About Kasey

Reads things. Writes things. Fluent in sarcasm. Willful optimist. Cat companion, chocolate connoisseur, coffee drinker. There are some who call me Mom.

Spotlight: Love on the Beach by Kerry Evelyn

I’m super excited to share a new book that just came out a few days ago called Love on the Beach by Kerry Evelyn. If you’re a fan of sweet romance, you really need to check out her Crane’s Cove series, in which Love on the Beach is the third book. Read on for more about the book and a chance to win an Amazon gift card and bangle bracelet!

About Love on the Beach

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After quitting her job at a high-profile magazine in Boston, idealistic journalist Shelby Porter retreats to her hometown of Crane’s Cove, Maine, to regroup and refocus. As the pastor’s daughter, she’s welcomed back with open arms and opportunities to … Continue reading

Review: How We Became Wicked by Alexander Yates

How We Became Wicked by Alexander Yates cover shows a large silhouette of an insect and tiny outlines of people standing at a shoreline where the insect's wings would be.

How We Became Wicked
Alexander Yates
Atheneum Books/Caitlyn Dlouhy Books
Published June 23, 2019

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A plague, called Wicked, is pulsing through the world; and in its wake, it’s dividing the population into thirds:

The WICKED: Already infected by the droves of Singers, the ultraviolet mosquito-like insects who carry the … Continue reading

Review: The Gamer’s Guide to Getting the Girl by Kristine Scarrow

The Gamer's Guide to Getting the Girl cover shows a small boy figure and a girl figure with a line drawn between them that weaves between the title letters. Everything is in blocky, video game graphics.

The Gamer’s Guide to Getting the Girl
Kristine Scarrow
Dundurn Press
Published July 16, 2019

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Strategy is everything when it comes to gaming — and girls.

Zach is used to living in a world of legendary battles, epic journeys, and life-or-death situations. As a gamer, he is hard-wired for adventure, even though it’s from … Continue reading

Review: For Such a Time as This by Sharon Risher with Sherri Wood Emmons

For Such a Time as This
Sharon Risher with Sherri Wood Emmons
Chalice Press
Published June 11, 2019

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The instant her phone rang, Reverend Sharon Risher sensed something was horribly wrong. Something had happened at Emanuel AME Church, the church of her youth in Charleston, South Carolina, and she knew her mother was likely in the church at Bible study. Even before she heard the news, her chaplain’s instinct told her the awful truth: her mother was dead, along with two cousins. What she couldn’t imagine was that … Continue reading

Review: Impossible Music by Sean Williams

Impossible Music by Sean Williams cover shows a silhouette of a boy with an ear bud cord wrapped around his face and wrists.

Impossible Music
Sean Williams
Clarion Books
Published July 2, 2019

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Before the stroke that left him deaf, music was Simon’s life. Now, his band breaks up and even his future college career studying musical composition is in jeopardy. How can a deaf student study music?

The only bright spot in all of it is a fierce girl Simon meets at Auslan class, where he learns sign language to communicate. … Continue reading

Review: Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim

Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim cover shows a girl holding magic scissors and a bolt of fabric with a hawk behind her

Spin the Dawn
Elizabeth Lim
Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers
Published July 9, 2019

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Project Runway meets Mulan in this sweeping YA fantasy about a young girl who poses as a boy to compete for the role of imperial tailor and embarks on an impossible journey to sew three magic dresses, from the … Continue reading