About Kasey

Reads things. Writes things. Fluent in sarcasm. Willful optimist. Cat companion, chocolate connoisseur, coffee drinker. There are some who call me Mom.

Review: It Came From the Sky by Chelsea Sedoti

It Came From the Sky by Chelsea Sedoti

It Came From the Sky
Chelsea Sedoti
Sourcebooks Fire
Published August 1, 2020

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About It Came From the Sky

This is the absolutely true account of how Lansburg, Pennsylvania was invaded by aliens and the weeks of chaos that followed. There were sightings of UFOs, close encounters, and even abductions. There were believers, Truth Seekers, … Continue reading

20 Amazing Young Adult Books Out Winter/Spring 2020

20 Best YA Titles of 2020

Thank Goodness for Amazing Books

I’m not even going to try to spread sunshine on it, this year has been a rough one. However, one of the few great things that has happened is that I’ve read some incredible books. I feel like I usually find some gems here and there, but it definitely seems to me that there are more than usual that have made me say WOW these last few months. So with social distancing limiting book cons and trips to the bookstore, I am stepping up to share a few of my very favorites so far this year.

Today I’m focusing on young adult books, for readers 12 to 18. Don’t miss my middle grade book list, because there … Continue reading

Review: Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon

Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon

Today Tonight Tomorrow
Rachel Lynn Solomon
Simon Pulse
Published July 28, 2020

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Today Tonight Tomorrow

Today, she hates him.

It’s the last day of senior year. Rowan Roth and Neil McNair have been bitter rivals for all of high school, clashing on test scores, student council elections, and even gym class pull-up contests. While Rowan, who secretly wants to write romance novels, is anxious about the future, she’d love to beat her infuriating nemesis one last time.

Tonight, she puts up with him.

When Neil is … Continue reading

Review: 10 Things I Hate About Pinky by Sandhya Menon

10 Things I Hate About Pinky

10 Things I Hate About Pinky (Dimple and Rishi #3)
Sandhya Menon
Simon Pulse
Published July 21, 2020

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About 10 Things I Hate About Pinky

The follow-up to WHEN DIMPLE MET RISHI and THERE’S SOMETHING ABOUT SWEETIE follows Pinky and Samir as they pretend to date—with disastrous and hilarious results.

Pinky Kumar wears the social justice warrior badge with pride. From raccoon hospitals to persecuted rock stars, … Continue reading

26 Asian-Inspired Fantasy Books to Read While You Wait for Disney’s Mulan

26 Asian-Inspired Fantasy Books to Read if You Love Mulan

Disney’s Mulan… and the New Release Date

By now you’ve probably already heard the news that the release date for Disney’s Mulan is getting pushed back indefinitely. I’m so bummed about this! I don’t go to the movies all that often, but this one has been at the top of my must-see list.

So here’s a thing that I’m pretty embarrassed about: I grew up as a Disney girl, and Mulan is one of my favorite movies they’ve made, but it wasn’t until I started to hear buzz about a new live-action remake that I learned that Disney’s inspiration for the story of Mulan actually comes from a Chinese folk song from the North … Continue reading

Review: Wicked in Rhyme by J. L. Smith

Wicked in Rhyme by J. L. Smith

Wicked in Rhyme (Wicked Unearth Series)
J. L. Smith
Published February 20, 2019

Amazon | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Wicked in Rhyme

Inez Finley is just like most ten-year-olds. Her life is filled with love from her family. Mainly from Grandma Esther.

Her parents love her, too, but Grandma is the only one Inez can truly talk to about the dreams she has.

Especially after one of them comes true on the schoolyard. She is the only one who understands what … Continue reading