Mid-Year Reading Check-in and July Reading Scramble

2024 Mid-Year Goals Check-in and Reading Scramble. Image shows part of a laptop screen next to a stack of books: How to Write a Sound Track for Your Life by Fiona Hardy, How to Make a Movie in 12 Days by Fiona Hardy, The Loudest Silence by Sidney Langford, Unbecoming by Seema Yasmin, The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, and Garden of the Cursed by Katy Rose Pool.

Mid-Year Reading Check-in and July Reading Scramble

The summer is flying by this year, but I wanted to make time to pause for a moment and check in on the goals I set for the year. I’m also doing a Mid-year Reading Scramble with The Word N3rd this month, … Continue reading

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2024

Bookish Goals for 2024

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s topic is a really great one– bookish goals for 2024!

Last year I posted this extensive list of goals, some ambitious and some that were pretty reasonable considering my blogging life. At the end of December, I posted an update on my success in meeting those goals.

With all that in mind, I decided to take a slightly different approach to my goal-setting this year. Here are eight bookish goals I’ve set for myself in 2024.

Bookish Goals for 2024

1. Beat the Backlist Reading Challenge

Last year, for the first time, I … Continue reading

Review: Limitless Roads Café by Samantha Picaro

Limitless Roads Cafe by Samantha Picaro cover shows a girl in glasses, a white top and jeans holding a clipboard in one hand and her cell phone in the other. Behind her is a line drawing of the outside of a cafe with a potted plant, an awning, and a small table with chairs.

Limitless Roads Café
Samantha Picaro
Published May 15, 2023

Amazon | Goodreads

About Limitless Roads Café

Kinsey Fontana relies on lists to navigate the world as an autistic teen. #Goals list: win her dream event planning internship (she knows it’s an ironic dream); master the art of masking; and gain Mom’s approval. Instead, she works at a café hiring teens with disabilities. Although she loves the … Continue reading

A Very Belated Winter Wrap-Up

2023 Winter Wrap-Up image shows a cup of tea on the right next to a stack of books.

A Very Belated Winter Wrap-Up

Spring has (maybe?) sprung, and here I am scraping together my winter wrap-up. It’s been a busy season! Read on to see the best books I read this season as well as my most popular posts. Finally, I’ll check in on the goals I set for the year and how I’m doing in meeting them.

Winter Wrap-Up Behind the Scenes News

Last year, I started working directly with several new publishers, which means easier access to more of the books I can’t wait to read. Which is good and bad? Because yeowza, my calendar has never been so packed.

I used to … Continue reading

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2023

Top Ten Bookish Goals for 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2023

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s topic is a really great one– bookish goals for 2023!

Every year I intend to do a post about this, but most years I don’t manage it. This year I’m being smart(er): I’m not waiting until the holidays get underway to begin thinking about my goals for the new year. As I’m starting this post, it’s October. It will take several sittings to complete the whole post, but my goal is that I won’t be sitting down to a blank screen in January when it’s time to get this queued up to share.

Bookish … Continue reading

Happy New Year from The Story Sanctuary!

Sparklers Happy New YearHappy New Year!

We hope you had an amazing holiday season with friends and family and had time to reflect on your faith. This year is sure to bring some great things, and we’ll look forward to celebrating them.

So… my Christmas went a little differently than I planned. I celebrated Christmas from a hospital bed and shortly after, my daughter was born. We’re biased, of course, but she’s beautiful and already an amazing adventure.

Both me and my girl are healthy and doing well. I expected to have a few more weeks to get things in order for her to arrive, but here we are. As far as the blog, Gabrielle and I have some great reviews already in the … Continue reading