Tag Archives: Jewish

Review: The Girl Who Sang by Estelle Nadel, Sammy Savos, and Bethany Strout

The Girl Who Sang by Estelle Nadel shows a girl standing on a grassy hill with images of soldiers, yellow stars, and a partially obscured flag behind her.

The Girl Who Sang: A Holocaust Memoir of Hope and Survival
Estelle Nadel
Illustrated by Sammy Savos
Edited by Bethany Strout
Roaring Brook Press
Published January 23, 2024

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About The Girl Who Sang: A Holocaust Memoir of Hope and Survival

A heartrending graphic memoir about a young Jewish girl’s fight for survival in Nazi-occupied Poland, THE GIRL WHO SANG illustrates the power of a brother’s love, the kindness of strangers, and finding hope when facing the unimaginable.

Born to a Jewish family in a small Polish village, Estelle Nadel―then known as Enia Feld―was just seven years old when the Nazis invaded Poland in 1939. Once a vibrant child with a song for every occasion, Estelle would eventually lose her voice as, over the next five years, she would survive the deaths of their mother, father, their eldest brother and sister, and countless others.

A child at the mercy of her neighbors during a terrifying time in history, THE GIRL WHO SANG is an enthralling first-hand account of Estelle’s fight for survival during World War II. She would weather loss, betrayal, near-execution, and spend two years away from the warmth of the sun―all before the age of eleven. And once the war was over, Estelle would walk barefoot across European borders and find remnants of home in an Austrian displaced persons camp before finally crossing the Atlantic to arrive in New York City―a young woman carrying the unseen scars of war.

Beautifully rendered in bright hues with expressive, emotional characters, debut illustrator Sammy Savos masterfully brings Estelle’s story of survival during the Holocaust to a whole new generation of readers. THE GIRL WHO SANG is perfect for fans of MARCH, MAUS, and ANNE FRANK’S DIARY.

My Review

What a powerful first-hand account of survival during the Nazi occupation of Poland. In the opening pages, we meet Enia’s family and see the quiet life they live in their small town. Then, as the Nazis invade, things change. Her family must hide. Enia feels afraid. She loses so many people, but always, when she needs help, someone steps up to help her.

Some of the scenes in the book are pretty chilling. There’s one brief series of panels that shows, from a distance, soldiers lining people up against a building. In the next image, red smudges the wall of the building, and the people are shown collapsed on the ground. The viewer easily understands they’ve been shot to death.

Thinking about this tiny girl never speaking above a whisper or standing up while she was in hiding can’t help but break your heart. Thinking about her brother, who was only a few years older than she was, risking his life several times a week to look for food is also heartbreaking. I can’t begin to think about how I would process that anxiety– both from being the person going out and the person left behind. The resilience and devotedness of these siblings leaves me in awe.

I also love the decision to tell this story as a graphic memoir. Not only do the illustrations help to anchor the story in its setting, but they carefully lay out the story without needing to graphically describe some of the horrors Estelle and her family endured.

I think readers who were moved by THE LIBRARIAN OF AUSCHWITZ: THE GRAPHIC ADAPTATION or the graphic adaptations mentioned in the book description above will find this story equally moving and important.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 10 up.

Estelle (called Enia in the early pages of the book) and her family are Jewish and Polish.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
Enia believes her older sister and her sister’s sweetheart will get married.

She describes how her family used public showers in town once per week as part of getting ready for the Sabbath. One image shows a vague representation from a distance of Enia and her mother readying for a shower.

Spiritual Content
Enia celebrates Shabbat and Passover with her family. She also learns to prepare food according to Jewish rules so that the food is kosher.

Violent Content
Soldiers ransack Enia’s house, looking for valuables.

There’s one brief series of panels that shows, from a distance, soldiers lining people up against a building. In the next image, red smudges the wall of the building, and the people are shown collapsed on the ground. The viewer easily understands they’ve been shot to death. Enia is told that her mother was beaten by soldiers and likely shot to death the next morning. She’s told that other family members were shot as well and later learns they were killed in a gas chamber.

At one point, Enia witnesses soldiers beating her brother and begs for them to stop. The panels show simplified images that hint at the violence without being gratuitous.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of THE GIRL WHO SANG in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Hollowthorn by Kalyn Josephson

Hollowthorn (Ravenfall #2)
Kalyn Josephson
Delacorte Press
Published October 17, 2023

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About Hollowthorn

In this spellbinding sequel to RAVENFALL, two kids with supernatural powers must venture into the Otherworld to protect the Tree of Life from a terrifying foe—or risk losing the magic of Ravenfall forever.

Best friends Anna and Colin defeated the King of the Dead on Halloween night, saving the magical Ravenfall Inn they call home. Now, with Hannukah approaching, the kids are looking forward to exploring their new powers—and maybe enjoying a little challah and peppermint cocoa, too.

But then a Raven—a guardian of the supernatural world—shows up at their doorstep with a warning. A demon from Jewish lore is hunting the Tree of Life, a source of untold power and immortality. If they can’t stop him, they risk losing the magic of Ravenfall forever.

As they venture into the Otherworld, Anna and Colin discover a wondrous, menacing realm full of mythological creatures… but is the true danger closer than they think?

My Review

This book begins pretty much right where RAVENFALL ends. Anna and her family are in the midst of running the inn at Ravenfall, but something has gone weird with the inn’s magic. Anna and Colin get what they’ve been truly hoping for: a magical quest with Anna’s dad and a possible new mentor for Colin.

Lots of scenes feature everyone’s favorite cat-who-is-not-a-cat, Max, the cat-slash-jabberwocky. I loved getting to know more of Max’s history and learning how his magic works.

Anna also gets to hone her magic and has chances to make big moves in the story. That was a lot of fun. I also liked the development in the friendship between Anna and Colin, though it wasn’t a central part of the story. They were more living out stories side by side in this book.

I felt like the ending was really satisfying, but it also leaves some room for the third book in the series, WITCHWOOD, which will be out next fall.

I think readers who enjoy stories about magical woods or family magic will find lots to love in this book. Fans of RAVENFALL will enjoy revisiting the quirky, magical world of the first book.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 10 to 14.

Anna and her family are Jewish.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
Some characters have the ability to perform magic. There are also magical objects that bestow or enhance magical abilities. Mentions of Samhain and Yule celebrations. Mentions of Hanukkah celebrations and Jewish traditions. One character hears voices of spirits and ghosts because of being related to and connected to the power of the god of the dead.

Violent Content
Situations of peril.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of HOLLOWTHORN in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Wrath Becomes Her by Aden Polydoros

Wrath Becomes Her
Aden Polydoros
Inkyard Press
Published October 10, 2023

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About Wrath Becomes Her

FRANKENSTEIN meets INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS in this stunning Jewish historical horror novel from the award-winning author of THE CITY BEAUTIFUL.

Vera was made for vengeance.

Lithuania, 1943. A father drowns in the all-consuming grief of a daughter killed by the Nazis. He can’t bring Chaya back from the dead, but he can use kishuf — an ancient and profane magic — to create a golem in her image. A Nazi killer, to avenge her death.

When Vera awakens, she can feel her violent purpose thrumming within her. But she can also feel glimpses of a human life lived, of stolen kisses amidst the tragedy, and of a grisly death. And when she meets Akiva, she recognizes the boy with soft lips that gave warm kisses. But these memories aren’t hers, and Vera doesn’t know if she gets—or deserves —to have a life beyond what she was made for.

Vera’s strength feels limitless—until she learns that there are others who would channel kishuf for means far less noble than avenging a daughter’s death. As she confronts the very basest of humanity, Vera will need more than what her creator gave Not just a reason to fight, but a reason to live. 

My Review

This is the first book by Aden Polydoros that I’ve read. I started BONE WEAVER, but got pulled away from the book before I could finish it. I knew from that that I liked the writing style, so I felt pretty confident that I would like this book– and I did!

The subject is pretty dark, and the story takes place in winter in Lithuania, so it’s freezing cold in the middle of a war in which the Jews aren’t guaranteed to be safe even from the soldiers fighting against the Germans.

Vera’s exploration of her identity and her desperation to understand humanity reminded me a lot of the book FRANKENSTEIN. She knows she’s other, but she has such deep human impulses and desires, and at first, she idolizes humans. The more she sees war and how people treat one another, the less enamored she is with people.

I thought the story might follow a well-established pattern in which the idea of personhood is explored and romance happens between a created being and a human. There are some hints of romance, especially on Vera’s side, but the story doesn’t center around romantic love.

I really liked the ending of the book. It wasn’t simple, but it felt right to me. I think readers who enjoyed THIS REBEL HEART by Katherine Locke will like this one, too.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Major characters are Jewish.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Extreme profanity used infrequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between boy and girl.

Spiritual Content
References to celebrating Shabbos. References to Jewish folklore, history, and religious texts.

Violent Content
Situations of peril. Warfare. References to torture. Graphic descriptions of injuries sustained in battles.

Drug Content
A soldier drinks Vodka from a flask and uses it to wash a wound.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of WRATH BECOMES HER in exchange for my honest review.

Review: A Sky Full of Song by Susan Lynn Meyer

A Sky Full of Song
Susan Lynn Meyer
Union Square Kids
Published April 11, 2023

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About A Sky Full of Song

This heartwarming, beautifully written middle-grade historical novel about an untold American frontier story is destined to be a cherished classic. 
North Dakota, 1905
After fleeing persecution in the Russian Empire, eleven-year-old Shoshana and her family, Jewish immigrants, start a new life on the prairie. Shoshana takes fierce joy in the wild beauty of the plains and the thrill of forging a new, American identity. But it’s not as simple for her older sister, Libke, who misses their Ukrainian village and doesn’t pick up English as quickly or make new friends as easily. Desperate to fit in, Shoshana finds herself hiding her Jewish identity in the face of prejudice, just as Libke insists they preserve it.
For the first time, Shoshana is at odds with her beloved sister, and has to look deep inside herself to realize that her family’s difference is their greatest strength. By listening to the music that’s lived in her heart all along, Shoshana finds new meaning in the Jewish expression all beginnings are difficult, as well as in the resilience and traditions her people have brought all the way to the North Dakota prairie.

My Review

Maybe the quickest way to describe this book is AN AMERICAN TAIL meets LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE. I loved that the story showed both Shoshana’s life in Liubashevka (Ukraine) and her experiences on the farm in North Dakota. The bonds between her and her family members felt very natural– especially as she reconnected to her father and brother, who had been in America for a long time.

One of my favorite characters is, of course, the cat, Zissel. Bringing the cat with her from New York showed so much of Shoshana’s impulsiveness and her love for animals. I loved how that choice had an unexpected outcome, too.

The story briefly acknowledges that the Dakota people were cruelly forced from the land Shoshana’s family has settled on. Shoshana thinks of the way the government in Russia treated her family and empathizes with the plight of indigenous people.

A SKY FULL OF SONG is a sweet story, featuring music, celebrations of faith and family as well as sharing a moment in history with young readers. I had a lot of fun reading this one, and I love that it included a cat!

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

Shoshana and her family are Jewish and emigrated from Ukraine.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Boys and a man in town use racist slurs toward Shoshana and her family.

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
Shoshana’s family affixes a mezuzah to their door, honoring their Jewish faith. They celebrate Shabbos together. Shoshana and her family light a menorah and sing a prayer as part of their celebration of Chanukah. The other girls at school make plans to celebrate Christmas with a performance and decorations at school.

Violent Content
See profanity/crude language content. Boys at school bully Shoshana, and one grabs her wrist, bruising her. A sudden blizzard catches characters off guard, putting their lives and the life of an animal in danger.

Drug Content
Brief reference to men being drunk and laughing or stumbling.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of A SKY FULL OF SONG in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Going Bicoastal by Dahlia Adler

Going Bicoastal
Dahlia Adler
Wednesday Books
Published June 13, 2023

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About Going Bicoastal

A queer SLIDING DOORS YA rom-com in which a girl must choose between summer in NYC with her dad (and the girl she’s always wanted) or LA with her estranged mom (and the guy she never saw coming).

In Dahlia Adler’s GOING BICOASTAL, there’s more than one path to happily ever after.

Natalya Fox has twenty-four hours to make the biggest choice of her life: stay home in NYC for the summer with her dad (and finally screw up the courage to talk to the girl she’s been crushing on), or spend it with her basically estranged mom in LA (knowing this is the best chance she has to fix their relationship, if she even wants to.) (Does she want to?)

How’s a girl supposed to choose?

She can’t, and so both summers play out in alternating timelines – one in which Natalya explores the city, tries to repair things with her mom, works on figuring out her future, and goes for the girl she’s always wanted. And one in which Natalya explores the city, tries to repair things with her mom, works on figuring out her future, and goes for the guy she never saw coming.

My Review

The thing I keep thinking about with this book is how smart it is to show two separate relationships at once, one with a girl and the other with a boy, to represent bisexuality. Showing both relationships side by side really makes the point that both are options and that one identity contains both possibilities at the same time. It is such a cool way to emphasize that point.

I also really liked Nat as a character. She’s artistic and sweet, a little bit of a people pleaser, and she’s in the midst of trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life. She feels like everyone else has it all figured out, which makes her feel like she’s somehow already behind. She brings her whole heart to a relationship and shows up to help her friends when they’re in need.

Though the story follows two separate timelines, there are things that appear in both stories, which I also thought was cool. It made those moments feel like they were pretty central to what would become Nat’s life story. I liked seeing the way some things played out at different times but often in a similar or the same way.

All in all, I’d definitely say this is a great summer romance to put on your reading list. It’s fun and sweet, with celebrations of music and food, so there’s a lot to love about it.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Natalya is Jewish and bisexual. She’s part of a diverse friend group.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Extreme profanity used pretty frequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between two girls. Kissing between a boy and girl. Some scenes talk about making out without shirts on. In two scenes, it’s clear the couple have sex, but the description of the event is largely kept private, with a couple details giving us an idea of what goes on.

Spiritual Content
Natalya celebrates Shabbos every Friday night with her dad as well as other Jewish holidays. Her mom, though, is not religious, and it has been a point of conflict between her, Nat, and Nat’s dad.

Violent Content

Drug Content
References to teens drinking at a party. At a show, Nat’s girlfriend uses a fake ID to get alcoholic drinks for them.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of GOING BICOASTAL in exchange for my honest review.

Review: The Gray by Chris Baron

The Gray
Chris Baron
Feiwel & Friends
Published June 13, 2023

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About The Gray

The Gray is a sensitively told middle grade story from Chris Baron about living with anxiety and finding ways to cope.

It’s been a tough year for Sasha―he’s been bullied at his middle school and his anxiety, which he calls the Gray, is growing. Sasha’s dad tells him to “toughen up”―and he does, but with unfortunate, hurtful results. His parents and therapist agree that a summer in the country with his aunt might be the best medicine, but it’s the last place he wants to be. He’ll be away from his best friend, video games, and stuck in the house that reminds him of his beloved uncle who died two years earlier.

His aunt is supportive, and there are lots of places to explore, and even some potential new friends. When Sasha is introduced at a local ranch to a horse coincidentally–incredibly–nicknamed the Gray, he feels he’s found a kindred spirit.

But his own Gray is ever-present. When one of his new friends disappears, Sasha discovers that the country is wilder and more mysterious than he imagined. He tries to muster enough courage to help in the search . . . but will the Gray hold him back?

My Review

I’m so excited to FINALLY get to read a book by Chris Baron. I’ve heard so many positive things, and I actually think I have his other books, but this is the first I’ve read.

From the beginning, I definitely felt pulled into Sasha’s story and his anxiety symptoms. Some members of his family are super supportive, and he has a friend who has his back. But he has other relationships that are really challenging.

I loved the descriptions of his aunt’s home and property and the surrounding area. It sounded so green and peaceful (except for the ghosts!) and I loved the relationships he formed with other kids.

For Sasha, his anxiety manifests in kind of a physical way– in which his vision goes gray and foggy. Those descriptions made what he experienced so tangible. I liked that it kind of threw a veil between him and what was happening around him and made it clear what happened as he surfaced from that space.

I also loved the connection between him and his uncle. Even though he’d passed away, his memories of his uncle and the stories he shared helped Sasha see himself in a new, more positive way. They helped him feel less alone, too. So cool.

All in all, this is definitely a book I’d recommend not only for kids with anxiety but for anyone who’s felt alone or gone through painful changes in friendships.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

Sasha’s dad’s family immigrated to the US. Sasha and his family are Jewish. One minor character’s mom is in a relationship with another woman.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
Rumors say that the ghost of a missing girl visits the empty buildings of what used to be a Jewish summer camp. Sasha learns about what his uncle refers to as “worlds within worlds”, something that refers to the unexpected connections that happen in life and to some of the ways he experiences anxiety and the world around him.

Sasha’s aunt shares a story of Rabbi Akiva, who learned about the power of water to carve a stone over a long period of time. She shares this story in part to remind Sasha that change takes time and patience, but it is possible, even when it seems not to be.

Violent Content
Some instances of bullying. More than once, a group of kids surround Sasha. One boy hits him.

Another boy tells Sasha about an encounter he had in which he saw evidence that someone had hurt a little kid. Sasha learns what really happened to a boy who is rumored to be violent.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of THE GRAY in exchange for my honest review.