Top Ten Underrated Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme lists underrated books, or books with fewer than two thousand ratings on Goodreads. I’ve talked about a lot of these books before. Some are indie or small press novels. Others remain largely undiscovered for reasons I can’t quite figure. All are books I would happily pick up and read all over again.

Top Ten Underrated BooksTop Ten Underrated Books

Glass Girl by Laura Anderson Kurke

You know when you find one of those books where the writing itself is as beautiful as the story? Glass Girl is like that to me. Big emotions, great characters, and a totally swoon-worthy … Continue reading

Review: The Crowd by Alleece Balts

The Crowd by Alleece BaltsThe Crowd
Alleece Balts
Available January 10, 2016

Amazon | Goodreads | Author web site

Ella’s excitement over her acceptance into a prestigious school quickly fades when she has her first run-in with the Crowd. These future politicians and business leaders possess the power to make life miserable for the other students. When Jackson, the Crowd leader, turns his attention to Ella, she wants nothing more than to slip back into anonymity. Only her friendship with Lucas, a boy from another school, gives her any joy. With each new challenge the Crowd tosses her way, Ella reminds herself of her father’s words: be kind. Her mother quotes Eleanor Roosevelt, Ella’s namesake, and Ella strives to live up to those … Continue reading

Review: Paper and Fire by Rachel Caine

Paper and Fire by Rachel CainePaper and Fire
Rachel Caine
New American Library/Random House
Available July 5, 2016

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Jess survived induction into the Library, but life as one of their soldiers is far more grueling than he expected. The girl he loves is locked away forever, and his best friend is lost. When rumors bring Jess’s old classmates together again, they face a terrible choice: a rescue mission that would mean living the rest of their lives on the run from the Library, if they manage to escape. Jess promises refuge with his family, but even he isn’t sure he can count on his father to hide … Continue reading

Review: Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine

Ink and Bone by Rachel CaineInk and Bone (The Great Library #1)
Rachel Caine
New American Library/Penguin/Random House

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

The Great Library controls all knowledge in a world that’s never known the printing press. Jess believes in the rule of the Library, even though his family has built their fortune selling forbidden books on the black market. When he’s sent to join the Library as a spy for his family, his passions only become stronger: to protect knowledge, to serve an agency created to bring that knowledge to the masses. But something dark and twisted has taken root at the core of the institution Jess loves, and as he’s faced with the horrible truth of it, he must decide … Continue reading

Review: Ophelia Adrift by Helen Goltz

Ophelia Adrift by Helen GoltzOphelia Adrift
Helen Goltz
Atlas Productions

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Newly orphaned, Ophelia Montague moves to the coast to live with her uncle. She soon finds her feet among the locals and takes on a history project learning about shipwrecks in the area. She meets Jack by the sea one night and falls deeply in love with him. Jack feels drawn to Ophelia, too, by a powerful force outside his control. He longs to be with her, but fears she may destroy him if she comes too close. Ophelia doesn’t understand the secrets Jack carries. She only knows she wants to be with him. When Jack reveals the cost of being with him, the … Continue reading

Review: 10 Steps to Girlfriend Status by Cynthia Toney

10 Steps to Girlfriend Status10 Steps to Girlfriend Status (Bird Face #2)
Cynthia Toney
Write Integrity Press

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

While visiting an elderly neighbor, Wendy stumbles onto a family secret about a forbidden romance from her grandmother’s generation. Wendy investigates further, but her snooping only seems to create more trouble. Her visits to her neighbor, Mrs. V, land her in trouble with her hopefully-soon-to-be boyfriend, David, when he sees her with Mrs. V’s grandson. Having Alice for a new stepsister was supposed to be fun, but Alice withdraws, barely speaking to Wendy. And even her friend Gayle seems distant. Solving the mystery of what happened to the forbidden couple might soothe Wendy’s curiosity, but it will … Continue reading