Review: And They Lived by Steven Salvatore

And They Lived by Steven Salvatore

And They Lived . . .
Steven Salvatore
Bloomsbury YA
Published March 8, 2022

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About And They Lived . . .

Chase Arthur is a budding animator and hopeless romantic obsessed with Disney films and finding his true love, but he’s plagued with the belief that he’s not enough for anyone: he’s recovering from an eating disorder and suffers from body dysmorphia fueled by his father, and can’t quite figure out his gender identity. When Chase starts his freshman year of college, he has to navigate being away from home and missing his sister, finding his squad, and contending with his ex-best friend Leila who is gunning for the … Continue reading

Review: Full Flight by Ashley Schumacher

Full Flight by Ashley Schumacher

Full Flight
Ashley Schumacher
Wednesday Books
Published February 22, 2022

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About Full Flight

Everyone else in the tiny town of Enfield, Texas calls fall football season, but for the forty-three members of the Fighting Enfield Marching Band, it’s contest season. And for new saxophonist Anna James, it’s her first chance to prove herself as the great musician she’s trying hard to be.

When she’s assigned a duet with mellophone player Weston Ryan, the boy her small-minded town thinks of as nothing but trouble, she’s equal parts thrilled and intimidated. But as … Continue reading

Review: Blade of Secrets by Tricia Levenseller

Blade of Secrets by Tricia Levenseller

Blade of Secrets (Bladesmith #1)
Tricia Levenseller
Feiwel & Friends
Published May 4, 2021

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About Blade of Secrets

Eighteen-year-old Ziva prefers metal to people. She spends her days tucked away in her forge, safe from society and the anxiety it causes her, using her magical gift to craft unique weapons imbued with power.

Then Ziva receives a commission from a powerful warlord, and the result is a sword capable of stealing its victims’ secrets. A sword that can cut far deeper than the length of its blade. A sword with the strength to topple kingdoms. When Ziva learns of the warlord’s intentions to use the … Continue reading

Review: The Kindred by Alechia Dow

The Kindred by Alechia Dow

The Kindred
Alechia Dow
Inkyard Press
Published January 4, 2022

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About The Kindred

To save a galactic kingdom from revolution, Kindred mind-pairings were created to ensure each and every person would be seen and heard, no matter how rich or poor…

Joy Abara knows her place. A commoner from the lowly planet Hali, she lives a simple life—apart from the notoriety that being Kindred to the nobility’s most infamous playboy brings.

Duke Felix Hamdi has a plan. He will exasperate his noble family to the point that they agree to let him choose his own future and finally meet his Kindred face-to-face.

Then the … Continue reading

Review: Serendipity edited by Marissa Meyer

Serendipity edited by Marissa Meyer

Serendipity: Ten Romantic Tropes Transformed
Edited by Marissa Meyer
Feiwel & Friends
Published January 4, 2022

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About Serendipity

Love is in the air in this is a collection of stories inspired by romantic tropes and edited by #1 New York Times-bestselling author Marissa Meyer.

The secret admirer.
The fake relationship.
The matchmaker.

From stories of first love, unrequited love, love that surprises, love that’s been there all along, ten of the brightest and award-winning authors writing YA have taken on some of your favorite romantic tropes, embracing them and turning them on their heads. Readers will swoon for this collection of stories that … Continue reading

Review: The Sea is Salt and So Am I by Cassandra Hartt

The Sea is Salt and So Am I by Cassandra Hartt

The Sea Is Salt and So Am I
Cassandra Hartt
Roaring Brook Press
Published June 8, 2021

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About The Sea Is Salt and So Am I

West Finch is one hurricane away from falling into the sea.

Yet sixteen-year-old Harlow Prout is determined to save her small Maine hometown. If only she could stop getting in her own way and find someone, anyone, willing to help. But her best friend Ellis MacQueen “fixes” problems by running away from them―including his broken relationship with his twin brother, Tommy. And Tommy’s depression has hit a new low, so … Continue reading