Winter 2024 Backlist Check-in

Winter 2024 Backlist Check-in

Last year, I started doing a seasonal backlist reading check-in so I could share a little bit about some of the backlist titles I’d been reading. I prioritize frontlist reviews since I often get copies of those from publishers, so putting them up is more time-sensitive. But there are always titles I didn’t get to when they came out that I manage to fit in afterward– often as audiobooks.

As you can see, I’ve been busy since my Fall Backlist reading update, so this is going to be a long list. Several of these books are graphic novels that I got for Christmas for somewhat unselfish reasons. (I wanted to read them and also to offer them … Continue reading

Review: Meg, Jo, Beth, Amy: The Story of Little Women and Why It Still Matters by Amy Boyd Rioux

Meg Jo Beth Amy: The Story of Little Women and Why It Still Matters by Amy Boyd Rioux cover shows four girls (presumably the March sisters) in long dresses.

Meg, Jo, Beth, Amy: The Story of Little Women and Why It Still Matters
Amy Boyd Rioux
W. W. Norton & Company
Published August 13, 2019

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About Meg, Jo, Beth, Amy

On its 150th anniversary, discover the story of the beloved classic that has captured the imaginations of generations.

Soon after publication on September 30, 1868, LITTLE WOMEN became an enormous bestseller and one of America’s favorite novels. Its popularity quickly spread throughout the world, and the book … Continue reading

Review: Don’t Sit on the Baby! by Halley Bondy

Don't Sit on the Baby by Halley Bondy

Don’t Sit on the Baby!, 2nd Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Sane, Skilled, and Safe Babysitting
Halley Bondy
Zest Books
Published September 6, 2022

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Don’t Sit on the Baby!

Babysitting is one of the most popular part-time jobs for teens, but caring for kids is no easy feat. Offering useful tips on everything from navigating naptime to negotiating pay rates, this funny, no-nonsense guide covers all the basics any babysitting hopeful needs to know and much more. This revised edition includes updated ideas for finding jobs, keeping kids–and yourself–safe, and handling behavioral challenges. Learn what to expect from kids ages 0 to … Continue reading

Review: Plague Busters! by Lindsey Fitzharris and Adrian Teal

Plague-Busters by Lindsey Fitzharris and Adrian Teal

Plague-Busters!: Medicine’s Battles with History’s Deadliest Diseases
Dr. Lindsey Fitzharris
Illustrated by Adrian Teal
Bloomsbury USA Children’s
Published October 10, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Plague-Busters!

Smallpox! Rabies! Black Death! Throughout history humankind has been plagued by . . . well, by plagues. The symptoms of these diseases were gruesome-but the remedies were even worse.

Get to know the ickiest illnesses that have infected humans and affected civilizations through the ages. Each chapter explores the story of a disease, including the scary symptoms, kooky cures, and brilliant breakthroughs that it spawned. Medical historian and bestselling author Lindsey Fitzharris lays out the facts with her trademark wit, … Continue reading

Summer 2023 Backlist Check-in

10 Great Books from My Summer 2023 Backlist Reading

Summer 2023 Backlist Reading

One of the things I’ve been frustrated and feeling a bit stuck about is how to share backlist titles that I’ve been reading lately. A lot of my lists feature books from the upcoming season or the season just passed, and I’m never sure what to do to feature backlist books more regularly.

For one thing, I read backlist titles kind of sporadically. And because my review calendar has been so full the last couple of years, sometimes I’ll read a book but not post the review for months. Which means I’m waiting months to talk about some truly incredible books.

At first, I experimented with a weekly … Continue reading

Review: Learning to Be Wild by Carl Safina

Learning to Be Wild Young Readers' Edition by Carl Safina cover shows a yellow and blue macaw parrot with its head cocked to one side, looking at the camera.

Learning to Be Wild: How Animals Achieve Peace, Create Beauty, and Raise Families (A Young Reader’s Adaptation)
Carl Safina
Roaring Brook Press
Published August 22, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Learning to Be Wild

From New York Times -bestselling author Carl Safina comes LEARNING TO BE WILD, a young reader’s adaptation of the notable book BECOMING WILD that explores community, culture, and belonging through the lives of chimpanzees, macaws, and sperm whales.

What … Continue reading