2020 Bookish Survey

Best Books 2020

2020 Reading Stats: Finally Looking Back

I know it’s already almost March, but it’s been a rough go these last few months. I was kind of on a roll there with my lists and if-we-were-having-coffee posts, and then life threw me a pretty big curveball.

I’m doing better lately, but still having some rough days. Which is why it’s almost March and I’m only just now getting around to posting an abbreviated form of this amazing Annual End of the Year Bookish Survey from Perpetual Page-Turner.

So here it is, in all its belated glory. Let me know if you read any of the books on this list, completed the survey on your own blog, or want to talk about … Continue reading

Review: Brother’s Keeper by Julie Lee

Brother's Keeper by Julie Lee

Brother’s Keeper
Julie Lee
Holiday House
Published July 21, 2020

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Brother’s Keeper

North Korea. December, 1950.

Twelve-year-old Sora and her family live under an iron set of rules: No travel without a permit. No criticism of the government. No absences from Communist meetings. Wear red. Hang pictures of the Great Leader. Don’t trust your neighbors. Don’t speak your mind. You are being watched.

But war is coming, war between North and South Korea, between the Soviets and the Americans. War causes chaos–and war is the … Continue reading

Review: Beetle and the Hollowbones by Aliza Layne

Beetle and the Hollowbones by Aliza Layne

Beetle and the Hollowbones
Aliza Layne
Atheneum Books for Young Readers
Published August 4, 2020

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Beetle and the Hollowbones

In the eerie town of ‘Allows, some people get to be magical sorceresses, while other people have their spirits trapped in the mall for all ghastly eternity.

Then there’s twelve-year-old goblin-witch Beetle, who’s caught in between. She’d rather skip being homeschooled completely and spend time with her best friend, Blob Glost. But the mall is getting boring, and B.G. is cursed to haunt it, tethered there by some unseen force. … Continue reading

Review: Limerick Comics by Robert Hoyman and Steve Feldman

Limerick Comics by Robert Hoyman

Limerick Comics
Robert Hoyman
Illustrated by Steve Feldman
Published March 2, 2019

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About Limerick Comics

Limerick Comics offers original limericks on a wide range of history and science topics, each with an informational panel of surprising facts, presented in entertaining comics.

Young readers age 8 and up are invited to linger on each page to enjoy the humor, ponder inferences, and view the evocative details of each illustrated panel.

Topics include bats, an Egyptian king, a famous trapeze artist, and more.

For young readers and parents alike, … Continue reading

Review: Summer of L.U.C.K. by Laura Stegman

Summer of L.U.C.K. by Laura Stegman

Summer of L.U.C.K.
Laura Stegman
INtense Publications
Published September 15, 2020

Amazon | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Summer of L.U.C.K.

Stuttering Darby is never perfect enough for her mother. Justin’s been silent since his dad died. Naz is struggling to learn English. But after they meet at summer camp, mysterious calliope music from an abandoned warehouse grants them power to communicate without words. When they sneak inside, the dark, empty space bursts into a magical carnival. They’re greeted by the ghost of Leroy Usher, who asks for their help convincing his family to restore the carnival to its former glory. … Continue reading

Review: Frank by Ece Gurler

Frank by Ece Gurler

Ece Gurler
Published December 1, 2020

Amazon | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Frank

Have you ever dreamt of an alternate world? A world full of second chances and lost dreams, found again. Just like the one Frank has stumbled upon.

Frank, an eleven-year-old science nerd, fashions a hiding place in his closet with his favorite things. He calls it the “Aurora Shell”, where he retreats whenever he feels upset or scared. The day he learns that he was adopted, he discovers an empty space behind his Big Bang Theory poster, in the Aurora Shell.

He decides to crawl in … Continue reading