Tag Archives: curse

Snow Witch by Rosie Boyes

Q&A with Snow Witch Author Rosie Boyes

Rosie Boyes’ novel Snow Witch came out last week, and it’s another book I can’t wait to read. The story looks like a lot of fun, especially as we head into the holidays. I’m really excited to find out more about the Christmas curse and the mysterious St. Flurries. Read on to learn more about what inspired this unusual holiday story.

Q&A with Rosie Boyes

I find that a story was often inspired by a question. Was there a question that inspired you to write The Snow Witch?

I often imagine the thick snow-covered streets that Charles Dickens wrote about in A Christmas Carol, and the sense of wonder that Lucy Pevensie felt when she stepped through the wardrobe into Narnia – her small feet crunching through the fresh white snow – a puff of breath visible in the crisp, cold air. But due to climate change, a blanket of snow on Christmas day is rare, especially where I live in the south of England. Yet, every year, regardless, I ask myself… will it snow this Christmas? And that was the question that inspired me to write The Snow Witch.

Were there things about your favorite character or an awesome scene which you didn’t end up being able to include in Snow Witch?

Luckily, no, in fact, quite the opposite. After completing several edit checks, I sent my manuscript to a twelve-year-old boy who read the story and gave me his feedback. In his own words, he loved all of the characters apart from a snow creature called Pipit who he described as not very fun and needed more cheer. So, I wrote a new chapter, short and sweet, and in doing so, turned Pipit into an accidental hero. And strangely enough, the new chapter changed the whole dynamics at the end of the book.

Is there a scene or moment in your novel that really sticks with you? Can you tell us a little bit about it?

A chapter I found intense to write was when my main protagonist was cursed, and due to the curse, her family abandoned her when they believed she was dead. ‘Papa! Mama!’ she whimpered. ‘Don’t… leave… me…’ I hate sad scenes, I hate them with a vengeance. Yet, no matter how much the scene pulled on my heartstrings, I knew I had to leave it alone because it was a key element to the story.

I think it’s really cool and unusual to see a story about a curse (usually more of a Halloween theme) taking place around Christmas. What inspired this holiday mash-up?

I love snow! Love it! And I love the festive season mixed together with spicy yumminess and family hugs. So when I came up with the idea for The Snow Witch, I simply had to write a story set around Christmas-time. And into the mixture of the curse, I added three white mistletoe berries, a teaspoon of snow, two cat hairs, and…. well, I’ll let you read the story to find out what happens next.

What do you most hope that readers take away from your story?

Personally speaking, I enjoy reading books which blend an element of everything – fantasy, adventure, suspense, mystery, comedy, and maybe a little romance, all mixed up to make an unforgettable story. And so when it came to The Snow Witch, I wanted to evoke feelings, pure and simple. As an author, I want my readers to turn over a new page and not know quite what to expect. I want them to experience a rollercoaster journey until they finish the book, look around, perhaps a little disorientated because they don’t want the story to end. I want them to feel happy.

What is one question about The Snow Witch you are often asked by readers?

The question I often get asked is from my sister. Have you finished the story yet? When can I read it? In real life, she is an occupational therapist. She is warm-hearted and caring, funny, strong, empathetic and compassionate – in truth, she has all the characteristics needed to be a healthcare professional (but then I am a little biased!). Little does she know that I have loosely based her on a character in my book. Nurse Pamela Pintail, to be precise. It makes me wonder whether, subconsciously, I have based other characters on real-life people? Could it be you?

About Rosie Boyes

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Rosie Boyes is a children’s author from the UK. She has been passionate about middle-grade books ever since she can remember. Her love of reading came at an early age when she escaped into classic stories, living out the lives of the characters she met. During her spare time, she dreams about dipping her toes in the sea, splashing through puddles, kicking up leaves in the autumn…

About The Snow Witch

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Twelve-year-old Kitty Wigeon can’t wait for Christmas at St Flurries, a grand old manor house in the countryside, until one chilly night she vanishes without a trace.

One hundred years later… Still grieving over the death of their mother, Kes Bunting and his younger sister Star, are sent to live at St Flurries. They find a house steeped in mystery and brimming with secrets.

Who, or what, is making footprints in the snow?

And what evil force is taking a cold grip on Star?

Wrap up warm as you join Kes, and a cast of eccentric snow creatures, in a race against time to solve a hundred-year-old curse. Will he succeed? Or will the fate of his sister be decided by a shivery kiss from… the Snow Witch?

Review: A Snicker of Magic by Natalie Lloyd

A Snicker of Magic
Natalie Lloyd
Published February 25, 2014

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About A Snicker of Magic
Midnight Gulch used to be a magical place, a town where people could sing up thunderstorms and dance up sunflowers. But that was long ago, before a curse drove the magic away. Twelve-year-old Felicity knows all about things like that; her nomadic mother is cursed with a wandering heart.

But when she arrives in Midnight Gulch, Felicity thinks her luck’s about to change. A “word collector,” Felicity sees words everywhere—shining above strangers, tucked into church eves, and tangled up her dog’s floppy ears—but Midnight Gulch is the first place she’s ever seen the word “home.” And then there’s Jonah, a mysterious, spiky-haired do-gooder who shimmers with words Felicity’s never seen before, words that make Felicity’s heart beat a little faster.

Felicity wants to stay in Midnight Gulch more than anything, but first, she’ll need to figure out how to bring back the magic, breaking the spell that’s been cast over the town . . . and her mother’s broken heart.

My Review
A Snicker of Magic has been on my to-be-read list for a super long time, and I’m so glad I finally made time to read it. I loved the way the author used words and the description of how Felicity sees them to add to the story. Also loved her friendship with Jonah and the Beedle, who performs anonymous good deeds for others.

Felicity wrestles with her parents’ separation on her own, often feeling like her mom is too sad to approach about her dad’s absence. She worries about her mom a lot and feels torn between her loyalty to her family and her desire to put down roots and have a real friend someplace. Those feelings made it so easy to love her and root for her throughout the story.

Be warned—this story will probably leave you with a fierce craving for ice cream, especially for one of Dr. Zook’s famous ice cream flavors. Yum!

Some elements of A Snicker of Magic reminded me of Be Light Like a Bird in terms of a girl wrestling with family issues and mom with wanderlust who takes on a town crisis.

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

Cultural Elements
Characters appear to be white. Jonah is in a motorized wheelchair. The story takes place in a small Tennessee town.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
A couple references to Felicity’s aunt saying some “unsavory words.”

Romance/Sexual Content
Felicity’s mom asks if she has a crush on a boy from school. A girl kisses a boy on the cheek.

Spiritual Content
In the story, some members of the town once had magic that could do amazing things. One woman could sing up a storm. Another could turn invisible. Some could play music that set the whole town dancing. Two brothers used their magic against each other and left the town cursed. The story follows Felicity’s research into understanding the curse (some characters believe there’s no such thing) and whether it can be broken.

Violent Content

Drug Content
Felicity’s aunt smokes cigarettes.

Mini Reviews: Tales of the Frog Princess by E. D. Baker 1-3

I started reading an e-book version Tales of the Frog Princess by E. D. Baker, and for some reason thought it was a short story collection. Only after I finished did I realize it was actually the first three books in the series packaged together as one e-book. Which actually made me feel better, because it took me a lot longer to read than I anticipated! Here’s a quick take on each of the first three books in the series.

The Frog Princess (Tales of the Frog Princess #1)

Probably the most significant departure from the familiar fairy tale which inspired this story is that Princess Emeralda (Emma) is also a witch. Her aunt and mentor, also the country’s most powerful witch and protector, teaches Emma to use spells and control her power, something Emma struggles with and has very little confidence about for much of the story. When she retreats to a pond outside the castle for some solitude, she meets Eadric, a talking frog who claims to be a prince under a curse.

Eadric finally convinces Emma to break his spell by kissing him, only something goes wrong. Instead of returning Eadric to his human form, Emma becomes a frog. The two set out to find the witch who transformed Eadric to begin with so they can have her explain what went wrong and undo the spell. While Emma is smart, sweet, and eager to please, Eadric is a bit proud and sometimes obnoxious. Despite all that, Emma seems to gradually fall for him. The two encounter some peril along the way from predators and a witch who needs two talking frogs for a spell of her own.

Witch themes aside, the story is clean and well-suited to readers ages eight to twelve. There are obviously some kisses between Emma and Eadric. Even after he’s returned to his human form, he asks Emma to kiss him. The exchanges are brief. It’s a pretty quick read packed with quirky characters, such as Emma’s aunt’s lost love, who turns out to have been transformed into an otter and a perky bat who helps Emma escape captivity.

Dragon’s Breath (Tales of the Frog Princess #2)

Emma and Eadric set out on another quest to save her kingdom. Emma’s aunt, who should be busy protecting the country, can’t stop worrying about her lost love. Emma and her friends must reverse the otter-transformation spell before it becomes permanent. Emma and Eadric race to find the ingredients for the reversal spell. The task takes them to a mermaid’s undersea castle and deep within a dragon kingdom. Emma’s magic goes haywire, randomly transforming herself and Eadric into frogs and back again at the slightest hiccup.

By this second book, Eadric’s character smooths out a bit and it becomes easier to understand Emma’s affection for him. Emma herself remains strong and smart, even when she doubts her magic. Eadric still pesters Emma for kisses at every turn, but she often responds more favorably. The streamlined storytelling is perfect for readers who get easily distracted or need activity to keep them interested.

Once Upon a Curse (Tales of the Frog Princess #3)

Emma travels to the past to undo an evil curse placed on her family generations earlier by a slighted fairy. She tries to resist temptation to meddle in the past, which isn’t easy. She also learns the hero of the story isn’t the person she expected it to be. The same streamlined storytelling, fun characters and quirky humor fill the pages of the story as earlier books in the series.

Readers who enjoyed the silly antics of Once Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris or the heroism of Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George will want to give these books a read.