Tag Archives: US History

Review: A Dangerous Idea: The Scopes Trial, the Original Fight Over Science in Schools by Debbie Levy

A Dangerous Idea: The Scopes Trial, the Original Fight Over Science in Schools by Debbie Levy

A Dangerous Idea: The Scopes Trial, the Original Fight Over Science in Schools
Debbie Levy
Bloomsbury USA Children’s
Published January 14, 2025

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About A Dangerous Idea: The Scopes Trial, the Original Fight Over Science in Schools

One hundred years ago, a small-town science teacher ignited a nationwide debate over what students should learn in school–and who should decide.

  • Compelling.” –School Library Journal, starred review
  • Timely.” –Booklist, starred review
  • Insightful.” –Horn Book, starred review

A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection

In 1925, when Tennessee lawmakers banned the teaching of evolution in public schools, teacher John Scopes challenged the law–and set off a gripping circus of a legal battle. Two masterminds faced off in a blistering courtroom debate over creationism and natural selection, each armed with the books they believed belonged in classrooms. Celebrity politician William Jennings Bryan relied on the Bible to make his case, while legal luminary Clarence Darrow defended Charles Darwin’s groundbreaking books On the Origin of Species and The Descent of Man. Their clash would go down in history as the Scopes Monkey Trial.

A century later, here is the riveting truth of what happened and why it matters. For a nation still arguing about the books and ideas that young people should encounter, award-winning author Debbie Levy delivers an important, insightful and expertly-researched account of our history that illuminates the challenges we face today.

  • Compelling.” –School Library Journal, starred review
  • Timely.” –Booklist, starred review
  • Insightful.” –Horn Book, starred review

My Review

I’m not sure there’s any way to read this book and not see parallels to some of the challenges we’re still facing culturally and in our education system today. Many of these parallels were probably in the author’s mind as she wrote this book. Between the wild increase in book bans and challenges to the culture war over faith and science, I couldn’t help seeing earlier versions of some of those conflicts in A Dangerous Idea.

The book begins with a biographical sketch of each of the major players in the trial. Readers are introduced to John Scopes, a teacher in a small Tennessee town. Then, they meet William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow. Levy gives background information on Bryan and Darrow, so that when she shifts to describing the trial, readers can understand their behavior. They’re familiar with the personal beliefs of each man and the long-standing rivalry between them.

It’s kind of wild to think that this trial happened one hundred years ago this year. In some ways, our understanding of evolution has advanced. I can’t remember the last time I heard someone incorrectly gripe that it meant humans descended from monkeys. On the other hand, last year, a popular conservative commentator called science a cult. So, obviously, there’s still a lot of tension out there.

Readers looking to understand the Scopes Trial will find a comprehensive explanation in A Dangerous Idea. It may help add context to some current conflicts as science confirms and explores new ideas, and some resist updating their ideas.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild profanity used a few times in quotations from historical figures.

Romance/Sexual Content
References to marriages of historical figures.

Spiritual Content
References to William Jennings Bryan’s personal spiritual beliefs throughout his life. References to the beliefs of other people at the time concerning whether the Bible should be interpreted literally. The text also explores cultural thoughts and beliefs about whether and when faith and science intersect.

Violent Content
References to the fact that many people rejected Darwin’s research on evolution because it didn’t support their racist ideas. References to white supremacy. The author also quotes from a commonly used science textbook of the time, which states that the poor and unwell should not be allowed to have children. Levy points out that though the textbook received a lot of criticism for its reference to evolution, these ugly, wrong ideas were not mentioned as problematic.

Drug Content
References to the 18th Amendment, which prohibited the sale of alcohol.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Review: True or False by Cindy L. Otis

True or False: A CIA Analyst’s Guide to Spotting Fake News
Cindy L. Otis
Feiwel & Friends
Published July 28, 2020

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About True or False: A CIA Analyst’s Guide to Spotting Fake News

“If I could pick one book to hand to every teen—and adult—on earth, this is the one. True or False is accessible, thorough, and searingly honest, and we desperately needed it.” —Becky Albertalli, author of Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

“Though billed for young adults, this is a book that every adult should read.” –The Washington Post

A former CIA analyst unveils the true history of fake news and gives readers tips on how to avoid falling victim to it in this highly designed informative YA nonfiction title.

“Fake news” is a term you’ve probably heard a lot in the last few years, but it’s not a new phenomenon. From the ancient Egyptians to the French Revolution to Jack the Ripper and the founding fathers, fake news has been around as long as human civilization. But that doesn’t mean that we should just give up on the idea of finding the truth.

In True or False, former CIA analyst Cindy Otis will take readers through the history and impact of misinformation over the centuries, sharing stories from the past and insights that readers today can gain from them. Then, she shares lessons learned in over a decade working for the CIA, including actionable tips on how to spot fake news, how to make sense of the information we receive each day, and, perhaps most importantly, how to understand and see past our own information biases, so that we can think critically about important issues and put events happening around us into context.

True or False includes a wealth of photo illustrations, informative inserts, and sidebars containing interesting facts and trivia sure to engage readers in critical thinking and analysis.

My Review

Oof. This book was such a wild ride for me. It was great. Seriously, it’s got a ton of great information and has a great way of zooming out on history and looking at trends in news content in terms of sensational, emotional news versus spare, facts-only information.

One of the things that I took away from the book is that we’ve been around this mountain before. We’ve seen news outlets push deeper and deeper into rumor-based, fear-focused journalism. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t care or be concerned. But having the perspective of history did help me feel less overwhelmed and offer some hope.

Additionally, Otis offers a lot of clear, specific tips on how to check to see if content is fake or fact. She talks about how to respond when you spot a hoax being shared online.

Though a lot of that information was at least a little familiar to me, I liked having all those tips available in one place so that I can flip back through them periodically.

I will note that the book was published in 2020, and one section talks about using the blue verification check on Twitter to tell if an account is actually the person it claims to be. Now that Twitter’s rules have changed and that verification mark can be purchased, I don’t know that it’s a way to prove the identity of an account anymore. The verification requirements say that an account can’t be misleading, but it doesn’t make it clear that identity is confirmed as a part of the process.

Other than that section, I thought the information was still super useful. This is a great book to give a teen who is looking for resources on this topic. I think adults could benefit from the information as well.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

The author is a wheelchair user and CIA analyst. She makes reference to events around the world in which the spread or control of information or disinformation have had an impact on society and culture.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
References to romantic partnerships.

Spiritual Content
References to spiritual beliefs.

Violent Content
References to murder, people being endangered by publicly stating their identity, political protest, lies about medical information. References to rumors about governments creating biological weapons.

Drug Content
Reference to smoking and studies about smoking.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. All opinions are my own.

Review: One Big Open Sky by Lesa Cline-Ransome

One Big Open Sky
Lesa Cline-Ransome
Holiday House
Published March 5, 2024

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About One Big Open Sky

Three women narrate a perilous wagon journey westward that could set them free—or cost them everything they have—in this intergenerational verse novel that explores the history of the Black homesteader movement.

1879, Mississippi. Young dreamer Lettie may have her head in the stars, but her body is on a covered wagon heading westward. Her father, Thomas, promises that Nebraska will be everything the family an opportunity to claim the independence they’ve strived for over generations on their very own plot of land.
But Thomas’ hopes—and mouth—are bigger than his ability to follow through. With few supplies and even less money, the only thing that feels certain is danger.

Right after the war ended/and we were free/we believed/all of us did/that couldn’t nothing hurt us/the way master had when we were slaves/Couldn’t no one tell us/how to live/how to die.

Lettie, her mother, Sylvia, and young teacher Philomena are free from slavery—but bound by poverty, access to opportunity, and patriarchal social structures. Will these women survive the hardships of their journey? And as Thomas’ desire for control overpowers his common sense, will they truly be free once they get there?

Coretta Scott King Honor-winning author Lesa Cline-Ransome’s striking verse masterfully portrays an underrepresented historical era. Tackling powerful themes of autonomy and Black self-emancipation, Cline-Ransome offers readers an intimate look into the lives of three women and an expansive portrait of generations striving for their promised freedom.

My Review

I had all these grand plans to read and talk about so many novels in verse this month, and instead, here I am, talking about the first one on the last day of April. Alas. It’s a book worth talking about, though, so I’m not sorry about that!

I picked up a copy of One Big Open Sky on Netgalley. After reading the description of the story, I was hooked. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book about the Black homesteader movement, so I love that this book explores that part of history.

Three women tell the story. First, we meet Lettie, the oldest daughter in her family, who has just learned about her parents’ plans to move from Mississippi to Nebraska, a journey of about 1500 miles. Lettie’s mom, Sylvia also shares her perspective, listening as her husband complains about the group’s leadership choices and dreams for the future. Philomena, a single woman on her way to Nebraska for a job as a teacher, joins the group, sharing space with Sylvia, Lettie, and their family.

It took me a few chapters to catch that Sylvia was Lettie’s mom. At first, I thought they were in two different families. Once I understood the relationship, though, the two perspectives on the same family gave me a more complete picture of what was going on and how each person felt about it.

Sylvia and Lettie have very different relationships with Thomas, Sylvia’s husband and Lettie’s dad, for example. They also have different fears and worries about leaving Mississippi.

The story takes place in 1879, meaning the Civil War and emancipation happened within the lifetimes of many characters. Sometimes they reference back to life as an enslaved person, their expectations for freedom and what turned out to be true, and their hopes for life in the West.

One of the sweet threads of the story is the relationship between Lettie and another group member’s dog, Sutter. He’s an old dog with a limp, but Lettie takes to him, and they form a sweet friendship. I loved the way that plays out.


I liked this book a lot. It made me remember playing Oregon Trail in school (I’m not sure I ever successfully forded a river or escaped dysentery) and long to know more about the Black homesteader movement. The character perspectives were obviously carefully chosen and each added a lot to the tale.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

Major characters are Black.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
A man appears interested in courting Philomena.

Spiritual Content
The group prays together and sings hymns sometimes. Several times the story references the story of Moses in the Bible, leading the Israelites to freedom.

Violent Content
A man accidentally shoots himself. A group of white men attack someone in the night, but are successfully chased off. A man drowns during a river crossing. A violent hail storm causes injuries to those caught in it.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Review: She Came to Slay by Erica Armstrong Dunbar

She Came to Slay: The Life and Times of Harriet Tubman
Erica Armstrong Dunbar
37 Ink
Published November 5, 2019

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About She Came to Slay

Harriet Tubman is best known as one of the most famous conductors on the Underground Railroad. As a leading abolitionist, her bravery and selflessness has inspired generations in the continuing struggle for civil rights. Now, National Book Award nominee Erica Armstrong Dunbar presents a fresh take on this American icon blending traditional biography, illustrations, photos, and engaging sidebars that illuminate the life of Tubman as never before.

Not only did Tubman help liberate hundreds of slaves, she was the first woman to lead an armed expedition during the Civil War, worked as a spy for the Union Army, was a fierce suffragist, and was an advocate for the aged. She Came to Slay reveals the many complexities and varied accomplishments of one of our nation’s true heroes and offers an accessible and modern interpretation of Tubman’s life that is both informative and engaging.

Filled with rare outtakes of commentary, an expansive timeline of Tubman’s life, photos (both new and those in public domain), commissioned illustrations, and sections including “Harriet By the Numbers” (number of times she went back down south, approximately how many people she rescued, the bounty on her head) and “Harriet’s Homies” (those who supported her over the years), She Came to Slay is a stunning and powerful mix of pop culture and scholarship and proves that Harriet Tubman is well deserving of her permanent place in our nation’s history.

In the bestselling tradition of The Notorious RBG comes a lively, informative, and illustrated tribute to one of the most exceptional women in American history—Harriet Tubman—a heroine whose fearlessness and activism still resonates today.

My Review

After I got my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine (in April), I stopped at the bookstore to browse. One of the books I picked up was this one. I’d been thinking about the movie Harriet and how surprised I was to learn that she’d led a military expedition during the Civil War and worked as a Union spy. It really struck me that we should have learned that stuff in our history class in school. And it made me want to learn more about Harriet Tubman’s life.

So while I was browsing through the bookstore, I noticed this book, and decided to buy it. I was looking at it at home and decided to skim the first few pages just to see what the writing was like.

It only took a line or two and I was completely hooked. The writing is really conversational, so it feels like really easy reading. I don’t think it’s specifically marketed for young readers, but looking at the graphics and writing style, I think it’s perfect for middle and high school students.

SHE CAME TO SLAY has a great balance between the conversational writing and really informative content. I felt like I learned so much about Harriet Tubman’s life and what she experienced. I think it helped give me more perspective on the Civil War as well.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 10 up.

The book focuses on Harriet Tubman’s life and family.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
Harriet is married twice.

Spiritual Content
Harriet is a devout Christian and believes that she has visions sent to her by God.

Violent Content
Brief descriptions of torture and war injuries. Brief reference to the fact that women were raped as slaves.

Drug Content
Mothers fleeing with Harriet give their babies a drug that makes them sleepy and suppresses their appetite.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support running this blog.

Review: Puritan Girl, Mohawk Girl by John Putnam Demos

Puritan Girl, Mohawk Girl
John Putnam Demos
Amulet Books
Published on October 31, 2017

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About Puritan Girl, Mohawk Girl
Inspired by Demos’s award-winning novel The Unredeemed Captive, Puritan Girl, Mohawk Girl will captivate a young audience, providing a Native American perspective rather than the Western one typically taught in the classroom.

As the armed conflicts between the English colonies in North America and the French settlements raged in the 1700s, a young Puritan girl, Eunice Williams, is kidnapped by Mohawk people and taken to Canada. She is adopted into a new family, a new culture, and a new set of traditions that will define her life. As Eunice spends her days learning the Mohawk language and the roles of women and girls in the community, she gains a deeper understanding of her Mohawk family.  Although her father and brother try to persuade Eunice to return to Massachusetts, she ultimately chooses to remain with her Mohawk family and settlement.

My Review
Though this book is classified as historical fiction, I thought the style of the writing was much more like a biography or nonfiction narrative. The story follows a much more bird’s-eye view of Eunice’s life and sometimes jumps away to catalogue her family’s reactions to various news and moments. That said, I found the story captivating as it followed a girl so young and the transformation of her ideas and identity as she grew up. I liked that the author clarifies in a note at the end of the book which parts were based on true historical documentation and which were filled in using traditions of the English or Mohawk at the time the events took place.

I think Puritan Girl, Mohawk Girl would make a great supplement to a U.S. History curriculum for fourth or fifth grade readers. It focuses on some interesting relationships—not only the English versus the French, but Protestants versus Catholics and settlers versus Native American ways or beliefs.

Recommended for Ages 10 to 12.

Cultural Elements
Eunice is an English girl. A Mohawk family adopts her. She marries a Mohawk man. Though the story follows much of her time in a Mohawk settlement, the story remains from Eunice or her biological family’s perspectives.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Brief, mild profanity used very infrequently to reference someone being cursed by God.

Romance/Sexual Content
Eunice feels attracted to a young Mohawk man.

Spiritual Content
Eunice was raised by a Protestant minister who values preserving her faith. At that time, Protestants and Catholics were at war (the English were at war with the French) and there was a massive campaign to convert any prisoners captured as part of the war. Eunice’s father worries terribly about her becoming a Catholic and that such a conversion would damn her soul.

During her life with the Mohawks, Eunice learns both Catholic ways and the traditional beliefs of the Mohawk people. She listens to stories about how the world was made and the afterlife from an elder of the tribe.

Violent Content
Eunice and her family are captured initially as part of a battle between the English and French, with whom the Mohawk have allied themselves. She witnesses the dead body of her servant and a baby—killed by Mohawk warriors. Later, Mohawk take her mother into the woods to kill her when it’s clear she is unable to keep up with the party as they travel. They return alone, and Eunice understands what has happened and grieves.

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.