Tag Archives: BIPOC

Review: My Mechanical Romance by Alexene Farol Follmuth

My Mechanical Romance by Alexene Farol Follmuth

My Mechanical Romance
Alexene Farol Follmuth
Holiday House
Published May 31, 2022

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About My Mechanical Romance

Opposites attract in this battle-robot-building YA romance from the NYT best-selling author of THE ATLAS SIX.

Bel would rather die than think about the future. College apps? You’re funny. Extracurriculars? Not a chance. But when she accidentally reveals a talent for engineering at school, she’s basically forced into joining the robotics club. Even worse? All the boys ignore Bel—and Neelam, the only other girl on the team, doesn’t seem to like her either.

Enter Mateo Luna, captain of the club, who recognizes Bel as a potential asset—until they start butting heads. Bel doesn’t care about Nationals, while Teo cares too much. But as the nights of after-school work grow longer and longer, Bel and Teo realize they’ve made more than just a combat-ready robot for the championship: they’ve made each other and the team better. Because girls do belong in STEM.

In her YA debut, Alexene Farol Follmuth, author of THE ATLAS SIX (under the penname Olivie Blake), explores both the challenges girls of color face in STEM and the vulnerability of first love with unfailing wit and honesty. With an adorable, opposites-attract romance at its center and lines that beg to be read aloud, MY MECHANICAL ROMANCE is swoon-worthy perfection.

My Review

My favorite part of MY MECHANICAL ROMANCE is how unapologetically weird Bel is. I loved her sense of humor and the funny way she would put things. I also liked that she keeps that same off-beat weirdness through the whole story– it’s just who she is, and not something she ever really tones down to try to fit in.

Teo had to grow on me. At the beginning, he’s kind of a jerk. Really focused in on himself and not very able to see things from anyone else’s perspective. I liked the way he began to see things in a new way and that his journey had a lot of layers. It was important for him to recognize Bel’s giftedness and expertise, but I feel like if the story had stopped there, he would still have been a pretty shallow guy. Instead, he has to go a lot further to think about how his behavior and views impact the rest of the team and when those things, even if they’re well-intentioned, cause harm to the rest of his team.

I really enjoyed the team and competition aspects of the story, too, which surprised me. Robotics isn’t something I’ve ever been personally interested in, but I loved reading how Bel and Teo worked together to problem-solve different parts of their designs. And I had a great time reading the scenes describing the competitions. I felt like those really put me on the edge of my seat. They were so great!

All in all, this one was a big win for me. I love that it celebrates women in STEM and romance at the same time. Both those elements worked well together and made the story twice as enjoyable.

I think fans of TODAY TONIGHT TOMORROW by Rachel Lynn Solomon will enjoy this smart, funny book.

Content Notes for My Mechanical Romance

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

Bel is Filipino American. Teo is Mexican American and Jewish.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between boy and girl.

Spiritual Content
References to praying before dinner.

Violent Content
Robots battle each other in competition.

Drug Content
Teens drink alcohol at a party at Teo’s house.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of MY MECHANICAL ROMANCE in exchange for my honest review.

Review: The Insiders by Mark Oshiro

The Insiders
Mark Oshiro
Published September 21, 2021

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About The Insiders

San Francisco and Orangevale may be in the same state, but for Héctor Muñoz, they might as well be a million miles apart. Back home, being gay didn’t mean feeling different. At Héctor’s new school, he couldn’t feel more alone.

Most days, Héctor just wishes he could disappear. And he does. Right into the janitor’s closet. (Yes, he sees the irony.) But one day, when the door closes behind him, Héctor discovers he’s stumbled into a room that shouldn’t be possible. A room that connects him with two new friends from different corners of the country—and opens the door to a life-changing year full of magic, friendship, and adventure.

Three kids who don’t belong. A room that shouldn’t exist. A year that will change everything.

My Review

This book might break your heart. Not permanently. But. It follows Héctor, who’s just beginning at a new school in a new town. He becomes the target of a group of bullies. Though he’s usually pretty outspoken, he’s vulnerable– still trying to figure out how to find his footing in his new space. He has a supportive family, but worries they’ve got enough other things to stress over without needing to take on his troubles. He worries they’d be disappointed in him for not figuring things out for himself. Or for not standing up for himself or letting someone else’s behavior bother him so much.

His experience is so relatable. So raw and real. I love the gentle way the Room comforts and helps him. In some ways, the Room was my favorite character. Héctor is pretty tough to beat, though! I love his sense of humor and bold personality.

THE INSIDERS is one of those books that has a lot of things happening in the background in an understated way. One of Héctor’s teachers reacts to something he says or does in a way that made me think she knew about the Room, and maybe had her own experience with it herself. I love that it kind of stays ambiguous, too, because it hints at the Room being an ongoing force helping lonely kids without letting the story focus on an adult’s experience.

Some moments in the book were so achingly sad, but so many were also full of triumph and joy. This is a story that celebrates friendship, family, identity and food.

THE INSIDERS is the first book by Mark Oshiro that I’ve ever read, but I’m already thinking I need to go out and find all the other books they’ve written. I can’t wait to see more of their work.

I think readers who like HOW TO BECOME A PLANET by Nicole Melleby or FOREVERLAND by Nicole C. Kear will love this one.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

Héctor is gay and Latino. He has several other close friends who are LGBTQ and/or BIPOC.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Reference to a homophobic slur. The word itself is not used.

Romance/Sexual Content
A girl asks another girl to a school dance and is asked not to DJ the event because of it.

Spiritual Content
A room appears to Héctor and a couple other kids when they need it most. It transforms into whatever they need, from a janitor closet to a library to a coffee shop to a nap space. Sometimes it hints at solutions to problems they face.

Violent Content
Some homophobia and bullying. Though Héctor is never in critical physical danger, he bears some pretty deep wounds from the way his antagonists treat him, and even begins to experience some depression.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of THE INSIDERS in exchange for my honest review.