20 Most-Anticipated YA Books Coming Fall 2022

20 Most-Anticipated YA Books Coming Fall 2022

20 Most-Anticipated YA Books Coming Fall 2022

Now that September is half-over, I finally sat down and looked at my list of most-anticipated YA books coming fall 2022. I’m really excited about so many of these titles. There are a few romcoms, and I’m loving that. There are also a LOT of spooky or spooky-ish books on this list, which is unusual for me. I’m not usually a big scary books girl. It doesn’t take much to freak me out– Disney movies used to give me nightmares as a child. Ha. At any rate, I’ve included books that are coming out from September 1 to November 30, so a few are books I’ve … Continue reading

17 Most-Anticipated Middle Grade Books Coming Fall 2022

17 Most-Anticipated Middle Grade Books Coming Fall 2022

17 Most-Anticipated Middle Grade Books Coming Fall 2022

Some of my most-anticipated middle grade books coming out this fall are written by familiar authors like Tricia Springstubb and Arnée Flores. I’ve also got a bunch of new authors on my list. A few of these books are debuts, some by authors who’ve written YA and are branching out into middle grade fiction.

Since I’m a little late posting the list, you’ll see some review links already in the descriptions. I’ll update the post as I read and write more reviews, too, so bookmark it and check back if you want to see what I thought of a particular title.

I’m hoping to … Continue reading

10 Most-Anticipated YA Books Out in October 2020

10 Most-Anticipated YA Books Coming October 2020

10 Most Anticipated YA Books Coming October 2020

One of the few good things about this year has been that I’ve ended up with a bit more time to read– and thank goodness, because this year has been an incredible one for finding new favorite books.

This month brings even more fabulous titles packed with romance, humor, explorations on social justice and racial issues, and lush fantasy landscapes. Here are a few of the titles I’m most excited about coming out October 2020.

The Girl of Hawthorn and Glass

The Girl of Hawthorn and Glass by Adan Jerreat-Poole

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13 Most-Anticipated Middle Grade Books Out Fall 2020

13 Most-Anticipated Middle Grade Books Coming Fall 2020

Great Middle Grade Books Coming This Fall

It’s finally fall! A new season and new fantastic middle grade books coming out soon to usher in the spooky season and the cooler weather. (Well, thoughts of cooler weather, anyway. Here in Florida, we have a while yet before we get a real break from the heat.)

I’m not usually a big Halloween girl– I was raised not celebrating, so I guess I’ve never really gotten into the holiday as an adult. This year, though, there are some spooky books on my wish list that I think will be perfect for readers looking for a deliciously creepy crawly read.

There are also some great stories about relationships and celebrating the arts, like writing, ballet, and … Continue reading