Category Archives: Blogger’s Favorites

Review: Jerk California by Jonathan Friesen

Jerk California
Jonathan Friesen
September 4, 2008

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Sam Carrier can’t sit still. He jumps and blurts and twitches almost constantly. That’s the nature of the beast. Tourette’s Syndrome. The only solace he finds and the only time his limbs obey comes when he runs. But after his embarrassing graduation ceremony, everything changes. His angry step-father expects a large monthly sum for rent, and an unorthodox neighbor hires Sam, but only on the condition that he can use Sam’s real name, the name his real dad gave him. Jack.

Everything is complicated further by the recurring appearance of the beautiful Naomi, who always leaves Sam feeling like he’s not sure which way is up. When the new mentor in Sam’s life sends him on a bizarre quest, and Naomi decides to tag along, Sam finds himself wondering what the catch is. They take off, not knowing where they’re going or why, but trusting that it will unravel as they go.

Sam is funny and lovable, even in his anger. His search for the truth about his own past and for connection with other people is real, endearing, heartfelt. I read the book in just over 24 hours. I read parts aloud– the butter part was hilarious!

Jerk California is a great story. In reading it, I felt like I could identify with and understand the struggles Sam faced, not just in his life, but with Tourette’s. Really well done. A story to read more than once.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Light profanity.

Sexual Content
There is one scene in which two characters intend to have sex but are interrupted before they get very far into preparing.

Spiritual Content
As Sam seeks to unravel the mystery of the man his father was, he wrestles with doubts and anger toward God. Through the story he meets several compassionate Christians who speak into his life about spiritual things. Sam’s spiritual journey felt very organic– just a guy struggling to understand his past and his place in the world really asking natural spiritual questions.

Violent Content
Mild. Some references to his step-father’s violent temper, etc.

Drug Content



Review: Once Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris

Once Upon a Marigold
Jean Ferris
HMH Books for Young Readers
Published October 1, 2002

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Christian is a young inventor living in the forest with his foster father, a troll named Ed. Life is pretty sweet until the day Christian discovers the lonely Princess Marigold and decides to send her a message via carrier pigeon (p-mail). To Christian’s surprise, the princess replies to his message and the two become best friends.

When Christian uncovers a vicious plot to kill Marigold, he can’t sit by and do nothing. But how can a commoner do anything to save the princess?

Once Upon a Marigold is a spunky, cute fairy tale type story about having courage to do what’s right to protect the people important to you and the meaning of true friendship. The characters are sometimes goofy and silly – Christian’s guardian is a troll who often mixes up common sayings. Marigold’s father reminded me a little bit of the king in The Princess Bride – he’s very gentle and sweet. While anyone would probably enjoy this story, it really is perfect for middle elementary aged readers. My daughter and I have read it together more than once as well as having read the subsequent Marigold books.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
The princess is under a curse of uncertain origin: when someone touches her, she knows their thoughts. She and Christian briefly discuss their astrological signs, and the fact that they share the same sign is viewed as a confirmation of their relationship.

Violent Content
A flying machine crashes, causing some minor injuries. A character is struck with an arrow that must be removed. Nothing graphic.

Drug Content


So Yesterday by Scott Westerfeld

So Yesterday
Scott Westerfeld
Published January 1, 2004

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

When Hunter meets a girl with a whole different way of doing her shoelaces, he has no idea the strange adventure that’s about to begin. Through her, he winds up invited to a secret meeting at which he stumbles onto a pair of amazing shoes, and the possibility that his cool-hunting boss has been kidnapped. Hunter and his new friend pursue the shoemakers, trying to discover what’s become of his boss, Mandy. Full of quirky characters and with Hunter’s off-the-wall sense of humor and irony, So Yesterday was a worthy read. Go Hunter, the Mighty Penguin!

This was such a fun story. I read and loved the Uglies series by Westerfeld, and when I saw this, I had to pick it up. So Yesterday is a lot lighter than Uglies, but still packs great characters and a thought-provoking message about trends and how sometimes we get used by companies in their pursuit of a bottom line.

The more I read by Scott Westerfeld, the more respect I have for him. I guess I’m a little old-fashioned, but I like YA that is cleaner, at least that doesn’t brazenly plaster sexual situations across its pages. Scott Westerfeld handles these situations elegantly, acknowledging them without overstating them. I like that and really enjoy knowing I can recommend these stories to younger teens with confidence.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild profanity.

Sexual Content
While Hunter is attracted to a girl, not much happens between them physically through the course of the story.

Spiritual Content

Very light– some scuffles between good guys and bad guys.

Drug Content
Alcohol is served to guests at a product launch party. Underage characters drink juice cocktails– it’s not totally clear whether they expected the juice to be spiked, but hard to believe it came as a surprise. There’s not really any clear remorse for consuming alcohol under age.
