Here is my complete 2021 Reading List. This list shows all the books I’ve currently agreed to review plus whatever random backlist titles I managed to fit in.
You’ll also find links to the reviews for these books as I post them as well as a link to add them to your Goodreads lists or buy them on Amazon (those are affiliate links– free for you to use while generating support for my blog).
This year it has been easy to find things to be thankful for. Books, of course, and great author friends always make my list. Family and friends. Delicious snacks. You get the idea.
As we get into the holiday season, we’re not only preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus as our Christmas celebration, but also the birth of our own new family addition. This month family and friends gathered to celebrate with us and help us get ready for our new little bundle. I forgot how much stuff babies need, y’all. It’s a LOT of stuff. My husband teases me because whenever we get a new thing (not just now, but any new thing, any time) my first question is … Continue reading →
As we get near to the end of the school year, things always start to speed up. April always feels like the breath before the plunge into May. I’m pretty excited about the number of books I managed to read. Six are currently in the queue, reviews already written and ready to post this month! Most of those came as part of a challenge with Bookshelves and Paperbacks to catch up on some languishing ARCs. More about how that worked out in a second.