About Kasey

Reads things. Writes things. Fluent in sarcasm. Willful optimist. Cat companion, chocolate connoisseur, coffee drinker. There are some who call me Mom.

Review: Into the Heartless Wood by Joanna Ruth Meyer

Into the Heartless Wood by Joanna Ruth Meyer

Into the Heartless Wood
Joanna Ruth Meyer
Page Street Kids
Published January 12, 2021

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Into the Heartless Woods

The forest is a dangerous place, where siren song lures men and women to their deaths. For centuries, a witch has harvested souls to feed the heartless tree, using its power to grow her domain.

When Owen Merrick is lured into the witch’s wood, one of her tree-siren daughters, Seren, saves his life instead of ending it. Every night, … Continue reading

Review: Fortune’s Fall by Katherine Barger

Fortune's Fall by Katherine Barger

Fortune’s Fall
Katherine Barger
Anaiah Press
Published November 3, 2020

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About Fortune’s Fall

While her classmates prepare for elite careers across America, Nyssa Ardelone trains for her secret job as the president’s dream interpreter. But when her mentor lies to the president about the prophecy in his latest dream, Nyssa must figure out why before the lie unravels. What she learns could destroy her own future.

Fearful of a rumored rebellion, the president has launched a gas attack on Nyssa’s hometown, and her mentor lied about the dream to protect the … Continue reading

Review: Limerick Comics by Robert Hoyman and Steve Feldman

Limerick Comics by Robert Hoyman

Limerick Comics
Robert Hoyman
Illustrated by Steve Feldman
Published March 2, 2019

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About Limerick Comics

Limerick Comics offers original limericks on a wide range of history and science topics, each with an informational panel of surprising facts, presented in entertaining comics.

Young readers age 8 and up are invited to linger on each page to enjoy the humor, ponder inferences, and view the evocative details of each illustrated panel.

Topics include bats, an Egyptian king, a famous trapeze artist, and more.

For young readers and parents alike, … Continue reading

Review: Faye and the Ether by Nicole Bailey

Faye and the Ether by Nicole Bailey

Faye and the Ether
Nicole Bailey
Published October 27, 2020

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About Faye and the Ether

For as long as I can remember, the sea has called to me, luring me to explore the secrets hidden beneath its cresting waves.

Faye is tossed into a current of uncertainty as she deliberates over her college choices. More than anything she wants to study by the sea, forever chasing the line where the ocean meets the horizon. But she finds herself dragged down by the riptide of her and her mother’s financial restraints. How can she … Continue reading

Review: Summer of L.U.C.K. by Laura Stegman

Summer of L.U.C.K. by Laura Stegman

Summer of L.U.C.K.
Laura Stegman
INtense Publications
Published September 15, 2020

Amazon | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Summer of L.U.C.K.

Stuttering Darby is never perfect enough for her mother. Justin’s been silent since his dad died. Naz is struggling to learn English. But after they meet at summer camp, mysterious calliope music from an abandoned warehouse grants them power to communicate without words. When they sneak inside, the dark, empty space bursts into a magical carnival. They’re greeted by the ghost of Leroy Usher, who asks for their help convincing his family to restore the carnival to its former glory. … Continue reading

Review: The Last of August by Brittany Cavallaro

The Last of August by Brittany Cavallaro

The Last of August (Charlotte Holmes #2)
Brittany Cavallaro
Katherine Tegen Books
Published February 14, 2017

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About The Last of August

Jamie Watson and Charlotte Holmes are looking for a winter-break reprieve after a fall semester that almost got them killed. But Charlotte isn’t the only Holmes with secrets, and the mood at her … Continue reading