Review: Plain Jane and the Mermaid by Vera Brosgol

Plain Jane and the Mermaid by Vera Brosgol

Plain Jane and the Mermaid
Vera Brosgol
First Second
Published May 7, 2024

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About Plain Jane and the Mermaid

From Eisner Award winner Vera Brosgol comes an instant classic about courage, confidence, and inner beauty.
Jane is incredibly plain. Everyone says so: her parents, the villagers, and her horrible cousin who kicks her out of her own house. Determined to get some semblance of independence, Jane prepares to propose to the princely Peter, who might just say yes to get away from his father. It’s a good plan!

Or it would’ve been, … Continue reading

Review: The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton

The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton

The Belles (The Belles #1)
Dhonielle Clayton
Published February 6, 2018

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About The Belles

Camellia Beauregard is a Belle. In the opulent world of Orléans, Belles are revered, for they control Beauty, and Beauty is a commodity coveted above all else. In Orléans, the people are born gray, they are born damned, and only with the help of a Belle and her talents can they transform and be made beautiful.

But it’s not enough for Camellia to be just a Belle. She wants to be the favorite—the Belle chosen by the Queen of Orléans to live in the royal palace, to tend … Continue reading

Review: Beauty by Robin McKinley

Beauty by Robin McKinleyBeauty
Robin McKinley
Open Road Media
Published on November 8, 2014 (Originally published October 25, 1978)

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When Beauty’s family falls on reduced circumstances, she, her father, and two sisters move to a remote village rumored to be near an enchanted castle. Beauty and her sisters face their new lives bravely, learning to do chores and care for their new home. One night, after a long journey, their father returns home with a magical rose and a chilling story. He has met the Beast and ruler of the castle and now owes a debt: either his own life or the life of one of his daughters. … Continue reading

Review: The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani

The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani cover shows a black swan on the left, white swan on the right above a school crest of blue and white. In the lower foreground, a girl with short black hair faces left and a girl with white blonde hair looks at the camera.

The School for Good and Evil (School for Good and Evil #1)
Soman Chainani
Published on May 4, 2013

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Each year the schoolmaster collects two children from Sophie’s village. She longs to be chosen to attend the School for Good and grow up to be a fairy tale princess. Her best friend Agatha, hopes only to be left alone. … Continue reading

Review: A Different Me by Deborah Blumenthal

Different Me by Deborah BlumenthalA Different Me
Deborah Blumenthal
Albert Whitman & Company
Published October 14, 2014

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Allie has only one wish for her birthday this year. She wants surgery to fix everything wrong with her. Specifically, to correct the huge problem in the middle of her face: her nose.

Through an online forum, she meets two girls also waiting for nose jobs. Together they form a sisterhood, sharing insecurities, secret hopes and dreams, and crossing off the days until their procedures.

Then a mentoring project challenges Allie to look past her initial perceptions of people. She learns that there’s more to … Continue reading

Five Books I Couldn’t Stop Reading

In honor of summer’s approach, I wanted to do something a little different today. (A new review will be posted on Wednesday.)

When I was in school, I looked forward to the summer for all the usual reasons. One of my fond memories is taking family vacations with my family. We’d visit my grandparents in rural North Carolina and tube the creek, shop the flea market, hike in the woods and play Nintendo until deep into the night. But one of my most cherished evening activities during those lazy summer trips was reading. I’d often stumble upon an unexpected gem in one of the rundown flea market used book shops. Some of those books I read and reread until my copies came apart. Here are a few of the finds that never left me.


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