Category Archives: Nonfiction

Review: Monstrous: A Transracial Adoption Story by Sarah Myer

Monstrous: A Transracial Adoption Story by Sarah Myer cover shows a girl from the shoulders up. The left side of her face looks human. The right side stretches into a monster face with a leering, sharp-toothed grin and glowing eye.

Monstrous: A Transracial Adoption Story
Sarah Myer
First Second
Published June 27, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Monstrous

A poignant young adult graphic memoir about a Korean-American girl who uses fandom and art-making to overcome racist bullying. Perfect for fans of American Born Chinese and Almost American Girl!

Sarah has always struggled to fit in. Born in South Korea and adopted at birth by a white couple, she grows up in a rural community with few Asian neighbors. People whisper in the supermarket. Classmates bully her. She has trouble containing her anger in these moments―but through it all, she has her art. She’s always been a compulsive drawer, and when she discovers anime, her hobby becomes an obsession.

Though drawing and cosplay offer her an escape, she still struggles to connect with others. And in high school, the bullies are louder and meaner. Sarah’s bubbling rage is threatening to burst.

My Review

I loved this memoir, though parts of it were heartbreaking to read. No one should be treated the way the author was. The descriptions of early childhood and particularly the difficulty of telling the difference between anxiety and having a wild imagination made so much sense to me. I think back in the 80s and 90s in particular, we didn’t talk about fear and worry in terms of mental health. It was viewed more as personal quirkiness maybe? I definitely grew up thinking that a lot of my own struggles with anxiety were simply my overactive imagination. So reading about Sarah’s experience with that was both sad and very validating.

I think what’s truly brilliant about this book is the way that Myer uses concrete visual storytelling to tell the story of a really abstract idea. Because ultimately what the book is about is the journey Sarah takes to learn self-love and peace. I love that art is such a huge part of that story– the fact that the artist is telling their own story through art adds a whole extra layer to the message, too. Because not only has Sarah learned self-love through art, they’ve also found a way to use art to share their story and welcome others into an exploration of self-love, too.

I also love the relationships in the book and the way that each character in Sarah’s family isn’t perfect, but it’s clear that there’s love between them.

This is a great book for anyone struggling with anger, anxiety, or bullying.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Sarah and her sister are Korean American, adopted by white parents.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Extreme profanity used infrequently. Racial and homophobic slurs used infrequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
Infrequent use of homophobic slurs. Sarah wonders about a couple of past friendships and whether those were also crushes.

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
Some scenes include racist comments and stereotypes. Others bully Sarah. She sometimes reacts by name-calling or hitting them.

Drug Content
References to teens drinking beer.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of MONSTROUS in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Spare Parts (Young Readers’ Edition) by Joshua Davis and Reyna Grande

Spare Parts: The True Story of Four Undocumented Teenagers, One Ugly Robot, and an Impossible Dream (Young Readers’ Edition)
Joshua Davis and Reyna Grande
Farrar, Straus, & Giroux
Published May 30, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Spare Parts

A riveting true story about dreams, dedication, and an amazing robot named Stinky, based on Joshua Davis’ New York Times bestseller and now adapted for young readers by bestselling Mexican American author Reyna Grande.

In 2004, four undocumented Mexican teenagers arrived at the national underwater robotics championship at the University of California, Santa Barbara. No one had ever told Oscar, Cristian, Luis, or Lorenzo that they would amount to much―until two inspiring high school science teachers convinced the boys to enter the competition. Up against some of the best collegiate engineers in the country, this team of underdogs from Phoenix, Arizona, scraped together spare parts and a few small donations to astound not only the competition’s judges but themselves, too.

Adapted by Reyna Grande―author of the acclaimed memoir The Distance Between Us about her experience as an undocumented child immigrant―this young readers’ edition of Joshua Davis’s New York Times bestseller showcases these students’ ingenuity and courage in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Timely and empowering, Spare Parts is an accessible introduction to STEM, immigration, and the reality of the American Dream.

My Review

I really enjoyed this book. It’s broken down into short sections about each boy’s life, telling of their early childhood in Mexico, what circumstances brought them and their families to the United States, and what the transition to school in the US was like for them. In each boy’s chapters, we learn about their family life and how robotics inspired them in different ways.

For example, Lorenzo grew up watching his godfather fix cars with few tools and lots of ingenuity. The experience taught him to think outside the box and find solutions that work rather than reaching for expensive, flashy materials. Meanwhile, Cristian developed a love for home improvement shows, which taught him how to build things and use different types of tools. Oscar excelled in JROTC, where he learned how to be a great leader and get things done.

The pacing of the book was excellent as well. I felt like the narrative spent just enough time on different parts of the story. Each scene was a puzzle piece, set in place and adding to the picture, taking shape as I read. The short sections and clear writing made this one a really fast read.

I wish there had been some pictures of the team and the robot included in the book. I’m reading a pre-release version, so it’s possible there are in the book available for purchase. I’m not sure, but I hope so.

All in all, I think SPARE PARTS (Young Readers Edition) is an inspiring story, perfect for readers interested in STEM or anyone looking for a heartwarming story about an underdog team rising to victory.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 10 to 14.

All four boys are from Mexican families. Three boys and their families are undocumented and living in the US. One, Luis, was eventually able to get a green card.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild profanity used very infrequently.

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
One boy prays to the Virgin Mary before the competition.

Violent Content
One boy gets into fights as a result of kids picking on him. All of them experience bullying at one time.

Drug Content
One boy’s father drinks alcohol often, leading him to avoid being home as much as possible.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of SPARE PARTS in exchange for my honest review.

Review: The Secret Life of Bees by Moira Butterfield

The Secret Life of Bees: Meet the Bees of the World with Buzzwing the Honeybee
Moira Butterfield
Illustrated by Vivian Mineker
Words Pictures
Published May 11, 2021

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About The Secret Life of Bees

Follow Buzzwing the honeybee on a beautifully illustrated journey through the world of bees filled with amazing science and intriguing folklore.

Welcome to my honey hive home.
It’s where I live with my family.
I’m small and fuzzy and striped black and gold.
I’m Buzzwing the hard-working honey bee!

Did you know that bees love to dance? Or that they have an amazing sense of smell to help them find the best flowers? In THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES, Buzzwing shares with you all the details of her life as a bee, in and out of the hive, starting with the day she was born.

Learn the secrets of this worker bee’s tiny world, including:
The bee life cycle.
Bee anatomy.
How bees collect nectar and make honey.
What happens inside the hive.
The different types of bees.
Why bees are so important to humans.
How bees can thrive in the city.
Bee folk tales from around the world.

With things to search for and find throughout, tips for making your own environment welcoming to bees, and even a poetry-writing exercise, THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES is brimming with reasons to admire and respect the hardworking honeybee.

Sumptuous and detailed illustrations have pride of place in this magical guide to bees that mixes natural history with a splash of fantasy—a book to be pored over time and again.

My Review

I’ve actually had this book for a long time, but somehow I missed reviewing it on my blog before now. I thought of it when I did my post on great books on the environment for kids in April for Earth Day, and I was surprised that when I looked, I hadn’t posted a review.

So now here I am, reviewing. At last!

SECRET LIFE OF BEES is one of those slightly deceiving books– from the outside, it looks all cute and maybe a little bit silly. But inside, it’s packed with a ton of real information about how bees live. There are descriptions of different types of bees and where they make their hives. There is a really great breakdown of how a honeybee hive operates.

Another great thing that’s included are short folktales or stories about bees. So the book really covers a lot of bases in terms of teaching kids about bees as an animal, some folk tales about them, and the last section of the book discusses conservation and what we can do to help protect bee populations.

SECRET LIFE OF BEES is a book that we’ve picked up off our shelf to read many times. The pictures are really engaging, and it’s truly packed with great information. I think any young readers interested in gardening or nature or conservation will love it.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

All about bees.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content

Violent Content

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Review: She Deserves Better by Sheila Wray Gregoire, Rebecca Gregoire Lindenback, and Joanna Sawatsky

She Deserves Better: Raising Girls to Resist Toxic Teachings on Sex, Self, and Speaking Up
Sheila Wray Gregoire, Rebecca Gregoire Lindenback, and Joanna Sawatsky
Published April 18, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About She Deserves Better

You want your daughter to thrive–to be strong, confident, and equipped to step into the life God has for her.

But what if the church is setting your daughter up to be small?

Armed with data from an all-new survey of over 7,000 women, the authors of THE GREAT SEX RESCUE reveal how experiences in church as teens affect women’s self-esteem and relationships today. They expose common evangelical teachings that can backfire–the purity emphasis that can cause shame rather than good choices, the dating rules that can prime your daughter for abuse, and the one overarching belief that can keep her from setting healthy boundaries.

Instead, the authors advocate biblically grounded, freeing messages that are more about the dos and less about the don’ts. By reframing (and sometimes replacing) common evangelical messages to teen girls, this book will equip you to raise a daughter who can navigate the tumultuous teenage years while still clinging tightly to Jesus.

You can raise your daughter with the discernment to resist toxic teachings. Because she deserves better than a faith that keeps her small.

“Sheila, Rebecca, and Joanna are an all-star team, confronting the harm done to our daughters in both the church and the world. The title says it all. Full stop. Our daughters deserve better! This book is full of thorough research, refreshingly commonsense biblical wisdom, and practical help on how to talk with our daughters and prepare them for confidence and maturity.”–Aimee Byrd, author of The Sexual Reformation –This text refers to the paperback edition.

Why I’m Reviewing She Deserves Better

I’m finding writing up my review to be a bit overwhelming, so I’m going to break it down into sections to help me focus my thoughts. First, let’s talk about why I decided to review this book.

I was raised in what would now probably be identified as a fundamentalist/evangelical church. To be honest, I had some good and bad experiences there. That complexity sometimes makes it hard for me to sort out my feelings about certain faith-based things. Though I am still myself a Christian, I am not part of the evangelical community. I once heard someone describe her family as Liberal Christians, and I would say that’s a label that’s closer to accurate for me.

Periodically, I dip my toes into the Christian literary market to try to find books and resources that resonate with me and are things I can confidently promote. Sometimes I regret it. But other times I find books that deeply energize me and encourage me in my faith journey.

I first heard about SHE DESERVES BETTER on one of the authors’ Twitter pages during some discourse about church scandals and the treatment of women in the church. As I read more of the posts on the author’s page, I found I agreed with several of her statements. When I noticed she was part of a team of three women who had a book for moms and daughters coming out, I decided to try to get a copy for review.

Rejecting Purity Culture But Replacing It with… What?

My home growing up didn’t adhere to some fundamentalist ideas, (my mom has always been an assertive person who expresses her views, for example) but we were part of a church community that absolutely preached the values and ideas of purity culture.

While I’ve rejected… most? all? I’m not thoroughly sure here… of those ideas, I’ve struggled to find healthier/more reasonable ways to express what I do believe about some of these issues. For example, I recently had a conversation with a family member about the way my daughter dresses. I don’t have a problem with the way she dresses, but this family member had some concerns and related those concerns in the language of purity culture. “She needs to remember there are boys in the house while she’s wearing those things,” etc.

I defended my daughter (the problem seemed to be that she’s young and curvy) and pretty plainly said that I would not make the burden of someone else’s possible thoughts her responsibility. But I struggled to explain my parental boundaries for her clothing choices. I do have them. But they’re about how she feels about herself and what she thinks about her body, not what someone else thinks. Still, I found myself wishing for a resource to help me quantify this and help me reassure my daughter. I also handle wanted better tools to handle people coming at me with purity culture complaints so I can respond in a way I find satisfying.

My Review of She Deserves Better

Lemme give you the nutshell version first. While I didn’t agree 100% with everything the authors said and how they said it, I came pretty close. I loved the premise of the book. I loved the consistent calls to do what is healthy and loving. The authors also state multiple times the importance of being in a church community that is itself healthy and supportive of young women. They go so far as to counsel families to leave churches with toxic teaching because of the potential damage it can cause. I recommend this book to anyone raised in purity culture and/or anyone raising girls in the church today.

Essentially, they studied the effects of the purity culture movement and other teachings that young women in evangelical churches are often still being taught today. A bible verse warns us to look at the outcomes of behavior using the metaphor of trees producing fruit. If a tree produces bad fruit, the tree should be cut down and tossed in the fire. So the authors break down different teachings and looks at the outcomes. For example, they look at the effects of teaching a girl that her outfit choice can cause a man to sin. Does this make her more likely to end up in an abusive marriage? Does it make her more likely to have low self-esteem? To report problems in her sexual relationship? (Yes to all these.) Things like that.

Tools to Process My Own Experiences and Teach My Daughter a Healthier Way

There were certain chapters that read like pages out of my own life. It was honestly pretty eerie. I’ve known for a long time that some things I believed in high school and shortly afterward were wrong and dangerous, but those beliefs absolutely cost me. They left me vulnerable to situations in which bad stuff happened. They left me feeling as though I didn’t have choices in things that happened, and that I didn’t have any allies to whom I could turn for support.

So. Yeah. I don’t want to pass any of that on to my daughter. We’ve done a lot of learning about consent and a lot of teaching about personal boundaries and expectations. All of the things I’ve learned about those topics lined up with what the authors were saying here in SHE DESERVES BETTER.

I loved that again and again the book comes back to asking the question, “what happens to girls who were raised with these teachings?” That’s so important. We know that some of these things are really harmful, and it’s time to stop teaching them, and to push back in spaces where they are still being taught.

Topics Explored in She Deserves Better

Here’s a list of some of the topics/teachings explored in the book:

  • How teachings regarding feelings, especially anxiety and depression, can impact a girl’s health and life.
  • How teachings on boundaries impact girls and the importance of teaching girls they can set personal boundaries and expect them to be respected.
  • How dating and dating rules impact a girl’s lifelong relationships.
  • Learning to and teaching girls to identify red flags for toxic or dangerous people.
  • How a comprehensive sex education empowers girls to be safer and happier longterm.
  • How teachings about consent impact girls (and boys).
  • How teachings about modesty or clothing choices impacts how girls see themselves and others.
  • How teachings about leadership and submission impact girls.

Each chapter gives examples from the authors’ research supporting their assertions. They also offer conversations topics and exercises that moms and daughters could work through together.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 16 up.

Doesn’t specify race details in any of the text or example stories. The intended audience is evangelical Christians.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
The authors use a metaphor about a candy that tasted delicious but caused explosive diarrhea to describe the harmfulness of teaching that looks or seems biblical at first but is not and causes harm.

Romance/Sexual Content
A fair amount of the book focuses on the way parents and church leaders teach girls about sex and relationships. It discusses how those teachings impact the likelihood of good or bad outcomes (happy marriages versus abusive relationships, etc).

The authors talk about the damage caused by rejecting a child or their feelings if they come to you to reveal their gender or sexual identity. Essentially the authors point out that being a part of a faith community generally lowers a child’s chance of experiencing suicidal thoughts or attempting suicide unless they are LGBTQIA+. Then, participation in a church community actually increases the likelihood they’ll have those thoughts or attempts.

Later on, the authors refer to an LGBTQIA+ identity as an “unwanted identity”. I’m not sure from the context if they’re intending to speak globally or referring to the feelings of homophobic parents.

The authors very plainly ask parents to choose to validate and love their kids no matter the feelings they have. They emphasize the importance of support from within their faith community.

Spiritual Content
The core premise of the book is to approach teachings about sex and modesty in the church and look at their effect on specifically women’s lives. Do those teachings bear good fruit, as described in Matthew 7:17-18?

Violent Content
Brief mentions of domestic violence, assault and abusive relationships.

Drug Content
Mentions of teens drinking alcohol and using drugs (as a negative behavior).

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of SHE DESERVES BETTER in exchange for my honest review.

6 Books That Will Get Your Kids Outside

Earth Day is Saturday April 22, so I’ve been thinking about books that inspire me and my girls to plant a real live tree, spend time outdoors, or maybe try composting (this is going to happen this year!). I love reading books that help us connect with nature through activities or simple suggestions. Though this list is short, it’s pretty broad. You’ll find a book about using nature to navigate from one place to another with real activities teaching you to do so as well as a nature guide and a nature craft and activity book. All of these books made me want to get outside and really notice the world around me. I hope you find some new favorites on this list of books that will get your kids outside, too.

6 Books That Will Get Your Kids Outside

How to Go Anywhere (And Not Get Lost) by Hans Aschim

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: This book explains the science and history of navigation and sets up activities you can do outside to navigate using information from the natural world around you– trees, sun, stars, etc.

Ages: 8 up | Published March 30, 2021 | My Review

Outdoor School: Tree, Wildflower, and Mushroom Spotting by Mary Kay Carson and John D. Dawson

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: Part nature guide, part journal. Teaches about classes of plants as well as how to identify specific species according to its unique characteristics. Journal spaces allow you to record plant sightings, drawings, and other notes.

Ages: 10-14 | Published February 28, 2023 | My Review

Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Adults by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: I had heard really great things about the adult version of this book, so when I saw that there was a young adult version, I jumped at the chance to read and review it here. I loved the introspective questions, the history and ecology lessons woven together in perfect harmony.

Ages: 12 up | Published November 1, 2022 | My Review

The Environment: Explore, Create and Investigate by Jonathon Litton

Amazon | BookshopGoodreads

What you need to know: I really liked the broad reach of the information it offers and pairs with experiments and activities. Perfect for use with a science unit or to inspire summer crafts.

Ages: 6-12 | Published September 22, 2020 | My Review

Girl Warriors by Rachel Sarah

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: 25 profiles of young climate activists under 25 years old, how they got started making changes and how their work impacts communities across the globe. I found these stories incredibly inspiring and hopeful.

Ages: 8 up | Published April 6, 2021 | My Review

Make This Book Wild by Jo Schofield and Fiona Danks

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: A super fun craft and activity book. Each page has instructions for a craft or journal that requires going into nature in order to complete it. A perfect way to get creative kids outside touching and looking closely at nature.

Ages: 6-12 | Published April 12, 2022 | My Review

What books will get your kids outside to interact with nature?

Are there books that inspire you or your kids to step outside and feel the grass? Maybe plant a tree or garden? What are your family’s favorite books about being outside?

More Books on Nature and the Environment

Here’s another list of ten books about the environment and nature for young readers.

Review: Make This Book Wild by Jo Shofield and Fiona Danks

Make This Book Wild
Jo Schofield and Fiona Danks
Wide-Eyed Editions
Published April 12, 2022

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Make This Book Wild

From the authors behind The Stick Book and many other outdoor adventure favorites, this interactive one-of-a-kind creative scrapbook offers children an outlet for creativity inspired by the wild world. 
This truly unique book contains prompts for all kinds of creative activity based around the natural world around us, from drawing to writing to mixed-media collage.
Readers will be encouraged to draw on their creativity, to express themselves without fear of being judged, and to make their book really WILD!
They will need scissors, pens, paints, tape, glue and a magnifying glass, plus lots of wild materials and their wildest creativity, as this book becomes filled with keepsakes from their own outdoor adventures.
From finding the faces hidden in pictures of trees, to collecting ingredients for a spell to keep nature safe, to sticking the feathers back onto a mythical bird, these prompts and activities will provide hours and hours of entertainment as they take children on flights of fantasy through the natural world.
Readers can color outside the lines, do the activities in any order and go at their own pace.
The mixture of art, creative writing, collecting, games, wildlife-watching and imaginative prompts will appeal to kids with all kinds of interests, and there are no rules!

My Review

This is such a cute, imaginative book! I love that it pairs imagination and nature together, celebrating curiosity and creativity along with opportunities to learn about the world around us.

I requested this book hoping that my daughter would be able to use this for some outside activities. There are definitely some things in here that she can do, but some of the activities are probably better for older kids, like maybe eight or ten years old. I think she would love making berry ink and creating little fairy outfits out of leaves and flower petals. There’s another activity in which you mash up some banana and mix with water to create a food for butterflies. Then you watch to see if any come to eat. I’m sure she would love that, and the similar one for birds. Although, where we live, it’s likely the squirrels will show up first and try to eat all the bird snacks. Ha.

All in all, I’m really impressed with the cleverness and creative approach this book takes to nature. The book contains more than 60 activities to do outside (or do with items collected from outside). So, it provides a LOT of opportunities to visit nature and spend time noticing the natural world around us. I’m a huge fan. I’m also eager to see how many of these activities my daughter and I can try out together.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.


Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
The book contains pictures of fairies and dragons and things like that.

Violent Content

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of MAKE THIS BOOK WILD in exchange for my honest review.