Review: This Is Your Time by Ruby Bridges

This Is Your Time by Ruby Bridges

This Is Your Time
Ruby Bridges
Delacorte Press
Published November 10, 2020

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About This Is Your Time

Written as a letter from civil rights activist and icon Ruby Bridges to the reader, THIS IS YOUR TIME is both a recounting of Ruby’s experience as a child who had to be escorted to class by federal marshals when she was chosen to be one of the first black students to integrate into New Orleans’ all-white public school system and an appeal to generations to come to effect change.

This volume features photographs from the 1960s and from today, as … Continue reading

Review: A Comb of Wishes by Lisa Stringfellow

A Comb of Wishes by Lisa Stringfellow

A Comb of Wishes
Lisa Stringfellow
Quill Tree Books/HarperCollins
Published February 8, 2022

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About A Comb of Wishes

Ever since her mother’s death, Kela feels every bit as broken as the shards of glass, known as “mermaid’s tears,” that sparkle on the beaches of St. Rita. But when she discovers a different kind of treasure, she accidentally summons an actual mermaid—the wrathful Ophidia.

Ophidia makes Kela a bargain: her ancient comb, in exchange for a wish. And though Kela knows that what she wants most is her mother back, a wish that big will exact a dangerous price…

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Review: Xavier in the Meantime by Kate Gordon

Xavier in the Meantime by Kate Gordon

Xavier in the Meantime
Kate Gordon
Riveted Press
Published February 1, 2022

 Book DepositoryGoodreads

About Xavier in the Meantime

Sometimes Xavier wakes up feeling hopeless.

Every new doctor … this will fix it.

Removing him from school … this will fix it.

The therapy group … this will fix it.

And his dad moving out. Maybe, this will fix it. Despite his positive affirmations, the black dog never really leaves him. It watches from the corner of his room, never straying too far away—waiting for the perfect opportunity to sink its teeth in.

But Xavier has a plan—one he hopes will help all the kids in his … Continue reading

Review: Making Waves by Albert Bates

Making Waves by Albert Bates

Making Waves: Saving Our Oceans
Albert Bates
Published August 5, 2021

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About Making Waves

This book provides an educational and engaging look at the interdependent relationship between the oceans and ourselves, and what is needed to protect the oceans’ ecosystems. Young adults learn about a variety of human activities that affect water temperature, oxygen levels, acidity, ice density, sea levels and sea-life populations.

Bates explains how measures such as blue carbon initiatives to prohibit deep-sea mining, replanting mangroves, protecting salt marshes and seagrasses and restoring coral reefs have benefits that have a multiplier effect–and that it is more cost-effective and financially rewarding to do … Continue reading

Review: The Swallowtail Legacy: Wreck at Ada’s Reef by Michael D. Beil

The Swallowtail Legacy: Wreck at Ada's Reef by Michael D. Beil

The Swallowtail Legacy: Wreck at Ada’s Reef
Michael D. Beil
Pixel + Ink
Published February 1, 2022

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About Wreck at Ada’s Reef

Twelve-year-old Lark Heron-Finch is steeling herself to spend the summer on Swallowtail Island off the shores of Lake Erie. It’s the first time that she and her sister will have seen the old house since their mom passed away. And while her stepfather and his boys are okay, the island’s always been full of happy memories–and now everything is different.

When Nadine, a close family friend, tells Lark about a tragic boat accident that happened off the … Continue reading

Review: The Insiders by Mark Oshiro

The Insiders by Mark Oshiro

The Insiders
Mark Oshiro
Published September 21, 2021

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About The Insiders

San Francisco and Orangevale may be in the same state, but for Héctor Muñoz, they might as well be a million miles apart. Back home, being gay didn’t mean feeling different. At Héctor’s new school, he couldn’t feel more alone.

Most days, Héctor just wishes he could disappear. And he does. Right into the janitor’s closet. (Yes, he sees the irony.) But one day, when the door closes behind him, Héctor discovers he’s stumbled into a room that shouldn’t be possible. A room that connects him with two new friends … Continue reading