Mid-Year Reading Check-in and July Reading Scramble

2024 Mid-Year Goals Check-in and Reading Scramble. Image shows part of a laptop screen next to a stack of books: How to Write a Sound Track for Your Life by Fiona Hardy, How to Make a Movie in 12 Days by Fiona Hardy, The Loudest Silence by Sidney Langford, Unbecoming by Seema Yasmin, The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, and Garden of the Cursed by Katy Rose Pool.

Mid-Year Reading Check-in and July Reading Scramble

The summer is flying by this year, but I wanted to make time to pause for a moment and check in on the goals I set for the year. I’m also doing a Mid-year Reading Scramble with The Word N3rd this month, … Continue reading

Spring 2024 Backlist Reading Check-In and Life Update

Spring 2024 Backlist Reading Update

Life Update: It’s Been Wild

Whew. It has been a tough few months, y’all. Wowza. I had to take an unplanned break from reading because things got too overwhelming. And the weird thing is, there wasn’t a gigantic, immediate crisis at any point.

My kids hit some big milestones and needed extra support. My partner was traveling for work. It meant additional output from me, but nothing that I would have called unmanageable.

Except that it was. Which, thankfully, prompted me to get medical advice. I’ve had some low-key, annoying, but not dangerous, issues going on for a while. I thought by now, I’d be getting relief from new meds and treatment. … Continue reading

2023 End-of-Year Reading Goals Check-In

2023 End-of-Year Reading Goals Check-in

2023 End-of-Year Reading Goals Check-In

I had some super ambitious goals last year, and while I didn’t meet every single one, I did manage to keep track of them throughout the year. I’m giving myself a hefty sum of bonus points for being on top of things. Ha!

In keeping with my organizational streak, I wanted to post this recap of where I ended up by the end of the year. Here is my 2023 end-of-year reading goals check-in.

Green Checkmark means Goal Achieved!

Goal: Read 150 Books

Books Read: 235

I knew when I set this goal that it was very … Continue reading