Review: State of Grace by Hilary Badger

State of Grace by Hilary BadgerState of Grace
Hilary Badger
Capstone/Switch Press
Published October 1, 2014

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Wren and her companions live in a beautiful utopian world where pleasure is the highest value. Dot has made all creation good and beautiful, and she’s left instructions for how to live. When strange flashes of another life begin plaguing Wren, she tries to hold on to Dot’s ways and be happy. But as piece after piece of her perfect world begin to crumble, Wren finds it harder and harder to believe.

At first glance, this is definitely a different book. The idea of reading a utopian story really appealed to me, and I think Badger really delivered … Continue reading

Review: Dream Things True by Marie Marquardt

Dream Things True by Marie MarquardtDream Things True by Marie Marquardt
St. Martin’s Griffin

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Alma can’t wait to shake the dust off her small southern town from her shoes and make something of herself in college at a prestigious school. She has spent the last several years preparing and convincing her family. Now all she needs is a scholarship, and thanks to a dedicated guidance counselor, that goal is within reach. Then a handsome white boy turns Alma’s head the two begin a romance that jeopardizes everything Alma has worked towards.

Evan is the classic American rich boy. Alma isn’t sure he could ever understand her world – her strict father and large, close family. Her family’s … Continue reading

Review: Scar Girl by Len Vlahos

Scar Girl by Len VlahosScar Girl by Len Vlahos
Egmont USA

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In the aftermath of Johnny’s accident, the Scar Boys regroup and begin performing as a band again. But too many members carry secrets that become barriers between them.

Cheyenne hides her pregnancy from Johnny. Harry buries his love for Cheyenne in the lyrics of a song. Johnny withdraws into his own vision for the band. Richie walks the fine line between keeping peace and staying out of the conflict.

Through answers to interview questions, the band members relate their experiences as the Scar Boys face bigger problems and more pressure than ever before. What began as Harry’s story now becomes the story of four teens bound … Continue reading

Review: Mercy’s Prince by Katy Huth Jones

Mercy's Prince by Katy Huth JonesMercy’s Prince by Katy Huth Jones
Quinlan Creek Press

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Prince Valerian longs to become a scholar, a dream spurned by his family in his war-torn kingdom. When the crowned prince is cut down in battle, Valerian must step forward to lead his father’s army to war. To wear the crown he never wanted, he will have to prove his worth to a people who value power over philosophy.

Mercy, a healer from a peaceful village, loses everything dear to her in one terrible morning. She joins the prince and his companion to rally the people and defeat the Horde that would destroy them all. The prince will need every ally if he … Continue reading

Review: Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman

Challenger Deep by Neal ShustermanChallenger Deep by Neal Shusterman

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Caden Bosch is caught between two worlds. In one, he is an ordinary teen who works on illustrations for a video game he and his friends develop. In the other, he is a passenger on a pirate ship en route to Challenger Deep, the lowest point of the Marianas Trench.

As his hold on reality slips, his friends and family begin to notice that something is wrong, but they are powerless to help him. Sometimes even Caden knows the impossibility of things he believes. But in the next moment, he may be powerless to doubt them.

Shusterman doesn’t disappoint in this complex, heartbreaking story of a boy … Continue reading

Review: The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani

The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani cover shows a black swan on the left, white swan on the right above a school crest of blue and white. In the lower foreground, a girl with short black hair faces left and a girl with white blonde hair looks at the camera.

The School for Good and Evil (School for Good and Evil #1)
Soman Chainani
Published on May 4, 2013

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Each year the schoolmaster collects two children from Sophie’s village. She longs to be chosen to attend the School for Good and grow up to be a fairy tale princess. Her best friend Agatha, hopes only to be left alone. … Continue reading