Summertime Update

Summertime Frenzy

My summer started in a frenzy. My youngest daughter has been battling eczema caused by allergies, so we’ve been scrambling to figure out what causes flare-ups (so far culprits include milk, nuts, wool, and polyester) and then structuring life around avoiding those no-nos. My older daughter is officially a teenager now, which has been awesome in terms of being able to pass some more YA books her way, and because we get to spend a lot of time this summer talking about big life things. A few favorite topics around our house: social justice, what it means to really love others, and best Downton Abbey or Jane Austen characters.

I’m falling a bit behind on reviews and have completely … Continue reading

Review: Jess, Chunk, and the Road Trip to Infinity by Kristin Elizabeth Clark

Jess Chunk and the Road Trip to Infinity by Kristin Elizabeth ClarkJess, Chunk and the Road Trip to Infinity
Kristin Elizabeth Clark
Farrar, Straus, and Giroux Books for Young Readers
Published November 8, 2016

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About Jess, Chunk, and the Road Trip to Infinity

The last time Jess saw her father, she was a boy named Jeremy. Now she’s a high school graduate, soon to be on her way to art school. But first, Jess has some unfinished business with her dad. So she’s driving halfway across the country to his wedding. He happens to be marrying her mom’s ex-best friend. It’s not like Jess wasn’t invited; she was. … Continue reading