Review: A Cast of Stones by Patrick Carr

A Cast of Stones by Patrick CarrA Cast of Stones (The Staff and the Sword #1)
Patrick W. Carr
Bethany House
Published February 1, 2013

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Desperate for coins enough to drown his painful past in drink, Errol agrees to deliver an urgent message to a nearby priest. Then an assassin destroys the message and nearly kills Errol, forcing him to flee with the priest and his companions.

The priest and other members of clergy gather to select a new king, but a deadly enemy opposes them at every step. Still battling lust for ale and past demons, Errol finds himself caught deeper within the church’s web of danger and intrigue. If the enemy wins, the king’s line will end and the border that protects the kingdom will fail. To survive and protect his friends, Errol must conquer his past and uncover the identity of the ruthless ones who pursue him before it’s too late.

Like many Christian fantasy novels, this story contains a monotheistic religion that closely resembles Christianity. What keeps this from being entirely predictable or mundane is Carr’s clever addition of a second spiritual leadership group who balance the power of the priests and reveal the will of Deas (God) through casting lots.

Carr’s deft and thoughtful storytelling can’t help but leave readers eager for the next chapter in the fascinating world he’s created. Errol’s unexpected and expertly crafted transformation from cowardice to heroism makes this novel both moving and memorable.

Language Content

Sexual Content
A woman obliquely propositions a young man. Nothing explicit or overt.

Spiritual Content
Characters follow a monotheistic religion that includes worship of a god called Deas. In addition to priests, Deas also gifts certain followers to become readers, men who cast lots and determine the will of Deas through the results. A woman possessed by an evil spirit tries to attack Errol and Liam.

Assassins pursue Errol and his companions, at times succeeding in wounding him and his friends.

Drug Content
Errol begins the story as an alcoholic, but devoted friends and companions help him see the self-destruction in that lifestyle.




Review: We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

E. Lockhart
Delacorte Press
Published May 13, 2014

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About We Were Liars

Since she was a little girl, Cadence has been spending summers with her Sinclaire cousins and family friend on a private island. In the infamous, wealthy Sinclaire family, emotions must be kept in check. Addictions and criminal behavior are not allowed.

But the summer after Cadence’s grandmother passes away, her perfect family falls into turmoil, and Cadence leaves the island with a mysterious head injury she can’t remember receiving.

When Cadence begs to return to the island to be with her family again, her mother relents. Still no one will discuss Cadence’s injury with her, and she is forced to uncover the truth on her own.

My Review

Okay, so… full disclosure. I started reading this book one morning while I was waiting for my then-boyfriend to wake up and be ready to meet up for lunch. The chapters are short, and the story is so intense that I may have left him waiting for me for over an hour while I scrambled to read one more chapter after just one more chapter.

I couldn’t get enough. I had to know what would happen. The writing is beautiful and sort of haunting, and it’s the kind of story that gets inside you and won’t let go.

WE WERE LIARS is packed full of stark, beautiful prose and gut-wrenching emotion. Cadence experiences the fullness of love and loss, and through Lockhart’s phenomenal storytelling, readers can’t help but share in those moments. The relationships between family members feel so real and sometimes so toxic. Every chapter uncovers new questions. And the ending left me completely breathless.

Needless to say, I read this book in one sitting. I couldn’t put it down at all. It’s been one of the books I talk about over and over, and certainly one that stayed with me since I’ve read it.

Content Notes

Language Content
Extreme word choice, moderate frequency.

Sexual Content
Cadence’s cousin claims to have had lots of “sexual intercourse” with a boyfriend back home. She promises details, but shares nothing graphic or specific.

Spiritual Content
Cadence and Gat briefly discuss whether or not they believe in God.


Drug Content
The cousins sneak wine from their parents and drink it.

I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. This post contains affiliate links.



Review: Torn Away by Jennifer Brown

Torn Away
Jennifer Brown
Little, Brown and Company
Published May 6, 2014

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Fifteen year-old Jersey lives an annoyingly ordinary life, starting dinners for her working mother and dodging invitations to dance with her five year-old sister. All that changes when a fearsome storm spawns a deadly tornado that rips through Jersey’s life, leaving only wreckage in its wake.

Jersey survives the storm, but its aftermath sends her reeling. She’s lost everything. As she bounces from relative to relative, still shell-shocked by the memories of her home literally crumbling around her and swallowed by a powerful grief. Only a connection with another grieving family member will allow Jersey’s grief to begin releasing her.

For much of this story, Jersey’s life goes from bad to worse. Only the most callused human beings can endure her journey through the tornado without feeling moved to empathy. Brown’s storytelling shines in those scenes as she describes not only the devastation caused by the storm, but the sheer helplessness and overwhelmed feelings of survivors.

But the storm’s end is only the beginning of Jersey’s troubles when she’s cast on a family that has no desire nor capacity to care for her. Jersey seemed to keep readers at an emotional distance, though, as perhaps she’s done with everyone, even her besties from school. Even at the story’s end, as Jersey begins to fully grieve, we glimpse just a crack in her outer walls.

Language Content
Infrequent but extreme use of profanity and crude language.

Sexual Content
Brief, vague references to infidelity among adults.

Spiritual Content
Jersey’s neighbor prays for fellow storm victims and for herself. Later, Jersey’s grandmother invites her to church, telling her that prayer might help her grieve for her losses. Jersey does eventually pray, though mostly to communicate with a lost family member.

Jersey’s step-sisters bully her and a physical fight ensues.

Drug Content
Jersey’s dad and step-mom are often drunk.

Blogger’s Note
As we approach the storm season for the Midwest, I can’t help remembering the headlines of the last several years. As a native Floridian, it’s hard to get my head around the sheer mass of the tornadoes that devastated towns, families and lives in their paths.

My work for an incredible company assisting in the creation of 3D city models sometimes allows me to view places and experience events that I would not otherwise get to witness. One such example was when we created before and after models showing the destruction of the 2011 tornado in Joplin, MO. You can see a short video of the model footage on YouTube here.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.





Review: Tessa by Melissa Wiltrout

Melissa Wiltrout
Life Sentence Publishing
Published September 3, 2013

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Fifteen year-old runaway Tessa Minor is forced to return home after being caught shoplifting some food from a grocery store. She dreads the moment she has to face her father again, knowing he’ll make her pay for every hour she’s been on her own. She wakes in the back yard shed at home, battered and bruised from her father’s punishment. When she’s finally able to return to school, Tess dodges questions from her friends but can’t help feeling curious about the new girl, Heather, who speaks openly about her faith and is warm and kind to Tessa. In the midst of a violent altercation at home, Tess escapes through her bedroom window and runs to Heather’s home, where her grandparents take care of her. Gradually, their steadfast love and faith permeates Tess’s home life, and Tess begins to see changes even in her parents’ behavior. But after living in filth and terror for so long, Tess isn’t sure she can trust that the changes are for real or that they erase the horror of her past.

Tessa’s immaturity and tenaciousness made her a believable girl in her early teens, though her bad attitude was sometimes a little much to swallow. Wiltrout captures the chaos and uncertainty of life with an abuser, but it was difficult to understand why Tessa’s mother stayed with him, since she didn’t seem really dependent on him. The spiritual journeys each character takes were largely believable and authentic. Often the critical moment came not through conversation with another person but because of it, which feels more true to life. Forgiveness and consequences were also nicely balanced in a story which deals with redemption of someone with a serious criminal history.

While some of the story elements were a little underdeveloped, Wiltrout shows an overall good sense of story and character development as well as a nice grasp of how to authentically incorporate spiritual awakening into her scenes.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild and infrequent.

Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
When Tessa meets Heather and her grandparents, she also wins an introduction to their faith as Christians. Soon Tess begins to see God moving through her small family.

Tessa’s father mercilessly punishes her for running away and anytime she makes a mistake. Angry and brutal, he beats her severely enough for her to lose consciousness.

Drug Content
Tess’s dad also demands she help him concoct methamphetamine in an abandoned structure. While Tess never uses the drug, she suffers physical consequences from exposure to the chemicals used in the process. No ingredients are named, nor is the process described in any detail. Participants ultimately serve time in jail.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.



Review: My Totally Awkward Supernatural Crush by Laura Toffler-Corrie

My Totally Awkward Supernatural Crush
Laura Toffler-Corrie
Roaring Brook Press/Holtzbrinck Publishing
Published August 20, 2013

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Babysitting the neighborhood terror, David Lipski, is enough to give any girl nightmares, but when the handsome hero who comes to her rescue waltzes out of Jenna’s dreams and into a server’s uniform at Cowboy Clem’s, it’s got to be too good to be true, right? Luke has the face of an angel. And that’s exactly what he is. He’s been sent to earth with a mission – to guard and protect the family heirloom necklace Jenna’s just been given as a birthday gift. If Adam, a boy serving darker powers, gets his hands on the necklace, he’ll bend its power to his will and use it to rule earth. Along with a tirelessly devoted neighbor and her young babysitting charge, Jenna embarks on a wild adventure to stop the forces of evil from swiping the tacky necklace and destroying the world as she knows it.

The story is packed with quirky characters and light-hearted humor, though there are several brief references to bodily functions. The unconventional use of angel and demon characters made the story unique, but left the story-world somewhat disjointed. Both Jenna’s parents seem remarkably disconnected from their daughter’s life. While Jenna doesn’t spend a lot of emotional energy on her family either, she often speaks rudely about her family members. The romance between Luke and Jenna develops nicely and remains clean, making this a good choice as a romantic story for new teen readers.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild word choice and frequency.

Sexual Content
Very brief kissing. Jenna tries not to think about sex in front of the boy who can read her mind. No additional details are specified.

Spiritual Content
Though the story features angels and demons, neither appear connected with God or Christian context in any way. Instead, the two are mortal enemies somehow thrust into the human world by the alignment of planets at the equinox.

Very brief fighting and description of someone stabbed to death. No graphic content.

Drug Content
Jenna asks her parents if a person could talk to an angel. Her mother offers that someone taking crack might have this experience.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.



What Makes Me Love Authors

Goodreads lists over 1400 YA novels published for the first time in 2013. In order to cover them all, I’d have to review nearly four novels each day. While some of those novels aren’t a good fit for this blog and some of those authors probably aren’t interested in having reviews posted here, I still receive more requests each month than I can commit to review.

What makes requests memorable? What can authors do to stand out as savvy and professional? As a review blogger, here are my thoughts on what makes for a fabulous working relationship between author and blogger:

Reads My Blog

When I get a request email that specifically comments on a post I’ve written or mentions an aspect of the blog the author finds useful or appealing, I’m more inclined to pay attention. Why? Because this tells me that I’m not just getting a form email sent out to a hundred bloggers, and that the author has considered whether my blog is a good fit for the novel he or she is hoping to have reviewed.

A form email from a publicist or publishing house isn’t a terrible thing, however. Professionalism and seriousness on the part of the author definitely grabs my attention.

Gives Me Great Links

It’s a great idea to include your author web site, any site with an excerpt and even a link to your book on amazon, if it’s posted there and has any reviews. Before I accept a review, I like to check those two places to find out more about an author. If an author provides those links in the email, I’m more likely to click them when I first read the email than to check it later when I have more time.

On the author site, I’m trying to get a feel for what kind of person the author is. Is the site really classy? Does it look like the author invested time in site development and management?

At Amazon or another site which allows me to read an excerpt, I do exactly that. If I read the first five pages of the novel and find myself cringing at spelling and grammar errors or simply not connecting with the characters or story, I’m likely to pass on the review request.

Is Interested In Other Posts

I enjoy conducting author interviews and hosting cover reveals and other events like that. When an author asks about those or offers to participate in an interview, I’m inclined to feel like that author is working hard to be accessible, and I can’t help but respect that.

Follows Up During the Month of Scheduled Review

Sometimes an author (or publicist) drops me a quick line to make sure I’ve got everything I need and we’re still on track for a review posting soon. I’m always impressed to get these emails. I think it shows a lot of organization and professionalism.

Tweets About the Review

Getting my blog site out there helps me gather more readers, so I really appreciate the authors who take the time to mention the review on Twitter or other social media sites.

Contacts Me Post-Review

A word of thanks is always appreciated, whether it’s in a blog comment, Facebook post or twitter mention. I’ve had authors email me and critique my reviews before, and as long as they’re polite and constructive, I don’t mind that so much. I’m happy to correct any errors in the post.

Once or twice an author has responded to the review in order to clarify a question I had about the story. One time I’d been confused by the title choice. Another time the resolution of the story didn’t make sense to me. The author wrote to explain what motivated her to write the novel, so I was able to add that to my review as an explanation. I love that stuff.

I also respect an author’s decision not to read reviews. I usually try to email an author with thanks and a direct link to the review a few days before the it’s posted, but I will not include the link if I know an author doesn’t want to read reviews about his or her work.

Emails Me About the Next Book

Nothing is better than finding out an author I loved has written another book and emailed me to ask for a review! Sometimes I catch news about new releases on Facebook, and I can chase an author down to ask if I can review the book, but sometimes I miss those announcements. Having those requests in my inbox makes sure I hear about the book and can respond in time to schedule a review.

What Else?

As an author or reviewer, what experiences have helped make this process smoother for you? What tips would you offer other reviewers and authors seeking reviews?