Review: Banned Together edited by Ashley Hope Pérez

Banned Together by Ashley Hope Pérez

Banned Together
Ashley Hope Pérez
Holiday House
Published March 4, 2025

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Banned Together

A dazzling YA anthology that spotlights the transformative power of books while equipping teens to fight for the freedom to read, featuring the voices of 15 diverse, award-winning authors and illustrators.

Books are disappearing from shelves across the country.

What does this mean for authors, illustrators, and—most crucially—for young readers?

This bold collection of fiction, memoir, poetry, graphic narratives, essays, and other genres explores book bans through various lenses, and empowers teens to fight back. From moving personal accounts to clever comebacks aimed at censorship, fifteen … Continue reading

Fall 2024 Backlist Reading Check-In

Fall 2024 Backlist Reading Check-in

Fall 2024 Backlist Reading Check-In

Normally, I start a post like this at the beginning of the season and add to it as I finish reading each book. That gives me a diary-like record of my experience with each book, which I enjoy looking back at later.

This time, I forgot to start the post and only remembered about it in mid-November when I began making my calendar of list posts for next year. At any rate, I did manage to get my Fall 2024 backlist reading list together, and I’m excited to talk about some of these books.

I somehow managed to get to a lot more backlist titles than I thought I did. My … Continue reading

Banned Book Review: The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

The Bluest Eye
Toni Morrison
Published June 24, 2007 (Orig. 1970)

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About The Bluest Eye

Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison powerfully examines our obsession with beauty and conformity—and asks questions about race, class, and gender with her characteristic subtly and grace.
In Morrison’s bestselling first novel, Pecola Breedlove—an 11-year-old Black girl in an America whose love for its blond, blue-eyed children can devastate all others—prays for her eyes to turn blue: so that she will be beautiful, so that people will look at her, so that her world will be different. This is the story of the nightmare … Continue reading

Winter 2024 Backlist Check-in

Winter 2024 Backlist Check-in

Last year, I started doing a seasonal backlist reading check-in so I could share a little bit about some of the backlist titles I’d been reading. I prioritize frontlist reviews since I often get copies of those from publishers, so putting them up is more time-sensitive. But there are always titles I didn’t get to when they came out that I manage to fit in afterward– often as audiobooks.

As you can see, I’ve been busy since my Fall Backlist reading update, so this is going to be a long list. Several of these books are graphic novels that I got for Christmas for somewhat unselfish reasons. (I wanted to read them and also to offer them to … Continue reading

Top Ten Tuesday: 2022 Summer Reading List

Summer Reading List

Top Ten Tuesday: 2022 Summer Reading List

School has been out where I live for almost a month, so we’re nearly halfway through with summer here. A few weeks ago, I posted this list of 25 new summer releases that I can’t wait to read. Lately, though, I’ve been finding myself reaching for some of backlist titles. Since most of my lists feature upcoming books, I don’t get a lot of chances to talk about backlist titles that I’m reading or longing to. So, today I’m giving those books the spotlight. Here are my top ten backlist titles at the top of my 2022 summer reading list.

Note: Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme … Continue reading

Banned Books Giveaway: 15 Books I’ve Reviewed on the Krause Banned Books List

15 Books I’ve Reviewed on the Krause Banned Books List

What happened: Recently a Texas congressman compiled a list of hundreds of books he feels could cause students distress based on their race or sex and has asked school libraries to alert him about how many titles they have on their shelves. The governor has been conducting similar inquiries, and it looks like at least one district has pulled over 400 books from their shelves in response to pressure from politicians and some parents.

It seems really weird to me that politicians in a state which values personal freedom over protecting the community from a potentially deadly virus through mask wearing, think … Continue reading