About Kasey

Reads things. Writes things. Fluent in sarcasm. Willful optimist. Cat companion, chocolate connoisseur, coffee drinker. There are some who call me Mom.

Review: Her Story, Her Strength by Sarah Parker Rubio

Her Story, Her Strength by Sarah Parker Rubio shows cartoon illustrations of women from the Bible in a three by three grid.

Her Story, Her Strength
Sarah Parker Rubio
Published March 7, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Her Story, Her Strength

Girls are beautifully and wonderfully made in God’s image. This comprehensive collection of stories focused on 50 women of the Bible shows how God worked in their lives and continues to have a plan and a purpose for his beloved daughters today.

In a world that too often tells girls that they are not enough, HER STORY, HER STRENGTH uses biblical retellings and reflections that include the historical context behind each story … Continue reading

Review: Total Garbage by Rebecca Donnelly and John Hendrix

Total Garbage by Rebecca Donnelly and John D. Dawson

Total Garbage: A Messy Dive into Trash, Waste, and Our World
Rebecca Donnelly and John Hendrix
Henry Holt & Co.
Published March 7, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Total Garbage

Total Garbage by Rebecca Donnelly dives into the messy truth about trash, garbage, waste, and our world—it’s a fact-filled and fascinating illustrated middle grade environmental read!

Trash has been part of human societies since the beginning. It seems like the inevitable end to the process of making and using things—but why?

In this fascinating account of the waste we make, we’ll wade into the muck of history and explore present-day STEM innovations to answer these important … Continue reading

Review: My Dear Henry by Kalynn Bayron

My Dear Henry by Kalynn Bayron

My Dear Henry: A Jekyll and Hyde Remix
Kalynn Bayron
Feiwel & Friends
Published March 7, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About My Dear Henry

In this gothic YA remix of DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE, a teen boy tries to discover the reason behind his best friend’s disappearance—and the arrival of a mysterious and magnetic stranger—in misty Victorian London.

London, 1885. Gabriel Utterson, a 17-year-old law clerk, has returned to London for the first time since his life— and that of his dearest friend, Henry Jekyll—was derailed by a scandal that led to his and Henry’s expuslion from the London Medical School. Whispers about the true nature of Gabriel and … Continue reading

Review: Making More by Katherine Roy

Making More by Katherine Roy cover shows drawings of a mother and baby deer in the center. A hummingbird on the left. Salmon on the right. Two ladybugs in the bottom left corner.

Making More: How Life Begins
Katherine Roy
Norton Young Readers
Published March 7, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Making More

Everywhere, all around you, life is making more. From fish to mammals and plants to insects, every organism on Earth must reproduce, and the survival of each species―and of life itself―depends on this and on the diversity it creates.

In this groundbreaking book, Katherine Roy distills the science of reproduction into its simplest components: organisms must meet, merge their DNA, … Continue reading

20 Most-Anticipated Middle Grade Books Coming Spring 2023

20 Amazing Middle Grade Books Coming Spring 2023

I don’t know about anyone else, but I am super ready for spring– especially when I look at all the incredible middle grade books coming out this season! As I started putting together this list, I was amazed to realize that, for me, there are 20 most-anticipated middle grade books coming spring 2023.

I’ve included a few nonfiction titles on this list, which is unusual for me, but they were such great books that I couldn’t NOT talk about them. I hope you enjoy the list and find lots to add to your reading lists.

20 Most-Anticipated Middle Grade Books Coming Spring 2023

Total Garbage by Rebecca Donnelly  … <a class= Continue reading

Review: Missing Clarissa by Ripley Scott

Missing Clarissa by Ripley Jones cover shows a long gold chain with a blue teardrop stone and the title in capital letters on pieces of duct tape.

Missing Clarissa
Ripley Jones
Wednesday Books
Published March 7, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Missing Clarissa

In a gripping novel perfect for fans of Sadie and A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, two best friends start a true crime podcast—only to realize they may have helped a killer in the process.

In August of 1999, dazzlingly popular cheerleader Clarissa Campbell disappears from a party in the woods outside the rural town of Oreville, Washington and is never seen again. The police question her friends, teachers, and the adults who knew her—who all have something … Continue reading