About Kasey

Reads things. Writes things. Fluent in sarcasm. Willful optimist. Cat companion, chocolate connoisseur, coffee drinker. There are some who call me Mom.

Review: Counterpart by Hayley Stone

Hayley Stone
Hydra/Random House
Available October 11, 2016

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About Counterpart

The machines believed their extermination of the human race would be over as quickly as it began. They were wrong. As the war against extinction intensifies, people are beginning to gain the upper hand.

Commander Rhona Long understands survival better than most. Killed in combat, she was brought back to life using her DNA, and she’s forged a new, even more powerful identity. Now the leader of the resistance, she’s determined to ensure the machines are shut down for good.

But victory is elusive. The machines have a new technology designed to overcome humanity’s most advanced weaponry. Despite Rhona’s peacekeeping efforts, … Continue reading

Review: The Row by J. R. Johansson

The Row by J R JohanssonThe Row
J. R. Johansson
Farrar, Straus, and Giroux
Available October 11, 2016

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About The Row

A death sentence. A family torn apart. One girl’s hunt for the truth.

Seventeen-year-old Riley Beckett is no stranger to prison. Her father is a convicted serial killer on death row who has always maintained that he was falsely accused. Riley has never missed a single visit with her father. She wholeheartedly believes that he is innocent.

Then, a month before the execution date, Riley’s world is rocked when, in an attempt to help her move on, her father secretly confesses to her that he actually did carry out the murders. He takes … Continue reading

Hurricane Matthew: So This Is Happening

Hurricane Matthew SuppliesTwo words: Hurricane Matthew.

I live on the east coast of Central Florida, not too far from where the eye of the storm may make a brief landfall early Friday morning (it’s Thursday as I’m writing this post). At this point, we’re as prepared as we can be. Both my husband and me are native Floridians, so we weathered the insanity of September 2004. That year our county got slammed with a major storm almost every weekend in September, the last being a Category 4 storm like Matthew is predicted to be.

We’re not worried. We’re concerned, definitely. This is a big storm and we don’t want to mess around. But our home is pretty new and we have … Continue reading

Spotlight on The Rift Uprising by Amy S. Foster

The Rift Uprising by Amy S FosterThe Rift Uprising
Amy S. Foster
Harper Voyager
Available October 4, 2016

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About The Rift Uprising

Normal seventeen-year-old girls go to high school, binge watch TV shows all weekend, and flirt with everyone on the face of the Earth. But Ryn Whitaker is trying to save it.

Ryn is a Citadel. A soldier. A liar. Ryn and her fellow Citadels were specially chosen and trained to guard a Rift—one of fourteen unpredictable tears in the fabric of the universe that serve as doorways to alternate Earths. Unbeknownst to her family, Ryn leaves for school each day and then reports for duty as an elite, cybernetically-altered … Continue reading

Review: Rise of the Chosen by Anna Kopp

Rise of the Chosen by Anna KoppRise of the Chosen
Anna Kopp
Blue Moon Publishers
Available October 4, 2016

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About Rise of the Chosen

In Sam’s world there are two rules. Rule #1: Nobody dies. Protect the living at all costs. Rule #2: Everybody dies. At least once.

The Waking was a global event in which a force called the Lifeblood invaded all humans who died. The few strong enough to control it came back as powerful immortals. The rest let the bloodlust take over and awoke with one goal – to kill.

Newly appointed Watch Guard Samantha Shields has a legacy to uphold. Her father died a hero defending their city and … Continue reading

Review: Flora and Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo

Flora and Ulysses by Kate DiCamilloFlora and Ulysses
Kate DiCamillo
Candlewick Press

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

When Flora saves a squirrel from a powerful vacuum cleaner, she discovers that he has super powers. She names him Ulysses and brings him home to teach him what it means to be a hero, and she watches and waits for his true superpowers to emerge. Ulysses’ powers do emerge: a deep love for Flora and the gift of poetry. Her desire to protect him and his power to communicate changes Flora’s life in unexpected ways.

My family and I listened to this as an audiobook on our vacation. I loved the comics that Flora reads and how they were a bond between her and … Continue reading