans of The Wingfeather Saga and Pages & Co.

After an experience he’d rather forget, Vincent is determined to be done with art. So when he and his little sister, Lili, spend spring break with their art conservator great-uncle, Vincent’s plan is to stay glued to his phone.

That is, until Lili disappears into one of … Continue reading

Review: The Otherwoods by Justine Pucella Winans

The Otherwoods by Justine Pucella Winans

The Otherwoods
Justine Pucella Winans
Bloomsbury USA Children’s
Published September 12, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About The Otherwoods

The Otherwoods is calling. And it won’t be ignored.

Some would call River Rydell a ‘chosen one’: born with the ability to see monsters and travel to a terrifying spirit world called The Otherwoods, they have all the makings of a hero. But River just calls themself unlucky. After all, it’s not like anyone actually believes River can see these things–or that anyone even believes monsters exist in the first place. So the way River sees it, it’s better to keep their head down and ignore anything Otherwoods related.

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