15 Amazing Middle Grade Books Coming Winter 2023

15 Amazing Middle Grade Books Coming Winter 2023

How are there so many great books coming out in the next few months? It gets harder and harder to limit my calendar to the books I can actually read, because it seems like there are so many great ones out there. I read three to five middle grade titles in an average month, but I wish I could read more. These books will all be published from January to March 2023. My list is mainly contemporary, historical, and fantasy novels. Here are the middle grade books coming winter 2023 that I’m most looking forward to reading.

Amazing Middle Grade Books Coming Winter 2023

The Librarian of  … <a class= Continue reading

Kasey’s Bookish Holiday Wishlist

Bookish Holiday Wishlist

My Bookish Holiday Wishlist

I didn’t realize until a few years ago how much the holiday season stirs up feelings of dread for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love some of the holiday events and celebrations. There are moments I look forward to. Christmas morning with my family. Quietly contemplating the long ago night that a tiny child who would change the world was born in a manger. Those are meaningful times for me.

But the hustle. The shopping. The decorating. All the pressure that comes with seeing all the people in a few short days. We have a big family and some relationships and events are, well… a bit challenging. It’s a lot.

At any rate, I didn’t realize … Continue reading

Best Books I Read in Fall 2022: Reading Recap

Best Books I Read Fall 2022

Best Books I Read in Fall 2022 – Reading Recap

This is a relatively new thing I’ve been trying out. I’ve been posting most-anticipated reading lists for the season, with my most looked-forward-to new young adult and middle grade releases and why I’m excited about them. Then at the end of the season, I post a look back at the list following up. How many books from the list did I actually read? Which were my favorites? So. Here we are with a list of the best books I read in fall 2022. Let’s get to it!

How many books from my Most-Anticipated Fall Reading List did I actually read?

I created two separate posts … Continue reading

15 Perfect Books for Spooky Season

15 Perfect Books for Spooky Season

I don’t usually post anything specifically about Spooky Season. Halloween wasn’t an important holiday in my house. Though I was raised in a conservative Christian home, I think the real reason we weren’t big Halloween celebrators is that my dad is generally against holidays which revolve around candy. Ha! So I never really got into the spirit of the holiday, I guess. My mom sews and loves costumes, so we always had costumes and created reasons to dress up around our house. Maybe that’s another reason I didn’t look forward to the holiday specifically for an excuse to dress up?

In any case, I also happen to be a pretty tense reader, so I don’t usually chase … Continue reading

2022 Summer Reading Recap

For the last couple of years, I’ve been trying to post seasonal lists of the books I can’t wait to read. I love doing that, but I also want to post some kind of recap at the end of the season where I can talk about which books turned out to be my favorites that sort of thing. I’ve been struggling to find a format that feels satisfying to write up and read about, so here’s my first attempt: my 2022 Summer Reading Recap.

First, if you missed my most-anticipated summer release list, check it out to see what books started on my list. I also posted this Top Ten Tuesday list of backlist titles I hoped to read this summer, so I’ll include those in this check-in.

How many books did I read from my summer reading lists?

My most-anticipated … Continue reading

20 Most-Anticipated YA Books Coming Fall 2022

20 Most-Anticipated YA Books Coming Fall 2022

20 Most-Anticipated YA Books Coming Fall 2022

Now that September is half-over, I finally sat down and looked at my list of most-anticipated YA books coming fall 2022. I’m really excited about so many of these titles. There are a few romcoms, and I’m loving that. There are also a LOT of spooky or spooky-ish books on this list, which is unusual for me. I’m not usually a big scary books girl. It doesn’t take much to freak me out– Disney movies used to give me nightmares as a child. Ha. At any rate, I’ve included books that are coming out from September 1 to November 30, so a few are books I’ve managed … Continue reading